28 Common And Weird Side Effects Of Pregnancy

Each pregnancy is unique, and so are the side effects experienced.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Karla S. Sanchez-Banos, MD Dr. Karla S. Sanchez-Banos Dr. Karla S. Sanchez-BanosMD insta_icon Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Children and Adolescent GynecologyExperience: 11 years
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A pregnant woman’s body undergoes several physical and emotional changes, and some of these changes are uncomfortable. Side effects of pregnancy are common but differ from person to person. For example, some women may experience nausea throughout the entire day or only in the morning, while some may have excessive secretion of saliva. Since many symptoms are common during pregnancy, knowing the difference between harmless side effects and unusual warning signs of a developing complication is important. Therefore, you should immediately consult your doctor to know about anything abnormal.

Read on to know about some common and weird side effects of pregnancy.

Common Side Effects Of Pregnancy

1. Morning sickness

Morning sickness is an unpleasant sensation characterized by nausea and vomiting that may affect everyday life during pregnancy. Although it is known as morning sickness because it commonly happens in the morning, it may happen any time during the day, and some women may experience it throughout the day. It does not harm the baby, and most women will get better by 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy (1). In rare cases, it might last throughout pregnancy. If you have more than some episodes of nausea and vomiting, can’t hold food or drinks in, or start experiencing dryness of mouth, headache or dizziness, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

2. Frequent urination

The expanding uterus can put a lot of pressure on the urinary bladder, leading to frequent peeing in pregnancy. It is higher in the first trimester and may reduce by the end of the fourth month. However, as the baby descends into the pelvis at the end of pregnancy, the urge might increase again.

Frequent urination is usually not a cause of concern unless accompanied by other symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI) such as fever, chills, and burning sensation (2). Nevertheless, urine tests are frequently done in pregnancy to rule out a condition called asymptomatic bacteriuria.

3. Vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is normal in most cases. Healthy vaginal discharge is usually thin, clear, mucus-like, and does not smell unpleasant. It helps in preventing any infections from traveling up to the womb.

Vaginal discharge increases at the end of pregnancy. Foul smell, green or yellow discoloration, vaginal itchiness, soreness, or pain while peeing are some signs that require medical attention (3).

4. Gas and bloating

The increased levels of progesterone during pregnancy cause gas buildup as it slows the movement of the intestines. Progesterone relaxes the intestinal muscles, leading to slower digestion. In addition, the growing uterus puts pressure on the abdominal cavity, slowing digestion further and causing gas buildup. However, increased gas production does not have any adverse effects on the developing baby, although it could be very uncomfortable for the mother.

Avoiding spicy food, fatty foods, and carbohydrate drinks and reducing the intake of artificial sweeteners can help reduce gas production. In addition, regular walks after meals, mild exercises, chewing food slowly, drinking ample water, and small frequent meals throughout the day may help in reducing gas and bloating (4).

5. Bleeding gums

The hormonal changes during pregnancy could make your gums more susceptible to plaque accumulation, causing inflammation and bleeding of the gums. It is also called pregnancy gingivitis or gum disease.

Brushing, flossing, avoiding excessive sweets, quitting alcohol and smoking, and rinsing the mouth after vomiting can help prevent bleeding gums (5). Increasing intake of vitamin C may also reduce the risk of gingivitis.

6. Constipation

About half of all women experience constipation at some point in pregnancy. Constipation is characterized by infrequent bowel movements, difficulty in passing stool, abdominal pain, discomfort, and passing of hard stools.

Relaxed intestinal muscles due to progesterone release cause waste to move slowly through the body. Additionally, iron supplements may also cause constipation. However, a high fiber diet, hydration, routine exercises, and medicines may help relieve constipation (6).

Straining for bowel movement may cause hemorrhoids. Hence, if you notice any rectal bleeding, contact your healthcare provider.

7. Hemorrhoids or piles

Hemorrhoids or piles are swollen varicose veins of the rectum that cause pain. They are common in the third trimester of pregnancy but may occur earlier for some women. Constipation, increased pressure of the womb on the rectum, and prolonged standing may cause hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Taking steps to prevent constipation, such as eating a high fiber diet, consuming ample fluids and prune juice, and avoiding stool withholding, might help (7).

8. Yeast infections

Most women experience yeast infections, also called vaginal thrush, during pregnancy than at any other time due to changes in the vaginal pH. White, cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge; green-yellow discharge; discharge smelling like yeast or bread; increased discharge; redness, itching, irritation of the vagina; or burning sensation during peeing or intercourse are common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection.

Hormonal changes, several chemical changes in the vagina, and increased sugar content in the vaginal discharge are responsible for yeast infections. Vaginal creams and suppositories are recommended treatments, and it may take 10 to 14 days for the infection to clear up completely, along with reducing sugar intake and keeping the area dry (8).

9. Acne breakouts

Increased levels of estrogen are responsible for acne in pregnancy. Sometimes, women may experience more acne in early pregnancy and see improvement as the pregnancy progresses. Some women experience severe acne flare-ups throughout the pregnancy. However, acne does not harm the developing baby (9). Local topical application of medicines after doctor consultation could help reduce acne.

10. Breast appearance

The hormonal changes in pregnancy can increase blood flow and fluid retention, causing the breasts to swell and feel sore and sensitive to touch. Such breast tenderness is an early sign of pregnancy.

The breast size might increase by six to eight weeks, and the bra size may increase by one or two cup sizes by the end of the pregnancy. In addition, the nipples and areolas may begin to darken and grow in size. The veins also darken, and little bumps may appear on the areolas (10). You can read more about breast appearance in pregnancy here.

11. Swollen extremities (edema)

In pregnancy, the body holds more water than usual, leading to swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, and fingers, which might worsen by the end of the day. Gradual swelling is not harmful, but sudden swelling could indicate preeclampsia, which requires immediate attention.

Avoid standing for long hours, wear comfortable shoes and socks, drink plenty of fluids, keep legs raised above a pillow while sleeping, and engage in regular mild to moderate exercise to reduce the swelling (11).

12. Leg cramps

Almost half of all women experience leg cramps and muscle spasms during pregnancy, more often in the third trimester. Weight gain due to pregnancy, altered blood circulation, and pressure from the growing womb are common reasons for leg cramps.

Regular exercise, time off the feet, supportive stockings, calf and foot massage, local heat application, and a few supplements after consultation with your doctor can help relieve leg cramps during pregnancy (12).

13. Acid reflux and heartburn

Heartburn and acid reflux are common pregnancy symptoms characterized by a burning sensation in the center of the heart. This occurs because the hormones produced in pregnancy relax the valve between the stomach and esophagus, and as a result, the acid from the stomach moves back into the esophagus.

Acid reflux is more common in the third trimester of pregnancy. Small, frequent meals, avoiding spicy, fatty, and greasy foods, mild exercises, and waiting for an hour after eating to lie down can help avoid heartburn and acid reflux in pregnancy (13). Avoiding drinking too much water immediately after eating food may also help relieve symptoms.

14. Heightened sense of smell

Several women have reported a heightened sense of smell, also called hyperosmia, during pregnancy. Hormonal changes are responsible for this heightened sense of smell, resulting in nausea and vomiting (14). Covering the mouth and nose with a wet mask may help improve this condition.

15. Skin pigmentation

Some women experience dark patches on their faces in pregnancy, also known as chloasma, melasma, or the mask of pregnancy. Dark, irregular patches are common on the upper cheeks, nose, lips, and forehead. Broad-spectrum sunscreen lotions may help prevent skin pigmentation (15).

16. Varicose veins

Increased blood volume puts pressure on the veins of the legs, possibly leading to the development of varicose veins. Although common in the legs, varicose veins may also occur on the buttocks or vaginal areas.

While generally harmless, varicose veins may become itchy and uncomfortable. These can be prevented by exercising regularly, refraining from wearing heels, wearing compression stockings, avoiding standing for long, and keeping legs raised while sitting or lying. Varicose veins usually disappear in three months to a year after childbirth (16).

17. Round ligament pain

Round ligament pain is characterized by a sharp pain in the abdomen or hip area that may extend to the groin but only lasts for a few seconds. It is common in the second trimester of pregnancy and can be unilateral or bilateral.

Ample rest, changing positions slowly, bending or flexing hips while sneezing, coughing, or laughing, and mild exercises under supervision can help manage round ligament pain (17).

18. Backache

Back pain is one of the most common side effects of pregnancy. The expanding uterus shifts the body’s center of gravity and weakens the abdominal muscles. Laxity of the ligaments and joints due to hormonal changes also contributes to back pain in pregnancy. You may consider back-strengthening exercises under supervision to alleviate pain.

Contact your healthcare provider if you experience severe back pain that lasts for more than one week (18).

19. Pelvic girdle pain (PGP)

Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is the pain felt in the pelvic joints, lower back, hips, and thighs during pregnancy. About one in four pregnant women experience PGP. The pain ranges from mild to severe, and the symptoms can vary among women.

PGP can cause difficulty walking, climbing stairs, dressing, parting the legs, turning sides on the bed, and lying on the back or side. Ligament laxity due to hormones, pressure from the growing uterus, and the baby’s position are some causes of PGP (19). Exercising, putting equal weight on both legs while standing, not pushing anything with feet, keeping distance between legs while sleeping, and ensuring adequate rest can relieve PGP.

Weird Side Effects Of Pregnancy

20. Excessive salivation

Also known as ptyalism, excessive salivation is one of the unusual symptoms of pregnancy. It might develop in the first trimester, and for most women, it resolves by the end of the first trimester.

Pregnancy hormones mostly cause excessive saliva production. The risk factors include hyperemesis gravidarum (extreme morning sickness), heartburn, irritants such as smoke or toxins, and other medical conditions. Small meals throughout the day, regular brushing, sucking on sugarless gums or hard candies, and taking small sips of water frequently can help manage the condition (20).

21. Itchy skin

The increased levels of chemicals circulating in the blood during pregnancy may cause itching. Additionally, as the baby bump grows, the abdominal skin also stretches and may feel itchy.

Itching may also occur due to a rare liver condition called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), which affects less than 1% of pregnant women in the US (21). Itchiness caused by ICP may worsen at night, is severe in the hands and feet, and requires medical attention (22). ICP tends to reoccur in future pregnancies.

22. Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds in pregnancy are caused by hormonal changes. During a nosebleed, blood may flow from one or both the nostrils, and it may also occur while asleep. However, as long as you do not lose a lot of blood or develop other symptoms, you can manage it at home.

After an episode of nosebleed, avoid nose blowing, nose picking, bending down, and strenuous activities for at least 24 hours. Contact your doctor if the bleeding does not stop in around ten minutes (23).

23. Nasal congestion

Hormonal changes cause increased blood flow to the nasal passages, leading to nasal congestion, also called pregnancy rhinitis. The congestion worsens while lying down, causing disturbances while sleeping and resulting in lethargy during the day.

Avoid using OTC decongestant spray and saline drops to relieve nasal congestion. Instead, drink plenty of water, use a humidifier, avoid firsthand and secondhand smoke, do mild exercises, and elevate the head while sleeping. Talk to your doctor if the condition bothers you too much and nothing seems to help (24).

24. Changes in the feet

Some women experience an increase in the size of their feet as pregnancy progresses. This happens due to fluid accumulation in the lower extremities. Further, hormonal changes cause laxity of joints and ligaments, resulting in increased foot length, decreased arch height, and a flatter arch.

Changes in the feet are observed in the third trimester of pregnancy and may alter the gait of the pregnant woman (25).

25. Restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is characterized by itching, tingling, burning, or a creepy-crawly sensation in the legs with a constant urge to move the legs. It affects about 20% of all pregnant women and is experienced in the third trimester of pregnancy. The deficiency of iron and low hemoglobin are some of the triggering factors for RLS.

For most women, these symptoms disappear after childbirth (26). You can read more about the causes and management of restless legs syndrome here.

26. Sweating

Hormonal changes and increased blood supply to the skin can cause increased sweating in pregnancy. Wearing loose, comfortable clothing made of breathable fabric, maintaining a comfortable room temperature, and bathing frequently can help you feel cool and fresh (27).

27. Breathing difficulties

Many pregnant women experience shortness of breath in early and late pregnancy. Early on, breathing issues are caused by increased progesterone. Later in pregnancy, shortness of breath is caused by the growing uterus, which takes up more room in the belly.

Sitting or standing upright, moving slowly, lifting the arms overhead, and sleeping propped up can help breathe comfortably (28).

28. Tingling and numbness

Swelling in the body may cause nerve compression and lead to tingling and numbness in the legs, arms, or hands. The abdominal skin may also feel numb as it gets stretched in pregnancy. In addition, tingling and numbness in the hands can occur due to carpal tunnel syndrome (29). You can learn more about the causes of tingling and numbness in pregnancy here.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I feel pregnant after two days?

It usually takes upto six days for the sperm to fertilize the egg after unprotected sex, after which it takes several more days to implant the fertilized egg (30). Hence most women may experience pregnancy symptoms one week after conception, but in some, it may take several weeks (31).

2. Do we get extra hungry in early pregnancy?

Yes, the increased appetite may be an early pregnancy symptom due to the fluctuation of the hormones, particularly the increase in progesterone levels (32) (33).

3. What part of the breast hurts in early pregnancy?

The part of the breasts that hurt the most in early pregnancy may be the nipples as it prepares for breastfeeding (34). The cause for this is believed to be the milk duct expansion to accommodate the milk.

Pregnancy is a sensitive time for the mother, and there are various changes that are going on in her body. Along with the expected changes, there might also be a few side effects that you experience. Breakouts in the skin, the feeling of heartburn, or leg cramps are common side effects. In contrast, itchy skin, numbness in the feet, and difficulty breathing are some concerning side effects that need to be discussed with the doctor to avoid any complications. Take proper care of yourself and have a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients for your baby’s proper development.

Key Pointers

  • Morning sickness is one of the most common side effects of pregnancy that abates by 16 to 20 weeks.
  • Frequent urination is a side effect that develops due to the pressure on the urinary bladder caused by the expanding uterus.
  • Gas and bloating, bleeding gums, constipation, and several more common and uncommon side effects of pregnancy to know as you scroll further.


  1. Vomiting and morning sickness.
  2. What causes frequent urination during pregnancy?
  3. Vaginal discharge in pregnancy.
  4. Pregnancy Gas.
  5. Bleeding gums.
  6. Constipation in Pregnancy.
  7. Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy.
  8. Yeast Infections During Pregnancy.
  9. Acne in pregnancy.
  10. Breast Changes During Pregnancy.
  11. Swollen ankles
  12. Leg cramps during pregnancy.
  13. Heartburn During Pregnancy.
  14. E. Leslie Cameron; (2014); Pregnancy and olfaction: a review.
  15. Changes to your skin during pregnancy.
  16. Treat Varicose Veins Naturally During Pregnancy.
  17. Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy.
  18. Back Pain During Pregnancy.
  19. What is pelvic girdle pain?
  20. Excessive saliva in pregnancy.
  21. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.
  22. Itching and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.
  23. Nosebleeds in pregnancy.
  24. Pregnancy Rhinitis: Relief for Ongoing Nasal Congestion Is Possible.
  25. Pregnancy and feet.
  26. What can I do about restless legs syndrome during pregnancy?
  27. Common health problems in pregnancy.
  28. Shortness of breath.
  29. Changes in Your Body During Pregnancy: Third Trimester.
  30. How soon after unprotected sex can i take a pregnancy test?
  31. Early signs of pregnancy.
  32. 10 Ways to Survive and Thrive in Your First Trimester.
  33. Marijke M. Faas et al. (2010); A Brief Review on How Pregnancy and Sex Hormones Interfere with Taste and Food Intake.
  34. Breast tenderness.
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Dr. Karla S. Sanchez-Banos is a board-licensed Ob/Gyn in Mexico, specializing in Adolescent Gynecology. She is also trained in Gynecological Endocrinology, granted by AMEGIN (Gynecological Endocrinology Mexican Association).

Read full bio of Dr. Karla S. Sanchez-Banos
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