The 20 Best Toys For Kids That Aren’t Really Toys

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Ask any parent what their child’s favorite toy is. In all likelihood, they’ll tell you that despite buying the best of toys, their child prefers to play with something that might not even be a toy! It’s a story that resonates in almost every household. The reason is that kids are pretty hyperactive and may lose interest in things quickly and find something else to occupy themselves. All they need is something curious to keep themselves engaged. So, here’s a list of 20 such things which kids play with that aren’t actually real toys:

20. Duct Tape Roll

They’ll wear these as bangles, dangle them on their bike handles, or simply put them around the neck of their dolls or stuffed toys. There is no end to the uses these kids imagine for these tape rolls.

19. Empty Plastic Bottles

Empty Plastic Bottles
Image: Shutterstock

Kids usually tie these tiny little plastic bottles of various colors like a festoon for their little bikes and scooters!

18. Mud/Sand

Image: Shutterstock

Whether it’s at the beach or in a squishy puddle, kids get super excited when they see sand. No wonder then that they get it in their hair, on their face, and even inside their clothes when they play with it.

17. Cellphone Case

Cellphone Case
Image: Shutterstock

Children often love to play with old cellphone cases as imitation mobile phones, especially if they are colorful or embellished.

16. Egg Cartons

Egg Cartons
Image: Shutterstock

A paint palette; container for storing toys or trinkets; cut out a pair, string a rubber band and cut some holes in the center and you have a pair of goggles. With some imagination, kids come with so many play ideas with these.

15. Kitchen Utensils

Kitchen Utensils
Image: Shutterstock

Give them a bowl or a pan with a ladle and they’ll cook an imaginary meal the whole day, complete with seasoning!

14. Bubble Wrap

Bubble Wrap
Image: Shutterstock

We all have been guilty of bursting the bubbles on a bubble wrap even as adults. This is only because we loved doing so as kids too. It has probably remained a favorite pass time for kids for a long time now.

13. Two Glasses With Water

Two Glasses With Water
Image: Shutterstock

Have you ever noticed that the moment kids see two glasses and one of them contains water, they’ll immediately start playing with them? They’ll transfer the water from one to another, put their tiny little hands inside and create a whole mess as if concocting a mysterious magic potion!

12. Wooden Spoons

Image: Shutterstock

The moment kids get to lay their hands on a wooden spoon, they’ll find creative ways of using them – they’ll swing them as bats to hit the ball, use to dig sand, for imaginary sword fights, etc.

11. Twine/String

Image: Shutterstock

Kids have another fascination for strings. They’ll use them to tie boxes or bottles together, dangle them on their bikes, tie fancy stuff around their doll’s neck, or even connect empty cans to make a telephone.

10. Plastic Straws

Plastic Straws
Image: Shutterstock

Mix some liquid detergent in water and your kids will love blowing soap bubbles whole day. Kids also love to stick them in their hair and play the warrior game.

9. Rubber Bands

Rubber Bands
Image: Shutterstock

There are so many uses kids find for these colorful little bands. They’ll stick them between fingers and create a catapult in a jiffy; use them to dangle stuff on their play items, or they simply use them to hold a water-filled balloon.

8. Watering Cans (Plastic)

Watering Cans
Image: Shutterstock

Kids love to play with water. Need we say more? Just get these in plastic and in different colors and see them get busy in your garden.

7. Kitchen Tissue Tube

Kitchen Tissue Tube
Image: Shutterstock

Once the tissue has been exhausted, the empty tube turns into a tunnel for child’s toys to pass or as their very first telescopes!

6. Old Newspapers

Old Newspapers
Image: Shutterstock

Kids simply love to tear newspapers and hear that sound. Sometimes they even like to sit and roll on them just to hear the crackling sound.

5. Colorful Paper Clips

Colorful Paper Clips
Image: Shutterstock

Anything that’s colorful will catch a kid’s attention, like the tiny colorful paper clips. Stringing together or creating a necklace is probably the most popular way kids use them.

4. Blankets And Bedsheets

Blankets And Bedsheets
Image: Shutterstock

Kids believe that once they hide under the blanket, on one can see them, especially the imaginary monsters. They even use blankets and bedsheets to create their own tents and forts.

3. Pillows

Image: Shutterstock

If it’s filled with pillows, it is surely meant for a pillow fight. But feathers or no feathers, kids still love to fight with pillows.

2. Sponges

Image: Shutterstock

The sight of the sponge absorbing liquid fascinates kids to no end. They even like to dip these in water buckets and splash it around.

1. Big Cardboard Boxes

Big Cardboard Boxes
Image: Shutterstock

The most popular in this list is the humble cardboard box. Each kid has at some point or the other made his/her own fort out of one of these. A child’s attraction toward cardboard boxes is legendary.

We’re sure you found this list to be pretty amusing. So, the next time your kid is bored, you know what to get for him/her. In fact, you too can pitch in and help your child create some interesting toys out of such stuff lying at home.

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