Top 5 Delicious Egg And Bread Recipes To Try Out

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Bread and egg make a fabulous combo. Be it for breakfast, snack, or lunch, they share a genuine comradeship worth enjoying. A classic French toast or an egg scramble sandwich, bread pudding or egg and bread bowl – there are various ways of enjoying this awesome combination. Mix and match the way you want to and celebrate this yummy combination of the duo.

5 Easy Egg And Bread Recipes You Can Enjoy:

Let’s have a look at my 5 favorite egg and bread recipes that are easy to make. You can enjoy it at anytime and anywhere.

1. French Toast:

A classic breakfast option, my daughter enjoys this as her favorite lunchbox delicacy. It tastes equally good when served hot or cold. If you are serving hot, then make sure you have generous amount of caramel sauce handy for garnishing.


  1. Eggs – 3
  2. Full cream milk – 1 cup
  3. Salt – 2 tbsp
  4. Salt – a pinch
  5. Butter – 4 tbsp
  6. Bread – 8 slices 


  1. Using a wire whisk, beat the eggs with sugar and salt until sugar dissolves and the mixture turns pale and fluffy.
  2. Mix in milk and beat for few more minutes.
  3. Place a mildly greased shallow frying pan on medium to high heat.
  4. Dip bread slices, one at a time, in the egg mixture and place on the heated pan.
  5. Drizzle ½ tbsp butter for each bread slice and cook until the bottom turns golden brown.
  6. Using a spatula, flip over, drizzle ½ tbsp more butter and cook until the other side also gets the brown hue.
  7. Serve hot drizzled with caramel sauce or honey and handful of fresh fruits. 

2. Egg And Bread Scramble:

Image: Shutterstock
Image: Shutterstock

This comes with the goodness of nuts and veggies roasted on a medium flame and flavored with assorted spices that burst in your mouth. A filling breakfast recipe, it can easily be made into a snack also.


  1. Eggs – 2
  2. Whole grain bread – 4 slices, edges trimmed, crumbled
  3. Onions – 1, large, finely chopped
  4. Tomato – 1, large, finely chopped
  5. Green chilies – 2, finely chopped
  6. Cumin seeds – ½ tsp
  7. Turmeric powder – ½ tsp
  8. Salt – to taste
  9. Coriander leaves – for garnishing
  10. Oil – 1 tbsp 


  1. Place a deep frying pan on medium to high flame and heat oil.
  2. Add cumin seeds and allow those to splutter.
  3. Add onions and green chilies and sauté until the onions turn golden brown.
  4. Add tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes turn soft and mushy.
  5. Crack in eggs and scramble.
  6. Mix in salt to taste.
  7. Add crumbled bread, mix, and cook for a minute more.
  8. Mix in coriander leaves.
  9. Serve hot. 

3. Egg And Bread Pudding:

Image: Shutterstock
Image: Shutterstock

This is an easy to make dessert idea that can be served during any occasion. Packed with almonds, dry fruits, and almond essence, this one makes a tasty breakfast choice.


  1. Bread – 1 cup, cut into 1-inch cubes
  2. Almonds – 1/8 cup, slivered, roasted
  3. Dried cranberries – 1/8 cup
  4. Milk – 1/3 cup
  5. Almond extract – to taste
  6. Honey – 2 tbsp
  7. Eggs – 2
  8. Butter – 2 tbsp
  9. Raisins – for topping 


  1. Preheat your oven to 180 degree Celsius.
  2. Grease a 6-cup muffin pan with butter and line with almonds and cranberries and keep aside.
  3. Beat eggs with milk, honey, and almond extract.
  4. Add bread cubes and toss to coat evenly.
  5. Spoon evenly into muffin pans, sprinkle raisins, and bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until the breads are roasted.
  6. Serve warm with whipped cream and fruits of your choice. 

4. Eggs Baked In Bread Bowls:

Image: Shutterstock
Image: Shutterstock

I fell in love with the recipe the very first time I baked it. I have made modifications to this recipe to meet the Indian palate requirements. Plus, I do add a handful of toasted nuts for that crunchiness.


  1. Dinner rolls – 4
  2. Eggs – 4
  3. Fresh cream – 4 tbsp
  4. Cheese – 2 tbsp, grated
  5. Onions – 2 tbsp, finely chopped, roasted to golden brown
  6. Chaat masala – to taste
  7. Salt – to taste
  8. Coriander leaves – 2 tsp, finely chopped 


  1. Preheat your oven to 205 degree Celsius.
  2. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and keep aside.
  3. Cut off about 3 inches from the top portion of the rolls.
  4. Scoop out about ½ inch from inside the bread roll.
  5. Arrange the rolls on the tray.
  6. In a small bowl, mix cream with onions, chaat masala, and salt.
  7. Divide the mixture equally between the bread bowls and top with cheese and coriander leaves.
  8. Bake for about 10 minutes, replace the bread tops and bake until cheese melts.
  9. Serve hot. 

5. Fried Eggs Sandwich:

Image: Shutterstock
Image: Shutterstock

A quick and easy way to make bread and egg recipe, this one offers you the ease of using the bread of your choice. Serve with milk, fruits, and nuts for a wholesome breakfast. If you are serving it as a snack at a party, then make sure you have loads of French fries accompanied by dips to zest up the event.


  1. Eggs – 2
  2. Processed cheese – 2 slices
  3. Whole grain bread – 4 slices, toasted
  4. Butter – 1 tsp
  5. Low fat mayonnaise – 1 tbsp
  6. Tomato ketchup -1 tsp
  7. Salt – to taste
  8. White pepper powder – to taste 


  1. Place a large frying pan on medium to high flame and melt the butter.
  2. Crack in the eggs, one at a time, and cook until it becomes firm.
  3. Place cheese slice atop each of the egg just before the egg starts firming.
  4. Wait until the cheese melts.
  5. Place this mixture atop 2 of the bread slices and season with salt and pepper.
  6. Mix in ketchup with mayonnaise and use this mixture to spread over rest of the bread slices.
  7. Cover the egg topped bread slices with these mayo spread bread slices and serve warm.

Be it breakfast, lunch, or snack, my first choice is always bread and egg. You can even enjoy this combo as a protein packed delicacy to pep up your energy levels post an intense workout session.

How do you prepare bread and egg combo? Is there any specific recipe that is your all-time favorite? Why don’t you share with us? You can share it in the comments section below.

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Nithya Shrikant
A simple, amiable, down to earth woman! A mother to two adorable daughters! A good wife! A nice person in short! :-).

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