6 Amazing Benefits Of Lima Beans For Skin, Hair And Health

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Lima beans, also known as butter beans are popular legumes that are known for their mild buttery flavor and meaty texture. They are known by several regional names, for instance Lima beans in Hindi are called ‘Sem Phali’ and Lima Beans in Tamil are called ‘Mochai’.  There are many health, skin and hair benefits associated with lima beans. Read on to know the several health benefits from lima beans. Generally, lima beans are light-green or cream in color. They possess a potato-like starchy taste. You can find these seeds in fresh, dried or canned form, easily in the market. These beans are highly nutritious in nature and provide protection against various ailments and diseases. So, here is the list of various health benefits from lima beans.

Benefits Of Lima Beans

1. Blood Sugar

Lima beans are enriched with soluble fiber. These fibers help in absorbing water in stomach to form gel. It thus prevents blood sugar level from rising rapidly after a meal. Lima beans are a great choice for people with hypoglycemia, diabetes and insulin resistance.

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2. Bone Development

Lima beans are a rich source of manganese, calcium and magnesium. These minerals promote proper bone development. They also help in strengthening of the bones.

3. Hair Growth

Lima beans are considered one of the best sources of iron. It is a known fact that iron plays an important role in gaining healthy hair. Iron helps to carry oxygen to the hair. Hair starts to starve for oxygen when body lacks iron. Therefore, lima beans have been proved to promote hair growth.

4. Digestion

The potassium present in lima beans plays an important part in digestion process. Potassium is important in maintaining good digestion. Potassium also helps in improving the heart health.

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5. Glowing Skin

Lima beans are a rich source of copper. Copper is an element which is mainly found and stored in liver. It acts as an antioxidant which is great for the health of our skin. It keeps our skin healthy and glowing naturally. It also prevents cell damage, illness and other health and skin related problems.

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6. Energy Booster

Lima beans are a great energy booster. They are rich in slow-burning complex carbohydrates. Therefore, it increases your energy levels. They are low in calories and fat-free which tends to maintain the activeness in your body. These were some of the most common benefits associated with lima beans. But there are some precautions also which you need to take while consuming lima beans. People who suffer from kidney stones and gout should avoid eating lima beans. The purine present in it tends to break down in the body and form uric acid. Excessive consumption of legumes can also cause other health problems in people who are susceptible to purine-related problems.

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Now, I am going to give you some cooking tips which will help you in reaping the maximum benefits out of lima beans. The most important facts about lima beans while cooking are as follows: 1. First of all, remove all stones, damaged beans and debris present in the lima beans. You can easily do this by spreading the lima beans in a light colored plate and look each and every bean minutely. 2. Lima beans should be cleaned thoroughly before cooking. Under the cool running water, try to rinse the beans properly. 3. Lima beans should be cooked either in a pressure cooker or a simple pot. They are good ways to preserve nutrients in the beans. Aren’t these benefits associated with lima beans just wonderful? Hope, you liked the article. Please share your views and feedback in the comments section below. We just love to hear from you.

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Anamika M
hey hi, Anamika here. An indenpendent and nature lover. Writing is my hobby and my first love.It is a big stress buster. I love dining out and exploring new places as it gives me a kind of adrenalin rush. I find solace in spirituality
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