10 Fun And Interesting Crocodile Crafts For Kids

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Ancient Egyptians considered crocodiles holy. Right from the days of Peter Pan, and his nemesis Captain Hook, crocodiles have played a huge part in kids fiction. And, most kids are either scared of these scaly creatures or awed by their size. Questions like, “what are all those scales for?” and “how many teeth does a crocodile have?” are popular among the kids.

So, if you have a budding zoologist at home, who can’t stop asking you questions about these elusive reptiles, why don’t you help you child discover more about the reptile by teaching him some amazing crocodile crafts. To help you do just that, MomJunction has compiled a list of ten quick and snappy crocodile crafts for toddlers, preschoolers and kids below. Do check them out.

10 Fun And Interesting Crocodile Crafts:

1. Clay Crocodile Craft:

You Will Need:

  • Green clay
  • A pair of wiggle eyes

How To:

  • Show your kid how to shape the green clay to form the shape of the crocodile. Make its elongated body, face, four claws, and tail correctly.
  • Let your kid press her fingers on the upper surface or back of the reptile to form the scales
  • Press in two wiggle eyes in the place of eyes on the face of the craft, make a pair of nostrils and complete it.

[ Read: Sea Animal Crafts For Kids ]

2. Beaded Crocodile Craft:

Crocodile Crafts - Beaded Crocodile Craft
Image: IStock

You Will Need:

  • Some bendable wires
  • Lots of green beads
  • A few blue beads

How To:

  • Help your little crocodile admirer bend and shape the wires making the elongated body and claws of the crocodile.
  • Thread in green beads through all the wires making green crocodile craft.
  • Thread in blue beads in between to distinguish different parts of the reptile, such as claws and tails.
  • Bend and tie the ends of the wires so that all of them make one single piece of the crocodile.

[ Read: Beads Crafts For Kids ]

3. Felt Crocodile Craft:

Crocodile Crafts - Felt Crocodile Craft
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Dark green fabric
  • Small pieces of light green, black, and white fabrics
  • Toy stuffing
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Needle and thread

How To:

  • Fold the sheet of dark green fabric into a half, and guide your kid to draw the shape of a crocodile on the upper layer of the fold using the pencil. Cut two identical figures of the reptile with the help of scissors.
  • Place two similar crocodile’s shape fabrics on each other and sew them using a needle and thread leaving a small gap.
  • Insert some toy stuffing through space into the crocodile craft and sew that area.
  • Cut out some circular pieces out of light green fabric and sew them on the body of the reptile.
  • Cut one big white circle and one small black circle and sew it on the face of the animal creating the eye of the crocodile.

4. Fruit And Cucumber Crocodile Craft:

Crocodile Crafts - Fruit And Cucumber Crocodile Craft
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Two big dark green cucumbers
  • Lots of grapes, red berries, and pieces of pineapple
  • One small carrot
  • Two big white candies
  • Two small black candies
  • Lots of small tooth sticks
  • Knife
  • Peeler

How To:

  • Place the dark green colored cucumber flat on the table and make a large slit at its one end using a knife. Make series of triangular shaped teeth of the reptile by cutting the edges of the mouth with the help of a knife.
  • Peel off the skin of the other dark green cucumber using a peeler and place the peels at the other end of the vegetable making the tail of the animal. Also, make the claws of the reptile by arranging the peels on the sides of the body.
  • Now, organize lots of red cherries, grapes, and triangular pieces of pineapple on the back of the crocodile as it scales. Join these fruits and make the scales sharp by using lots of small tooth sticks.
  • Make the eyes of the crocodile by arranging a pair of white candies and black candies on the front side of the craft.

5. Crocodile Puppet Craft:

Crocodile Crafts - Crocodile Puppet Craft
Image: IStock

You Will Need:

  • One dark green sock
  • Red fabric
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread
  • Brown wool
  • Two circular pieces of black fabric
  • Glue

How To:

  • Use a pair of scissors and cut the closed end of the green sock into halves.
  • Sew in the red fabric on the inner sides of the halves on its three ends leaving some space on the fourth end for the hands to get into them as you see in the image.
  • Now, put some glue on the top of the socks and paste some small pieces of the brown wool.
  • Sew two round pieces of the black fabric in place of the eyes of the reptile.
  • Now, tell your kid to put her hand inside the sock, wear the reptile puppet on her hand, and open its mouth using her fingers. Teach the child to make some sound or small chat when the crocodile’s mouth is open making it appear as if the puppet is talking.

6. Balloon Crocodile Craft:

Crocodile Crafts - Balloon Crocodile Craft
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • One long, green balloon
  • Many small, round green balloons
  • Small, circular black balloons
  • One round yellow balloon
  • Black marker
  • Threads
  • Glue

How To:

  • Blow one long, green ball as the body of the crocodile.
  • Blow up many small circular green balloons and tie them to the sides of the body of reptile as it claws and in the front representing its face and mouth.
  • Fill air in small black balloons, tie them together in a line and paste them on the back of the reptile as its scale.
  • Place one small yellow ball in the front of the black balloons as the eye of the animal.
  • Mark the eyes of the crocodile and its teeth by using a black marker.

[ Read: Balloon Activities For Kids ]

7. Crocodile Monster Mask:

Crocodile Crafts - Crocodile Monster Mask
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Two large sheets of yellow card paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • White card paper
  • Colorful sketch pens

How To:

  • Tell your kid to draw the face of the crocodile with its mouth open on two sheets of yellow card paper. The face should be bigger than your child’s face.
  • Cut two identical shapes of the reptile’s face out of yellow paper. Also, cut long yellow strips out of yellow card paper.
  • Join two faces of crocodile together by gluing the yellow strips in between them leaving small space at the bottom for your kid’s head to get into the mask.
  • Cut many white triangles out of the white card paper and glue them in the mouth of the crocodile’s face as its series of teeth.
  • Use colorful sketch pens and make the eyes, scales, and other parts of the reptile on the mask. Tell your child to put on the mask by slipping her head in from the bottom of the craft.

8. Crocodile Bookmark:

Crocodile Crafts - Crocodile Bookmark
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • A strip of dark green foam
  • Small light green foam
  • A pair of wiggle eyes
  • White card paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue

How To:

  • Cut a square out of the light green colored foam and glue it to the top end of the dark green strip of foam making the face or head of the crocodile.
  • Glue a pair of wiggle eyes on the light green face.
  • Cut small white triangles out of the white paper and paste them on the face of the crocodile as is teeth. Use this craft foam strip as a crocodile bookmark.

9. Crocodile Painting:

Crocodile Crafts - Crocodile Painting
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • A white drawing sheet
  • Pencil
  • Dark green, light green, and black food colors
  • Little water
  • Three bowls
  • Paint brush

How To:

  • Show your kid how to draw a crocodile on a white drawing sheet using a pencil. Draw four claws at the bottom, one tail at one end, and series of scales on the back of the reptile.
  • Put dark green, black, and light green food colors into three different bowls and add a little water to each bowl.
  • Paint the entire body of the reptile using a paint brush and dark green color. Paint the scales in light green color.
  • Mark the pair of eyes and nostrils of the crocodile in black.

10. Crocodile Patchwork For Kids:

Crocodile Crafts - Crocodile Patchwork For Kids
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Light green fabrics
  • Colorful rags of red, yellow, brown, and other colors
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Large, brown sheet of paper

How To:

  • Help your child to draw the face, four claws, and body along with the tail of crocodile with a pencil on the light green fabrics, and cut these parts out using scissors.
  • Draw the scales and inner body thin strips on the colorful rags, and cut them out using the scissors.
  • Arrange all fabric patches of body parts on a brown sheet of paper as you see in the figure and paste using the glue completing the patchwork of crocodile craft.

Did your kid try any of these ten creative crocodile crafts for kids? Which one of the crocodile craft ideas your child liked the most? Tell us in the section below.


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