30 Best Online Jobs For Students To Earn Money From Home

Online jobs of interest can help earn, besides helping students establish a successful career path.

Written by Nisha Bharatan
Last Updated on

Several adolescents and teens in high school or college explore online jobs for students. If you are one of them, this post is for you. These jobs can help you get practical job experience and earn extra money. They also provide an opportunity for you to showcase your skills and achievements, which can be added to your CV later.

Keep reading to know the list of the best online jobs for students that you can pick as per your preference or skill set.

30 Online Jobs For Students

1. Tutoring

Tutoring is a highly respected job. It requires you to have an excellent academic record and help other students out with their studies and coursework. The satisfaction and respect one gains from being a good tutor can’t be matched by most other college jobs.

Why you should take it up

Tutoring offers you the benefit of brushing up and revising a subject or topic while also helping you earn money. It frees up time that would otherwise be spent studying. Besides, tutoring is typically paid by the hour, and so the pay is good depending on who and what you teach.

2. Transcribing audio

With the rise of streaming platforms, subtitles have become more popular than ever, and there’s a massive demand for them. If you have a good ear and can pick up spoken words, you will fit right into a transcription role. It requires you to write down or transcribe what you hear in a particular media file. With rates either fixed per file or word, it is a well-paying job to have.

Why you should take it up

You can work from the comfort of your home at timings that suit you. To be eligible for the role, you have to pass an online test. As you gain more experience and get good feedback, your rate per hour or rate per word goes up. Often, the file you’re transcribing can be interesting as well, ranging from documentaries to YouTube videos or even movies.

3. Writing reviews

From established names to startups, plenty of companies require articulate, educated people to review and write about their products. These can range from household appliances to musical instruments and gadgets. So, if you’re knowledgeable about a subject, this is something you can consider.

Why you should take it up

Apart from getting your name out there as a writer and building your portfolio, you can also expect some free or discounted products to review once you’ve built a good reputation with the companies.

4. Blogging

If you have a knack for writing, blogging is an excellent opportunity to earn some money online. You can use one of many blogging portals, such as Medium or WordPress, to start writing about things you are interested in, such as dating, gaming, cooking, or even books. Blogging is also easy to monetize with options such as affiliate marketing and advertising.

Why you should take it up

Once you’ve built a decent following, you can even get into sponsored posts and market digital products and apps. The best part is you can do this in your free time and at your own pace.

5. Customer support

Customer support jobs are high in demand, and companies are almost always hiring. The basics involve knowing the products and services of an organization. You need to help the customers with service requests and complaints. If you have good technical skills, you could even help out with back-end client support and crisis management.

Why you should take it up

With fixed shifts and the fact that work is sporadic, you may even get paid for shifts when there is a low volume of calls or sometimes no calls for hours.

6. Web developer

While this is a skilled job, it is still something you can learn for free online, especially if you have an aptitude for coding. Students in tech prefer this job over others because it often plays to their strengths. Additionally, they can learn skills they can apply in the classroom as well.

You need not necessarily be a coder to be a web developer as there are many aspects to this job. With extensions and tools on popular sites, such as WordPress, you can customize applications without background or knowledge in coding.

Why you should take it up

You could offer your services on freelance platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr, which pay on a project basis. Once you receive good reviews and feedback and your rating goes up, this can become an extremely well-paying job. Also, the good feedback you get on several projects can help you build a portfolio that can come in handy when you graduate.

7. Virtual assistant

With secretaries and actual assistants becoming less popular, people are turning to virtual assistant services. Entrepreneurs and small businesses prefer virtual assistants to in-house assistants. Your tasks can range from managing a client’s calendars and availability to booking appointments and scheduling meetings and conferences.

Why you should take it up

The qualifications required for this job are strong organizational skills, efficiency, and excellent communication skills, making this an appealing option for students to gain good experience.

8. Freelance writer

This is probably one of the most common online jobs out there. If you have good research and writing skills and love presenting content in an informative and easy-to-read way, this job is for you.

Most firms have a large portion of their content for their blogs or websites written by content writers. If you choose not to work for a specific firm, however, you can always work on a project basis on any number of sites that connect freelance writers with their potential clients.

Why you should take it up

You can gradually develop a dedicated client base. If they are impressed with your work, they will assign you more projects and better payment eventually.

9. English tutoring

If you’re a native English speaker or even an ESL speaker fluent in the language, you can apply to become an English tutor. As it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, there is a constant demand for talented English tutors.

Typical clients include people who have immigrated or migrated to another country and want to learn English for acclimatization and professional reasons, students who didn’t study English as a first language, and people interested in English media.

Why you should take it up

Students who are proficient in speaking English and know their grammar well can easily give classes over voice and video calls online to interested parties.

10. Foreign language tutoring

English is not the only language that is in high demand. Languages such as Mandarin, Spanish, and French are also widely spoken across the world, and many people want to learn them for a variety of reasons, ranging from jobs (if they relocate to a country that speaks a foreign language), studies, or even personal interest. Depending on the language you are teaching and your qualifications and fluency in it, this can be a gratifying job. 

Why you should take it up

You can plan your tutoring sessions around your free time and the client’s availability, making this convenient and even enjoyable.

11. English translation

The list of English media, such as

shows, movies, and podcasts, is vast. There is a high demand for this media worldwide, even from non-English speakers or people who are not comfortable or fluent in the language. If you are fluent in a regional language and English, the scope for being an English translator is vast.

Why you should take it up

While it requires some basic qualifications, such as a bachelor’s degree in English at the better paying levels, entry-level English to regional translation jobs often require you to just clear an online test before you begin.

12. Freelance editor

While it takes similar skills as a freelance writer, freelance editing has a different purpose and skill set in many ways. As an editor, you will be responsible for fact-checking and ensuring grammatical consistency and overall quality of whatever draft comes to you. The files can range from articles to blog posts and even short novels.

Why you should take it up

Besides editing, you also get to learn about various topics. You could also opt to edit novels and screenplays.

13. Voiceover and voice acting

Voice acting is another growing industry as animated videos have a large audience. Typically, an animator or video editor makes a video such as a cooking recipe or a tutorial, and you need to narrate the “script” of the video. All you need are a good speaking voice, good diction and cadence, and a good-quality microphone. The content that needs voiceover is diverse, ranging from short entertainment videos to technical manuals.

Why you should take it up

If you find yourself doing well in this field, you could even transition into voice acting in films, cartoons, and animated skits in the future.

14. Online surveys

Conducting online surveys is a good way to make some extra money and does not require much of your time. Most surveys can be completed in a few minutes and pay a decent rate depending on the complexity and length of the survey. While it is not a very consistent or high-paying job in itself, it is a good option to make pocket money.

Why you should take it up

One could finish multiple surveys during their morning commute or free time during the day.

15. Video transcription

If you have a talent for audio transcription, video transcription is the next natural step. While audio transcription is solely focused on producing a transcript from a given media file, video transcription is centered on creating subtitles and closed captions for videos using the audio transcriptions. It has more layers to it than just adding text to videos. You need to sync the text to the videos as the words are being spoken or narrated, ensuring that the viewers read the text at the appropriate time, not before or after.

Why you should take it up

This is a significantly better paying job than audio transcription. You also get to work on exciting content, making the process enjoyable.

16. Video editing

Video editing is a well-paying job with high demand across various platforms.

Editing software has gotten simpler over time and is more intuitive to use, so it doesn’t require as much technical knowledge and training as before. The job opens up the possibility to work with clients who want to trim, merge, and compile their videos or require minor edits to their core content to make it more watchable and streamlined.

Take a simple tutorial or online course, and you can gradually expand into more advanced video editing, such as adding effects and filters.

Why you should take it up

Vloggers and media houses constantly generate content, and thus, the market for it is vast. It is also one of the most high-paying online jobs.

17. Data entry

Data entry is another popular choice amongst students for many reasons. It just requires you to read and understand data from the source material and reproduce it into another source such as a graph or a spreadsheet or even transcribe it from a written format to a typed one.

Artificial intelligence is slowly replacing data entry work. However, there is still a demand for people who can work with handwritten content and diagrams and present them in a digitalized format. 

Why you should take it up

If you are attentive, detail-oriented, and can work efficiently, you can make a good amount of money from this job by working just a few hours a week.

18. YouTube channel

We’re at a time when entertainment has transitioned from cable TV into streaming platforms. YouTube has also grown its user base and content creators. If you have what it takes to make engaging content and grow a loyal subscriber base, you can do quite well for yourself financially. You could do DIY projects, comedy, cooking, and product reviews in a vlog format.

Why you should take it up

If you’re good with a camera or have good ideas for content, you’ll likely enjoy making these videos regardless of the income. If the channel takes off and does well, the income can be quite significant and can allow you to branch out into other types of content.

19. Social media marketing

Another job that is rising in popularity amongst students and even young adults is social media marketing. In essence, you are the voice of your client or business and the connection between them and their consumers or audience. Many people are successful business owners and good at what they do but do not have the know-how or inclination to build and maintain a social media presence; and this is where social media marketers come in.

Why you should take it up

All you need is good communication skills, a basic understanding of marketing, and knowledge of the target audience. After understanding the business’s principles, products, and services, you can effectively communicate the message via social media. Social media marketers are in demand as brands and businesses continue to try to grow their clientele and retain existing customers, for which consumer engagement is essential.

20. Retail arbitrage

Retail arbitrage, simply put, is buying something from a retail store at a lower price and selling them through commercial retailers, such as Amazon, at a higher price. There are even apps, such as Amazon Seller, which allow you to sell your products.

Why you should take it up

It is simple economics and only involves you selling products at decent profit margins. As you buy in bulk and start to sell at even a tiny profit margin, the earning’s potential increases exponentially.

21. Music production

With easy-to-use software and guided free lessons, it has become relatively easy to compose beats and melodies using nothing but a laptop or even a tablet. If you can make catchy beats and riffs and publish them online as a producer, you can sell them to artists who want to use or feature them in their songs.

Depending on the quality and originality of the beats you’re selling, this can be an excellent source of income.

Why you should take it up

If you have a flair for music and love creating music in your free time, this is a good chance to see your music used in songs by emerging artists for a generous fee per beat.

22. Artist

It has never been a better time to be an artist. With several social media and microblogging sites and dedicated art pages to choose from, you can ensure your work gets maximum exposure and finds its core audience more easily than ever before. You don’t even have to make paintings or sketches necessarily. You can sell your designs or sketches to be used on everything from skateboards to hoodies.

Why you should take it up

If you have a passion for art and want to see your work featured or make some money out of it, being an artist is a lucrative option these days.

23. Selling handmade or artisanal products

If you’re good with your hands and have a creative mind, this might be the job for you. You can easily make and sell your own products at a decent profit margin. These products include paintings, monogrammed or inscribed stationery, and handmade soaps. As these are seen as organic products, there is an established, niche market for them.

Why you should take it up

It is an excellent chance to monetize a hobby or passion while making a decent earning. Building a loyal customer base can take you a long way.

24. Pay-per-click marketing

Pay-per-click or PPC marketing is one of the most common ways individuals and firms generate money online. Simply put, it increases the ad revenue one earns from the number of people who click their ads. As a PPC marketer, your role will be to design, manage, and roll out those ads on social media platforms and search engines. There is a fair bit of technicality to learn the skills necessary to do this, but as with every job discussed here, these can be learned online for free.

Why you should take it up

Not only is it increasingly common to see PPC ads on all sites, social media platforms, and blogs, but there is a constant demand for PPC marketers given the growing number of new businesses.

25. Social media influencer

If you have a big social media following and are popular with your audience, you should consider becoming a social media influencer. It simply requires you to post your lifestyle, views, and travels to get more people to follow you and see your content. You can then monetize this and even get partnerships and sponsorships from brands that pay on a commission basis.

Why you should take it up

Making money from their social media with minimal effort is something that can be quite alluring to anyone, regardless of whether they’re a student. Successful influencers can go on to become famous and earn well as they grow their following.

26. Graphic design

Graphic design is a very popular and well-paying freelance service that is in constant demand. Whether it’s logos, sketches, or just illustrations for blogs and stories, there is a huge market for good graphic designers. With design tools becoming easier than ever to learn and use, you could take a basic course and improve your art independently.

Why you should take it up

If you have a creative streak in you, it’s well worth the effort to see if people out there want to use and view your sketches and designs. With a relatively low time commitment and high pay, this is a great freelance job for students.

27. Podcasts

Podcasts are a relatively new form of entertainment, but they’re only increasing in popularity. With podcast consumption increasing daily, people make podcasts on everything, from political opinions to hobbies or shared interests and art. You can always find a niche for yourself here if you are well informed on a subject and a good conversationalist.

Why you should take it up

Everyone shares opinions, views, and conversations amongst themselves regularly. If the interactions are interesting enough and the topics are engaging, it isn’t difficult to build a decent following being a podcaster. Besides, you could record it on your laptop with a decent mic without needing expensive, fancy equipment.

28. Photography

Another profession that has become more accessible these days is photography. Gone are the days when you would need a DSLR and a photography course to be able to sell your pictures. Today, all you need is a good smartphone, and you can reach out to any number of media houses or magazines that hire photographers or pay for certain pictures that they like.

You just need a keen eye for photography and a basic understanding of lens, filters, exposure, and lighting, and you’re ready to start!

Why you should take it up

Not only does freelance photography encourage and incentivize you to pursue a hobby that you enjoy, it pays extremely well too. You can even sell your images to sites such as Shutterstock and see your work used across the web.

29. Copywriting

A “copy” is something businesses use to motivate consumers into a call to action, typically to buy a product or use a service of theirs. To achieve this, they hire copywriters frequently to promote their brand and products to a wider audience.

As a copywriter, your responsibilities include writing engaging copies for posting as well as proofreading and editing copies to ensure consistency and quality. This can range from social media posts to blog posts, email postings, brochures, and headlines.

Why you should take it up

If you have a flair for writing in a clear, concise style while knowing your audience well, you will excel in this role. It rarely requires prior experience and often pays extremely well.

30. Personal trainer

People have started to turn to the web for at-home workouts and coaching while taking instruction from a personal trainer over a webcam. Not only does this get them a personalized training experience, but also aligns with their schedule. It is also significantly less expensive than joining a gym.

Why you should take it up

Not only does this pay well per session, but it is also an extremely productive job in many ways. You get to coach people on their fitness while also improving and exceeding your own fitness goals.

You can make a fair amount of income online doing something you enjoy or are good at with little to no qualifications or prior experience. Additionally, most of these jobs are paid on a shift or hourly basis, which gives you a lot of freedom to decide your work schedule.

Many teenagers and adolescents explore online jobs to earn some additional income. Choosing a job that would help you academically and gather some good experience for your career is highly recommended. However, choose a job with timing and responsibilities that would not hamper your studies. Also, communicate with your employer, inform them about your school timings, exam schedule, and other details. You may consider informing an adult or parent about the location of your workplace and employer details so that your safety is taken care of.

Key Pointers

  • If you are passionate about writing, you may choose to be a freelance writer, blogger, or product reviewer for several websites.
  • Social media enthusiasts could become influencers, engage in social media marketing, or create their own YouTube channel.
  • Music production, designing graphics, photography, and more interesting jobs for students as you scroll down.

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