School Types – The Difference Between Public, Private, Magnet, Charter And More

Written by MomJunction
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Is your little one ready for school? Are you looking for different types of schools to understand what the best one for him is? Are you curious about how the school structure’s changed since you last went to school? Are you looking at different schools to understand what your child can learn and where?

If this sounds like you, read our post and learn all about the characteristics of different types of schools you can consider sending your little angel. Here are the different types of schools that your child can attend as per age:

1. Public Schools:

A public school is one that gets its financing from the local, state or the federal government. According to most state rules, a public school must admit all students who live within the borders of that particular district. In recent times, magnet schools and charter schools are two new types of public schools that make up the school segment.

Magnet School:

A magnet school is a free public school.

  • Such schools are extremely competitive and can be very selective. Magnet schools have special teaching programs, and their academic standards are usually very high. In most cases, a magnet school only specializes in a specific field of education, like science or arts.
  • Magnet schools have rigorous testing methods to test all the students who apply. Some magnet schools also have their own boarding facility to encourage students from all communities to attend.
  • The concept of magnet school began as a desegregation of the public school system. The idea was to encourage children to attend schools that were outside their neighborhood. Most magnet schools want to have as much student diversity as possible.

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Charter School:

A charter school is an independently operated public school and does not charge tuition.

  • The concept began, when teachers, parents, companies for profit and community organizations came together to operate public schools independently. Charter schools receive tax dollars, even though the sponsoring group can come up with its private funding.
  • Charter schools have to follow basic curricular requirements laid down by the state. Regarding many other regulations, they are free to follow their rules and formats, unlike various conventional schools. Charter schools don’t work for a school board or governing authorities.
  • Such schools are cutting edge, as they always challenge the regular educational practices most schools follow. A charter school may specialize in a particular area, like arts or technology, or follow basic subjects approach. The United States has almost 3000 charter schools.

2. Private School:

A private school works through tuition payments and relies on funds from various non-profit sources like grants, charitable donations, religious organizations and such. Such schools select students from a list of applicants who apply and can be either same gender or co-ed. In the United States, a third of the elementary and secondary schools are private schools. Independent schools, parochial schools and proprietary schools are all different types of private schools.

Independent School:

An independent school is a private and non-profit school. A board of trustees typically governs an independent school.

  • The funds for independent schools come mostly from tuition fees, endowments and charitable organizations instead of church funds or taxes. Independent schools can align to religious institutions but cannot receive any funds from the same.
  • In the United States, about 2000 schools are independent schools. Nearly three-fourth of all schools are accredited by a recognized regional body or a state. Schools also agree on policies that will not discriminate between students. Most independent schools have the facility of having day students as well as boarders.

[ Read: Tips For Preparing Your Child For School ]

Parochial School:

A parochial school is a church-related school.

  • Catholic parishes or dioceses mostly run parochial schools. Sometimes, Protestants also own parochial schools. Some Hebrew schools are also as parochial.
  • Most private schools in the United States are parochial. Along with the academic curriculum, parochial schools also practice daily religious terms and prayers. Teachers at such schools are mostly clergy or any lay person who may or may not have been professionally trained to become teachers.
  • Children from any faith can join such schools, as long as they follow the daily religious practices taught at school.

Proprietary School:

A proprietary school is a private school that is run for profit.

  • Proprietary schools are relatively new in terms of the types of schools that already exist. They are not governed by any trustee, board or elected official. Such schools claim to respond sooner to any emerging needs and trends.
  • The fees for proprietary schools can be compared to what is paid at any non-profit private school.

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3. Home School:

Homeschooling is another new concept that is quite popular among teachers and students.

  • A home school is a concept where experts will come down and teach your kid. You can also teach her, or take the help of online education programs. Some home school students do attend regular school part-time but mostly learn everything at home. Sometimes, different homeschooling students come together to share resources and study time.
  • As per recent surveys, most parents of home-schooled students choose the option as they want to imbibe certain specific religious beliefs in their children. Some parents also worry about the quality of education their children receive even after paying a large fee.
  • In homeschooling, parents can choose the curriculum they feel will be best for their children. They can also take the help of specific material that is specially created for homeschooling. Homeschooling is regulated by the state and has to follow certain pre-set requirements. It can vary from state to state. Some states are not even aware of children who are being home schooled. Some states have specific tests that help evaluate the progress of home schooled students.

The curriculum and tuition fees in different school types can vary significantly. While some schools follow a set pattern and are governed by a body, others are entirely independent. Choosing the right school for your child is extremely important, so make sure you make an informed decision. Do tell us what kind of school your little angel attends.

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