101 Best & Romantic Christian Pick Up Lines You’ve Ever Heard

Christian pick up lines to impress your religious date and display your fun and humorous side.

Written by Siddharth Kesiraju
Last Updated on

If all your efforts at impressing your crush aren’t bearing fruit, try out these funny Christian pick-up lines. Pick-up lines can come in handy when kickstarting an interesting conversation, especially if the other person is religious. Using a funny pick-up line at the start of a conversation can also make your potential date see you as a funny, cool, and interesting person.

Christian pick-up lines are unique and will take your potential date by surprise. Read through this post for some amazing Christian pick-up lines and impress your crush without coming across as cheesy.

101 Christian Pickup Lines

Check out these generic and hilarious Christian pickup lines to grab the attention of your ‘devoted’ love.

Christian Pickup Lines

  1. I would kill five Goliaths for you.
  1. Baby, you made my ark float.
  1. Predestination was a matter of joke for me, until the day I met you.
  1. Is it a spiritual gift to you that you look so good?
  1. You are glowing too much. Is it due to the transfiguration?
  1. I was a firm believer of natural theology, but I have changed into divine revelation the moment I met you.
  1. Would you join my Purpose Driven Life?
  1. Reading Philippians 4:8 reminds me of you.
  1. One of my ribs belongs to a beautiful lady. And it’s you.
  1. I was unaware that angels live by our side.
  1. You have stolen my heart at a glance.
  1. Please share your name and number. Coz I want to add you in my prayer list.
  1. I am not prophetic, but I know we would be together.
  1. Are you Faith? Coz I always hope for you.
  1. You are 22, and most Christians get into marriage by now. You don’t have to search coz I’m here.
  1. For you, I would even part the Red sea.
  1. You make me a better tither.
  1. You made me a better Christian.
  1. Have my number and call me whenever you need a prayer.
  1. You are definitely an Egyptian coz I’m becoming a slave of yours.
  1. Both of us would be a miracle together. Just like the loaves and fishes.
  1. It doesn’t matter if you say no to me. Just remember that I’m Joshua, and I can break down your walls.
  1. I can keep walking around you so that one day you fall for me.
  1. I’m sure; you must have sprouted from the good soil.
  1. If Noah was here, then you and I would definitely have been paired.
  1. Do you want to pray? Coz I’m ready to lay my hands on yours.
  1. I feel like heaven as I walk towards you.
  1. I have prayed to the Lord and see, here you are.
  1. Are you a Bible verse? Coz I can’t stop myself from memorizing you.
  1. God said to me that I can partake for you.
  1. Is your name Honey or Milk? Coz I feel like you were promised for me.
  1. Can we go to church and light a candle together?
  1. People often talk about being spirit-led. And that spirit led me towards you.
  1. Are you ready to become my accountability partner?
  1. The answer to your prayers is here. It’s me.
  1. God wants us to remain fruitful and multiply. What do you think?
  1. Hey girl, I want to read Leviticus with you for a holy marriage.
  1. Shall we go for a lunch date this Easter?
  1. God told me you are the one I can break my fast for.
  1. Hey girl, I want to sit next to you during prayers so that we can pray together.
  1. You be my salt, and I’ll be your light.
  1. Hey girl, whenever you walk into the room, you make me clap my hands.
  1. Wanna practice Sufjan songs with me as we look at each other?
  1. Your bright halo compels me to wear sunglasses.
  1. Tim Kellar’s book, ‘The Meaning of Marriage’ is amazing. Can we read it together?
  1. I have a strong feeling that the Lord has put us on the same mission.
  1. Paul says, ‘It’s better to stay single’. But the day I met you I know it’s impossible for me.
  1. I am not checking that girl. I am just admiring how the Lord has blessed her.
  1. Hey girl, wanna see 50 shades of grace?
  1. Your name must be Grace. Coz you are too amazing.
  1. Your name must be Virtue. Coz you embellish my thoughts unstoppably.
  1. I love to see you serving food to homeless people.
  1. I didn’t know angels could fly this low.
  1. Let us together scan the Bible to pick out some baby names.
  1. The Bible says, ‘Guard your heart.’ But you set off my security alarm.
  1. The Holy Spirit draws me near to you.
  1. I want to sing a Christmas Carol with you.
  1. What’s your plan for your afterlife?
  1. You broke a commandment as you stole my heart.
  1. Your heart is so attractive that when you sing and raise your hands in the air, it becomes gracious.
  1. I propose love to you in the name of the Holy Jesus!
  1. I would be glad if you let me lie down at your feet.

Funny Christian pickup lines

  1. Now I understand why Solomon married 700 women…Coz he didn’t see you.
  1. Even Jesus thinks I would be a perfect guy for you.
  1. How does it feel when you fall from heaven?
  1. The Bible says, ‘Greet one another with a holy kiss’. What do you think about abiding in the peace?
  1. Is it hot today or it’s just the Holy Fire in you?
  1. Please touch me once so I can tell others that I was touched by an angel.
  1. I know Jesus is in your heart. Is there any room for me too?
  1. Are you one of the Pharisees? Because you are extremely fair.
  1. Studying Proverb 31 is just like studying you.
  1. Hi, I’m Will, God’s will!
  1. God says ‘Give drink to those who are thirsty and feed the hungry’. Can we plan for dinner?
  1. I am keen to know you biblically.
  1. I firmly believe that God loves me coz He made us meet.
  1. When should I expect an invitation from you to the church?
  1. Your hair seems like a flock of goats that appear from Mount Gilead.
  1. I would wander in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights for you.
  1. I hope you haven’t given me up for Lent.
  1. Hey girl, your looks are a spiritual gift from the Lord. And it lifts my spirits.
  1. I have enough bread and fish for the two of us.
  1. Are you David? Coz my heart beats for you.
  1. You are the yeast for my Communion bread.
  1. Girl, you can make Paul rethink for the single life.
  1. Are you Adam? Coz I see you as the only man in the world.
  1. I have been storing up treasures in heaven, and trust me, my mansion will be a rocking one.
  1. Hey girl, we have got the matching Bible covers!
  1. Do you know girl why always I think about you? Coz the Bible says to think what is pure and lovely to your eyes.
  1. Did you come from the Sea of Galilee? Coz the only gal I could see is you.
  1. The Lord must have made you on Saturday as he needed to rest on Sunday.
  1. I was about to begin the beach mission but it ended up as Mission You.
  1. You are far better than Bathsheba.
  1. Is your name Thomas? Because no man is as handsome as you!
  1. Are you Eve? Coz I could see you as the only girl in the world.
  1. I never felt so comfortable in reading the Song of Solomon with you.
  1. Wanna join my small group? I mean only two people; you and me.
  1. I can be your Judas by kissing on your cheek but don’t take it for betrayal.
  1. You make me feel complete. You are the gluten of my Communion bread.
  1. You are mentioned in my testimony.
  1. Are you Abraham’s nephew? Coz I admire you a LOT.
  1. Hey girl, are you made in heaven?

So, before going out for a date with your religious crush, choose the best Christian pickup line for a smooth conversation. Using these cheesy and funny pickup lines will make your crush spend more quality time with you.

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