Best Peace Tattoo Designs – Our Top 10

Written by MomJunction
Last Updated on

Now a days where ever we look, people are craving for peace. Families crave for inter familial peace. Nations crave for peace between countries and regions. In these times when the world is at war with itself, a peace tattoo would be a wonderful and symbolic tattoo to get. It would remind you and all those who look at it on a daily basis, that peace is very important to survival.

The Best Peace Tattoo Designs

Here are some peace tattoo design suggestions. Hope you will like them.

1. A peace tattoo with doves:

peace tattoos with dovesBoth the peace sign and doves are symbolic of peace. That is why these are great elements to combine in a peace tattoo. The tattoo could be made in calming shades and pastel colours like sky blue and baby pink.

2. Peace colour explosion:

colour explosionThe foremost quality in a tattoo is creativity and artistic beauty. Colour explosions emit energy and vibrancy. They would be a great touch to give to a peace tattoo, especially when given a water colour effect.

3. A peace sign though a message:

peace sign through textA peace sign can be given an innovative twist by creating the borders with a message instead of lines. The message could be something with meaning or filled with words of kindness and compassion. The message should not however be harsh because this shall deter the purpose.

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4. A micky mouse infused peace tattoo:

mouse infused peace tattooMicky mouse is the most well known Disney character. You could combine Disney cartoon tattoo and peace by adding a peace sign to a micky mouse head. The tattoo could be left in black or Colour, however, would make it look more fun and enchanting. This is a great tattoo design for kids.

5. A watercolor inspired peace tattoo:

peace inspired tattoosA water colour look might be given to a peace tattoo to make it an artistic delight. The tattoo might also be given a stencil effect through the absence of well defined borders.

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6. An abstract design with a peace symbol:

design a peace symbolThough the peace symbol originally evolved as political statement, it has now become more of a style statement that everyone seems to wear. The symbol is widely used as key chain or necklace designs. A great way to make a perfect tattoo would be to incorporate this peace symbol tattoo into an abstract design.

7. Music and peace:

music and peace tattoosMusic is a great way to promote peace. Many musicians rap or sing about world peace for this very reason. Music has a wide base and is heard by lots of people. A peace sign tattoo designs combined with a musical note would thus make a fantastic tattoo.

8. Peace in a single tone colour:

single tone colorThe peace symbol tattoo designs can be tattooed on any part of the body in a single tone like red, blue, violet, green or yellow. The tattoo would look best on the ankle, the nape of the neck, the wrist and behind the ear.

9. On the lips:

on the lips tattooTattoos are many a time inked on areas which are not visible on a daily routine. This is because of many reasons, a few being work place restrictions and the desire to keep the tattoo personal.

10. Peace word tattoo:

peace word tattoo designsInstead of the symbol, just the word may be inked on smaller parts of the body like the wrist or ankle. Tattooing the word would remove all misinterpretations.

Hope this article delineating the best peace tattoo designs was very interesting. So, are you going to get one of these inked over your skin? Do share your thoughts with us.

Image source: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10

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