12 Amazing Benefits Of Basil (Tulsi) Oil For Skin And Hair

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Basil, also known as ‘Tulsi’ or ‘Tulasi’, is a sacred plant in India. Found in most Indian households, this leafy herb belongs to the mint family and is available in different varieties. Throughout the world, this wonder herb has been used for centuries in various forms like dried powder, herbal tea, or oil. It is believed to be the royal oil that strengthens the mind and heart. It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antidepressive. With so many beneficial qualities, it also helps in maintaining the health of the skin and hair. Let’s check out how basil oil can drastically change your skin and hair for better.

Benefits Of Basil Oil:

Basil oil’s anti-inflammatory property makes it an excellent skin remedy for irritations, small wounds, and sores. It has a soothing and relaxing effect that helps while dealing with eczema. Basil oil contains vitamin C that boosts skin cells metabolism. It maintains the skin collagen, which is responsible for dermis layer and its elasticity.

1. Purifies Blood from Toxins

Holy basil leaves are eaten raw by many as it helps to purify the blood from toxins and prevents outbreaks of pimples and acne.

2. Treats Acne

If you have an acne prone skin, then all you need to do is make a face pack using basil oil, sandalwood powder, rose water and lemon juice. Use this mix regularly, to get rid of acne forever.

3. Prevents Blackheads & Whiteheads Outburst

Blackheads and whiteheads are every teenager’s nightmare. To avoid getting these outbursts, mix together some basil oil, multani mitti (Fuller’s earth), honey and lemon juice and apply it on your face for 10 minutes daily. Rinse it to get that adorable flawless skin.

4. Lightens Skin Tone

Trying to lighten your skin tone, but no fairness cream seems to work? Try applying a concoction of olive and lemon juice to lighten dark skin tone.

5. Treats Skin Diseases

To treat skin diseases, boil few basil leaves in mustard oil till the oil turns black. Strain the oil when cool and apply all over the affected area. This promotes quick healing.

6. Heals Ringworm Infection

If you are suffering from ring worms, apply a mixture of basil oil mixed in lemon juice.

7. Relieves Itching

Whenever, you are having that eww moment of scratching at odd times, apply some basil oil to get instant relief from itching.

8. Treats Burns & Wounds

For treating burns and wounds, boil some basil and coconut oil together for few minutes and then apply it on the burnt skin after it is cooled.

[ Read: Benefits Of Basil Leaves for Health ]

Basil Oil for Hair:

Basil oil is fresh, light, and aromatic oil and makes a wonderfully refreshing massage oil that promotes hair growth by stimulating blood circulation. It is used in many shampoos, conditioners and for aromatherapy too. This basil essential oil is equally useful on hair. So, if you are stressed due to any kind of hair troubles, just read how to use this wonder oil for driving away all the hair problems.

9. Promotes Hair Growth:

Is your hair growth very slow? Massage basil oil on the scalp as it improves scalp circulation, and thus promotes hair growth. When applied, it produces a warm tingling sensation that soothes you. Circulation leads to stimulation of hair follicles, and the production of new and healthy hair starts all over again.

10. Treats Dry & Itchy Scalp:

If you are suffering from extreme dandruff, itchiness or dry scalp, then here’s a quick home remedy for you. Mix together basil and coconut oil and massage it into the scalp. This helps to reduce dandruff accumulation, increases blood circulation and soothes the scalp.

11. Reduces Excess Hair Fall:

As a preventive technique, add few drops of basil oil to your shampoo or conditioner to reduce excessive hair fall.

12. For Lustrous & Darker Hair:

If you have started to look older than your age due to grey hair, use this simple tactic to solve your problem. Mix together some amla powder and basil oil and apply it on your hair for some time and then rinse it off to get lustrous and comparatively darker hair.

[ Read: Benefits Of Tulsi/Basil For Health ]

Important Pointers:

  • Do not use basil oil if you are pregnant or have a seizure disorder.
  • Always dilute the basil oil and use it sparingly on the skin because it can cause irritation.
  • Do a patch test with the basil oil before actually starting with its daily use.

Basil oil is full of medicinal, herbal, cosmetic, and spiritual benefits and should be made a part of your daily life in order to reap the maximum benefits of this wonder herb.

Do let us know how you have used basil oil to enhance the quality of your skin and hair.

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Priyanka Mane
Namaskar, I am Priyanka Mane. A professional writer, editor, beautician and an entrepreneur, in the city of dreams - Mumbai. Some say, beauty is power, and so here I am, to make you look more beautiful, elegant, stylish, and glamorous, with the help of this wonderful platform and guide - StyleCraze
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