36 Helpful Tips For Memorable Camping With Kids

Consider these helpful tips to enjoy a stress-free and memorable camping experience with your child.

Written by Nisha Bharatan
Last Updated on

If outdoor adventure is your thing, why not enjoy camping with kids this time. Putting up the tents, singing by the bonfire, having a smoky barbeque, and spending quality time with loved ones – everything seems so beautiful. However, some parents might think camping with children is not easy or might not be safe for them. But we tell you that it is a good chance to bring your little one close to nature. Camping provides you a great opportunity to witness the wild, the lush greenery, and the unexpected accompanying adventures. You can engage your kids in bird watching, photography, hiking and make them learn about plants and animals. As long as you have the trip planned well, you have nothing to be overly worried about. Keep reading this post as we share some great ideas on making the camping trip enjoyable and fun-filled for everyone.

Tips For Camping With Kids

The following tips can give you a hassle-free experience when camping with children and allow you and your children to have the best time of your lives.

1. Involve them in the planning

Involve the children when planning for a camping expedition—right from viewing the map to deciding what everyone is expecting from the experience, choosing a tent, and deciding on activities. If everybody’s opinions and choices match, the camping trip will be fun for the entire family.

2. Choose your campsite carefully

Pick campgrounds that have amenities to suit your family’s requirements. For example, many camp fields are equipped with ball fields, pools, playgrounds, toilets, hot showers, etc. You may pick campsites that are easy to access and have more facilities if you do not go camping often.

3. Research the campsite

Learn more about flora and fauna of your campsite. You can bring along binoculars, notebooks, pens, and cameras to mark the things you see. You may also explore some area attractions, hikes, trails, etc.

4. Do a trial run at home or a resort

Set up a tent in your backyard or do a practice run at a resort that offers some adventurous activities. It will help the children be prepared and anticipate similar or more adventurous activities at the campsite.

5. Be prepared for some trial and error

Camping with children might not go as expected, especially when it is their first time. So, you may consider trying a short camping experience at a park nearby for just a night to begin with.

6. Leave the gadgets at home

Leave all the nonessential devices at home. The children do not need extra exposure to the screens and new distractions when away and camping. Being away from devices will help them connect with the natural beauty around them.

7. Indulge in responsible camping

Coexist with nature responsibly. Teach your children to pick up the trash, even if it is not their own. Ask them not to cause any disturbance to the environment and to avoid plucking flowers or leaves unnecessarily.

8. Carry light snacks and meals

Carry enough snacks with you as being overly active at camps can make your little ones hungry. Plan on packing food your children already like, as trying new foods in such camps might not be a good idea. Introduce the children to the standard camping tradition of roasting marshmallows or cooking hotdogs on the campfire.

9. Travel light

Avoid carrying too much luggage. Carrying too many books or toys might keep your child engaged in them even when out in nature.

10. Try park programs

You can encourage your children to take part in park programs organized at national and state parks. It will give them a good beginner’s experience of camping.

11. Try out new activities

Try to get out of your comfort zones and indulge in new activities as a family. For example, you can try some rope courses, paragliding, fishing, kayaking, etc.

12. Carry a first aid kit

Pack a first aid kit that contains medicines, sunscreen, lotions, bug sprays, band-aids, anti-allergic medicines, tick pullers, etc.

13. Try beach camping

Camping on a beach is non-conventional but fun. You may try fun beach games, water sports, parasailing, etc., at the beach. Also, looking at the never-ending waves from the tent can be an enchanting experience for your children.

14. Set the children free

Let your children explore the campsite. Let them go a little wild when in the wild! Of course, you could set safe boundaries, but let them play in the mud, climb trees, splash the puddle and have fun under your careful watch.

15. Carry an extra small tent

Set up a small tent next to your regular tent. The small tent can be used as a play area. It will help you keep the family tent clutter-free.

16. Maintain the decorum of the place

Camping can be a good opportunity to teach children the lessons on coexisting with nature. For example, teach them how to keep their voices to desirable levels to avoid disturbing other campers and animals.

17. Indulge in some geocaching fun

Geocaching is an activity where a geocache container is hidden from the public view to challenge the participants to use a GPS and coordinates published on the Internet to locate the item. It is allowed in some national parks (1).

18. Keep some surprises a secret

Carry some snacks, treats, or games with you. You may use them when they have an emotional meltdown, and nothing else uplifts their spirits. Also children love surprises, and such surprises can lift their spirits.

19. Carry your bicycles

Family bike riding can be super fun. If you are getting the bikes along, take all precautions, such as wearing helmets and riding only on the permitted routes.

20. Carry some gear to make camping more fun

Lightweight backpacks, hammocks, sleeping bags, tents, and other long-lasting and sturdy camping gear can make camping with children easier. You may try buying used gear online to save some money. Ensure you double-check the quality of the second-hand goods bought online.

21. Indulge in stargazing

You can take along a small telescope. Lay some sleep bags outside of the tent and gaze at the stars. You may also carry some kid-friendly books that explain constellations.

22. Share the responsibility

Your children may not be very enthusiastic about doing chores at home, but camp chores are mostly a hit with kids. Gathering potable water, setting up tents, building a fire, etc., are fun activities they would enjoy while learning new things simultaneously.

23. Carry enough extra clothes for all types of weathers

The evenings through early mornings can be chilly in the woods. Carry warm clothes, warm socks, thermal wear, extra blankets, etc., to keep the children warm at night. You may also carry raincoats and extra clothes to keep them dry.

24. Set up a hand and foot washing station

You can get a double water jug with an open-and-close spout control. Pair it with a plastic tub or bin with a flat bottom where children can step in to wash their feet. Carry soap, hand towels, and enough water for drinking, washing, cooking, and cleaning.

25. Set up a kids’ bathing station

If you are at a campsite with no shower set-ups, you may carry plastic bathtubs or inflatable mini pools. Fill water in them in the morning and place them under the sun for the water to warm up. You may also carry solar-heated shower bags along.

26. Carry enough disinfectant wipes and baby wipes

Use baby wipes to wipe off their hands, feet, and face before entering the tent to avoid all the mud and dirt coming into the tent. For example, when they drop their toys in the mud, you can use antibacterial wipes to clean them, so you don’t waste water washing them each time.

27. Buy essentials for night-time safety

Carry glow sticks and glow stickers, so it is easy for you to track your children in the dark. They can join the glow sticks and wear them as bracelets or necklaces. You can also consider getting glow-in-the-dark ropes or glow-in-the-dark tent stakes so that children do not trip over them in the dark. Also, ensure to pack enough flashlights and battery-operated night lights.

28. Stick to the usual routine as much as possible

Young children thrive on routine. If they have a habit of reading a particular book before going to bed, do not forget to bring it along. Try to follow the same bedtime routine and timings.

29. Carry essentials for lighting a campfire

No camp is complete without a campfire! Carry matchboxes, lighters, lightning nuggets, etc., to start a fire.

30. Choose a good camping pitch

Pick a camping pitch that is not crowded and at a distance from other campers. If the children are still potty training, pick a site with washrooms nearby. If the children are young, do not pick a site with a water body in the vicinity.

31. Carry a portable potty seat for young children

If your children are shy of defecating in the woods and there are no washrooms at the campsite, carry a portable potty seat.

32. Hope for the best, plan for the worst

Do a thorough research of the campsite before camping with children. Be aware of the nearest freshwater source, animals in the area, mobile network availability, etc. Bring along power banks to keep the electronic devices and emergency lights charged, and keep your emergency help kit handy. With kids, be prepared for any last moment changes in the plan and schedule.

33. Create a cozy sleeping environment

The dark woods may seem scary to young children at night. If you have more than one child, you can consider buying a large sleeping bag and letting the kids share the bag. You could also place thick yoga mats under their sleeping bags for added comfort.

34. Stay flexible

While it is important to stick to schedules, do not be too hard on yourself or your children. Be a bit flexible with the schedules, as a different sleeping environment may make it a little difficult for the child to sleep as per their timings and schedules. While camping with children, patience is key.

35. Watch, learn, and grow from the mistakes

For the initial two or three camping expeditions, you might make some mistakes and not be able to perfect them, especially when with children. So, take notes and improvise the next time. Learning from mistakes is a valuable life lesson for children too.

36. Click pictures to create memories for life

Click plenty of pictures when at the camp and create memories for a lifetime and beyond. The images will be a treasure for your children when they grow up. Do not forget to make mental images of the pristine natural beauty around you!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What can children play while camping?

While camping with children, you can engage them in fun activities such as a nature-themed scavenger hunt or camp-themed bingo. For children who enjoy sporty games, you could organize a camping Olympics with games such as tug-of-war, sack race, and a three-legged race.

2. Is camping with children challenging?

Camping with children can be challenging if you are unprepared to deal with situations such as minor injuries, insect bites, and bouts of boredom. Pack a first-aid kit, flashlights, sanitizers, board games, and other tools you may need to ensure your family has a smooth-sailing and fun camping experience.

Going camping with kids will nurture their adventure side and brings them close to nature. However, ensure you have sufficient food, water, and other supplies ready. Also, carry some medicines and first aid to help in any emergencies. Camping is not only a wonderful opportunity to impart life skills to children but will also foster a healthy family bond. Finally, it will help them spend time away from screens and improve their physical and mental wellbeing.

Key Pointers

  • To make kids feel involved while planning a camping trip, allow them to share their ideas.
  • You could prepare your kids for the upcoming adventure by having a trial run at a nearby spot.
  • Keep the kids away from gadgets and encourage them to participate in any programs arranged by the park.


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