Baby Or Infant Cold – 3 Causes, 13 Symptoms & 16 Remedies You Should Be Aware Of

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Is your infant more irritable than normal, and does she seem feverish? Is she sneezing, suffering from a runny nose, or displaying any signs of nasal congestion? If you nodded along anxiously, you might want to read our post below.
As a mom, the most disturbing thing for you is to see your child suffer from a cold or fever. Infant cold or baby cold can make it difficult for your little one to feed, make her ill and make her irritable as well. Though the illness is not serious, there are many things you can do to ease your baby’s irritability and discomfort.
Here, we look at the causes, symptoms, and effective remedies to cure your baby’s cold.
What Is Baby Or Infant Cold?
Baby cold is a viral infection that affects your baby’s nose and throat. Some common symptoms include nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing. Infants are more susceptible to common cold than adults, as their immune system is not well-developed. The weaker immune system cannot fight disease-inducing germs, and they easily enter your baby’s body and trigger cold and flu symptoms. Within the first year of your baby’s life, she may experience common cold at least seven to eight times.
The best treatment for baby cold involves easing the symptoms of the disease and providing plenty of water for your baby. Adequate quantity of fluid keeps the keeps the airways relaxed and helps your baby overcome any breathing issues. There are many other home remedies that you can also try to ease her condition, and you can consider using quite a few of the ones we list below.
When your infant suffers from her first bout of common cold, visit the doctor immediately. In rare cases, cold may also induce risks of croup and pneumonia (1).
Causes Of Baby Or Infant Cold:
The infection of common cold attacks the nose and throat (upper respiratory tract infection) of your infant. Some of the most common viruses to induce the condition are rhinovirus and coronavirus. These viruses are highly contagious.
Once your baby is infected with the virus, her body becomes immune to that specific virus. But as there are a huge number of different viruses that trigger common cold, your little angel may experience multiple bouts of the common cold in a year.
The infection enters your baby’s body through her mouth her nose. Others medium by which the cold virus enters your little one’s body include:
1. Air:
When some other infected person sneezes, coughs or talks in the open air, the virus directly reaches to your infant. It easily enters through her mouth and nose and infects the respiratory tract.
2. Direct contact:
When the infected person touches your small one or holds her in his arms; the virus easily reaches your baby’s body.
3. Contaminated surfaces:
Some viruses reside on surfaces and remain active for several hours. As soon as your baby touches such surfaces or other objects like toys or stuffed animals, the virus affects your little one (2).
Symptoms Of Baby Or Infant Cold:
Some of the most common symptoms of baby or infant cold are:
- Nasal congestion
- Runny nose
- Nasal discharge that becomes thicker with duration of the disease
- Sneezing
- Difficulty sleeping
- Irritability
- Low fever
- Decreased appetite
- Trouble feeding
- Reddened eyes
- Sore throat
- Restlessness
A mild headache (3)
Complications Of Baby Or Infant Cold:
The severity and duration of common cold can lead to many other complications, which include:
1. Acute Ear Infection (Otitis Media):
The common cold virus can lead to an ear infection in your little one. As the harmful virus or bacteria enter your baby’s body, it attacks her eardrum and leads to a painful infection.
2. Sinusitis:
When the infection of common cold persists in your baby’s body for the longer time span, it leads to secondary infection within the sinuses (sinusitis).Your little one experiences terrible nasal congestion and pain.
3. Wheezing:
Common cold induces wheezing, and your baby experiences body pain and mild fever. If your little one is asthmatic, a common cold can worsen the condition. In such case, she experiences severe breathing issues along with nasal congestion.
4. Other Infections:
Some of the other diseases associated with common cold are strep throat, bronchiolitis, croup, and pneumonia (4).
When To Seek Medical Advice?
Here are some of the situations in which you should seek medical attention for your baby immediately:
- If your baby falls under the age group of three to six months, and her temperature rises to 39C (102.2F) or above.
- When the symptoms of cold and flu persist for more than three weeks.
- When the symptoms of common cold worsen with time.
- If your little one experience severe chest pain or coughs up blood-stained phlegm, it indicates the sign of bacterial chest infection. In such scenario, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to treat the bacterial infection.
- When your baby experiences difficulty breathing, seek the medical advice as soon as possible.
- If your baby develops an acute ear infection, that causes inflammation and severe pain. When your baby experiences ear infection, she may often rub her ears as they become more itchy and irritable. In such condition, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment for your little angel.
- If your baby suffers from the persistent throat pain, it indicates about bacterial tonsillitis that needs antibiotic treatment (5).
Treating Baby Or Infant Cold In Babies:
You can manage the symptoms of common baby or infant cold through accurate treatments and protective measures. The effective methods lessen the pain and help your baby lead a stress-free life.
Let us look at some of the treatment procedures for baby cold:
1. Hydration And Rest:
The best way to soothe your baby’s discomfort is to give her plenty of fluid. It can include water, fruit juices, and breast milk. Dehydration worsens the condition, and your child suffers from discomfort. Your baby needs to have the adequate rest to recover from the disease easily.
2. Petroleum Jelly:
Applying petroleum jelly to your baby’s nose helps soothe the irritable condition. Petroleum jelly reduces the extreme irritation that occurs due to inflammation and sneezing. However avoid using nasal sprays for your infants, as they can worsen the condition.
3. Fever Medications:
The doctor may prescribe medications like Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Follow the accurate dosage of the medication, and avoid using any over-the-counter medications for your infants, as they carry serious health risks (6).
Preventing Baby Or Infant Cold In Babies:
Some of the best ways to prevent common cold in babies are:
1. Breastfeeding:
Breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to boost your baby’s immune system and safeguard her from infections. The breast milk passes your antibodies and blood chemicals in your baby’s body. As a result, she can easily resist from disease-producing germs.
2. Keep Her Away From The Infected Person:
As cold germs are highly contagious, try to keep your little one away from an infected person. Ask the infected family members to wash their hands thoroughly before they touch or hold your baby or her objects.
3. Quit Smoking:
If you or your partner smokes, try to give up the habit immediately. If your baby leaves around smokers, her cold will only persist longer. Babies not exposed to smoke develop lesser susceptibility for the contagious germs (7).
Effective Home Remedies For Baby Or Infant Cold:
Some of the natural remedies that are highly effective in treating Baby or Infant Cold of your little angel are:
1. Steam:
- Moist air breathing helps soften the mucous in the nasal passages and help your baby breathe and feed easily. Put a humidifier or a cool-mist vaporizer in your baby’s bedroom or playing room. The warm air from the humidifier aids in relaxation and helps your baby get relief from severe nasal congestion.
- You can also try giving a warm bath to your little one. The lukewarm water can help to get relief from chest tightness and eject the mucus.
- If your baby’s age is above two years, you can also add few drops of methanol in her bathtub. It aids your baby to get adequate relief from congestion. The methanol is readily available in natural medicine shop or at food stores (8).
2. Saline Drops & Bulb Syringes:
- Saline drops work best for your little angel, as it easily clears the mucus and helps in smooth and unrestricted breathing of your baby. Lay your baby on a soft towel and provide support beneath her head (pillow).
- Take few drops of saline water using a dropper and slowly pour 2-3 drops of the water in your baby’s nose.
- As soon as the water enters your baby’s nostrils it softens the mucus, and it easily comes out of her nose.
- After the mucus flows out from her nostrils, use a bulb syringe to clean the nose properly.
- While using the bulb syringe try to remove the air first and then put it into your baby’s nose.
- Slowly try to release the pressure from the bulb syringe, so that it clears the nostrils and blocked the nasal passage.
- Remove the syringe and squeeze the rubber bulb to eject out the mucus into a tissue paper.
- Clean the syringe properly and you can repeat the same procedure for another nostril.
- As the mucus effectively clears out, you baby feels relief from severe nasal congestion, caused out of the baby cold (9).
3. Vapor Rubs:
- Applying vapor rubs on your baby’s chest and back soothes him from severe congestion and feel relief from cold. Commercial vapor rubs available on the market contain oils, petroleum jelly, and eucalyptus.
- Take a small amount of vapor rub of your palm and try to apply it slowly to your baby’s chest, back & neck.
- Gently massage the vapor rub to the parts as mentioned above and help your baby get relief from severe chest tightness, sore throat, and nasal congestion.
- Avoid applying vapor rub directly to your infant’s nostrils, as it causes severe irritation. Also, make sure not to apply vapor rub to sensitive or broken part of your baby’s body. Especially the sensitive organs of the body including mouth, eyes and nose should be kept safe (10).
4. Fluids:
- When your little angel experiences baby cold, try keeping her dehydrated. Feed her plentiful amount of fluids including water, fruit juices, and soups. Drinking fluids flushes your baby’s nasal secretions and clears the breathing airways.
- Plain water works best for your little infant as it thins the mucus easily. If your baby’s age lies around one year and above, you can also try prune juice, chicken clear soup or vegetable broth.
- Breast milk and bottle milk is best suited for your baby whose age is below six months. You can also consult the doctor and get requisite guidance about your baby’s food.
5. Warm Liquids (Chicken Soup):
- A warm liquid such as hot chicken soup clears the nasal congestion and aids in the treatment of a baby cold. Chicken soup easily brings relief from the baby cold.
- Make a homemade chicken soup, using water, salt and shredded chicken pieces. If your baby is below one year of age, you can filter the soup.
- Serve the soup warm, but not extremely hot (12).
6. Elevating The Head:
- Elevating your baby’s head helps her to breathe easily and get rid of nasal congestion.
- As your baby rests or sleeps in his crib or bed, try putting a pillow or additional towel beneath her head. It helps the mucus to flow out from the nostrils easily and get relief from severe nasal congestion.
- But make sure that the position is comfortable enough for your little one. Extremely high pillows make her feel uncomfortable and restless, as she is greatly above the mentioned limit.
7. Nose Blowing:
- The helpful remedy is only applicable for children above two years of age. As they can use the process of nose blowing and clear the mucus from the nostrils reluctantly. The nose clearing process aids in smooth breathing and makes your child feel comfortable while sleeping.
- Teach your growing child the exact process of blowing her nose independently. She can use a soft tissue or handkerchief to clear the mucus.
- But direct them not to blow the nose with excessive pressure, as it damages the ears and eardrums.
- Also, teach them proper sanitary habits, like washing their hands after nose blowing. It helps spread of germs to other children and keeps your baby quickly recover from the common cold (13).
8. Coconut Oil:
- Coconut oil contains lauric acid that aids from nasal congestion. The lauric acid is a powerful anti-microbial fatty acid, which helps to boost the immune system of your baby.
- Take a few drops of coconut oil on your palm and apply it gently in & around baby’s nostrils and chest region.
- But make sure that the raw coconut oil does not enter your baby’s nostrils, as it creates severe breathing issues.
- You can also use warm coconut oil and rub it on your baby’s palm and feet (14).
9. Breastfeeding:
- Breast milk possesses antibiotic property that helps cure your baby’s cold. For such reasons, most of the breastfed babies contract lesser infections during the phase. Babies feeding formula milk become more prone to suffer from a baby cold or other infectious diseases.
- Feed your baby with your breast milk and try to feed her as many times as possible.
- Breast milk keeps your baby hydrated and loosens the mucus to come out of the nostrils easily.
10. Nutmeg (Jayfal):
- Nutmeg possesses effective antimicrobial property that helps your baby get relief from severe chest congestion.
- Take 6-7 pieces of Nutmeg and try to remove the shells with soft hands.
- Now take the seeds within the shell and grind them in a mixer to obtain a smooth and fine powder.
- Add a few drops of plain water in the Nutmeg powder and obtain a smooth paste.
- Apply the smooth nutmeg paste on your baby’s chest, back & head.
- It eases the uncomfortable condition of chest and nasal congestion and makes your baby feel comfortable.
- The home remedy is effective for infants below one year of age.
11. Honey:
- Honey treats a sore throat and helps your baby recover from severe throat pain. Intake of raw honey soothes the throat of your baby and reduces coughing or wheezing. Most of the cough syrups contain honey as their ingredients, as it cures a cold and cough easily.
- As honey hardens at normal room temperature, try to heat the honey on medium flame and then feed your baby.
- You can put the honey in heat proof container and warm it in a microwave. Another method is placing the honey container in lukewarm water.
- After the honey melts, give one to two tablespoons of warm honey to your little one directly.
- To dilute honey, you can also add warm water and a few drops of lemon juice and feed your small one.
- But it is always advisable to use the remedy of honey for your baby whose age is above one year. If your baby’s age lies below one year, avoid feeding honey as triggers fatal health complications (15).
12. Mustard Oil:
- Mustard oil helps to get relief from chest tightness and severe nasal congestion.
- Mix 5 teaspoons of mustard oil with crushed garlic and heat the mixture over a low flame. After the mixture cools down, strain the mixture and store the oil in a bottle.
- Before application, warm the oil and massage it gently on your baby’s chest, forehead and throat (16).
Important Points To Remember:
- Mustard oil helps to get relief from chest tightness and severe nasal congestion.
- Mix 5 teaspoons of mustard oil with crushed garlic and heat the mixture over a low flame. After the mixture cools down, strain the mixture and store the oil in a bottle.
- Before application, warm the oil and massage it gently on your baby’s chest, forehead and throat (16).
Important Points To Remember:
Here are some of the effective tips that are helpful in healing your little one from baby cold and its associated symptoms:
- Allow your baby to take adequate amount of rest. Complete rest and sleep help in the quick recovery of your little angel and she gets relief from the baby cold.
- Keep your baby away from infectious people. As the infection of cold and flu are contagious, they easily spread from one person to the other.
- Before feeding your baby or taking her in your arms, make sure to wash your hands properly with soap and plain water. The process of hand washing kills the contagious germs and viruses.
- When your child reaches the age of two years, teach her the etiquette of using a napkin while sneezing and coughing.
- Clean your baby’s toy, room and surrounding regularly to prevent unwanted deposition of germs.
- When your baby suffers from cold and fever, take out your time and give sponge bath in lukewarm water.
- Try to follow the dosage of the antibacterial or cold medications as exactly prescribed by the doctor. Never overdose your little one, as it triggers numerous side effects.
- Make your baby intake plentiful amount of foods containing Vitamin C and Zinc, as it reduces cold symptoms.
- Regularly visit the Chiropractor, as the professional helps to clear the respiration tract and treats a baby cold.
- Other than the application of vapor rub, apply some of the essential oils that are greatly effective for the baby cold. Some of such oils are Lemon, Lavender, Eucalyptus or sandalwood. Rub the essential; oils smoothly to your baby’s chest, neck, and back.
- Avoid giving any over-the-counter medications to your little ones. It is always advisable to consult the pediatrician and then feed those medications to your baby.
- Never give aspirin to your little one. The medication triggers Reye’s syndrome, which makes the condition of your baby worse and fatal.
- Contact the doctor immediately, if your baby rubs her eyes constantly or cries when sucking breast milk. Baby cold often triggers ear infection in small ones, and the condition is extremely painful. Reddened eyes or swollen lymph node is another sign of ear infections.
Did your little one suffer from baby or infant cold during her childhood days? Did you utilize any home remedy to soothe her condition? Do you have any more ideas for home remedies for infant cold? Tell us about it below. Leave your comment here!

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