7 Artistic Yoga Poses And Their Benefits

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Are you passionate about dancing and at the same time want to stay fit and healthy? Here’s what you can do! StyleCraze is your info-guide on all the various types of yoga poses, styles and forms, along with their proper techniques, benefits and contraindications.

Yoga is not all about exercises and poses, but it is much more than that! It is about breathing techniques (pranayama), warm-up (stretching) exercises, poses/ asanas and above all meditation which is a means of deep relaxation.

Artistic yoga is a style of modern yoga which includes performing yoga asanas in a dancing style. It is a series of movements which include asanas to stretch and strengthen your body and keep it fit and rejuvenated.

Artistic yoga postures can also be practiced for those who aim to lose weight. It works wonders for those who wish to look slimmer. To learn Artistic yoga at home, follow the instructions mentioned below and get started:

Artistic Yoga Poses

1. Pranadharna:

Always remember, start your artistic yoga session with Pranadharna which means holding your breathe. Here, one has to stand on the floor in a straight pose, look straight. Join your hands in Anjali mudra (Palms joined together in prayer position). Place your hands in the center of your chest region, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathe. Inhale and exhale deeply for 5-10 minutes and then release. Relax.

(As you know, artistic yoga session includes performing asanas in a dancing movement style, so one can even put on a soothing music to aid your session. Also while performing asanas, try to be gentle in each movement so that it appears like a dancing motion style)

[ Read: Yoga poses ]

2. Pada Hastasana:

Image: Shutterstock

Here your actual artistic yoga session begins. Start with Pada Hastasana. Here you have to stand straight on the floor. Raise your hands upwards; bend backwards as much as you can. Bend downwards from your hips to touch your feet with your fingers. Slowly come back upwards and stand straight. Relax.

3. Urdhva Dhanurasana: 

Kneel down on the floor. Raise your hands upwards and bend backwards as much as you can. Bend your legs from your knees and place your feet on the floor. The sole of your feet should touch the ground. Bend your hands from your elbows in such a way that your palms are placed on the ground besides your head and your forearms should be placed perpendicular to the ground, fingers pointing towards to shoulders. Press your palms and feet firmly on to the floor and with a little force try to lift up your body off the floor. Try to lift up your body a little. Move your upper thighs slightly in the inward direction and at the same time firm your outer thighs. Remain steady and relax.

4. Ardha Chandrasana: 

This pose is known as the half moon pose. Here one has to start this asana by standing on the floor in straight position. Raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. Both the hands should form a straight line with the body and parallel to the floor. Lift up your right leg in a 90 degree angle with the floor. At the same time, bend towards the left hand side and touch the ground with your left leg. Swing your right hand upwards. Now both the hands should be in a straight line with the body and perpendicular to the floor. Look upwards towards your right hand. Remain steady and release from the pose.

[ Read :Power Yoga Videos ]

5. Purvottanasana:

purvottanasana benefits
Image: Shutterstock

This pose is also known as the upward plank pose. Here you have to place your body in Dandasana pose. For Dandasana, sit on the floor with your legs spread straight out in front of you. Place your hands besides your body, slightly behind your hips. Once you are set in Dandasana pose, you have to bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Place your heels at a foot’s distance from your hips. Lift up your hips in the upwards direction till your body comes into a reverse tabletop pose. Straighten your legs and lift up your hips upwards. Remain steady and relax.

6. Hanumanasana:

hanumanasana benefits
Image: By lululemon athletica (Flickr: Yoga Journal Conference) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
This asana is also known as the monkey pose. Here you have to kneel down on the floor. Place right foot forward and place it in front of your left knee. Rotate your left thigh in the outward direction. Move your body forwards and at the same time chest forwards. Bend your left knee backwards. Keep your left knee straight in order to lower your right thigh. Join your hands in Anjali mudra (palms joined together in prayer position) and stretch them upwards. Tilt your face upwards as your stretch your hands, look upwards. Close your eyes and relax.

7. Bakasana:

bakasana pose
Image: By lululemon athletica (Flickr: Yoga Journal Conference) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
This asana is also known as the crane pose. Here you have to place your body in Tadasana pose. For doing Tadasana you need to stand on the floor in a straight position. Raise your hands upwards towards the ceiling and stretch them. At the same time lift up your body and try to balance your body on your toes. Place your feet on the floor and return to normal state. Now, bend your body downwards from your hips until your palms touch the ground. With a slight jerk, swing up your legs off the floor, bend them from the knees and place your knees against your calf muscles. Look downwards towards the floor. Remain steady and relax.

[ Read: Siddha Samadhi Yoga ]

Artistic Yoga Benefits

Artistic yoga offers numerous health and emotional benefits to those who practice it regularly. Some of the most important benefits are listed below:

  1. Helps in improving body posture
  2. Helps to stretch and strengthen your body parts
  3. Keeps you away from joint pain.
  4. Increases flexibility

It’s time you save some time from your busy schedule and try practicing Artistic yoga once! It will definitely teach you what dance actually is and how it feels when dance is combined with yoga. Don’t forget to leave us a comment too!

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Hey! Amruta here!!! A yoga instructor who has passion for writing. I love to create a change in people lifestyle through my writings. I consider ground work of happiness is good health. I love food and nature. Hope you all find my posts intresting and motivating
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