7 Easy and Effective Yoga Asanas That You Can Do At Office

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Our ways of work and living have drastically changed over the years. Sedentary lifestyles have taken over, bringing down the levels of physical activity. Lack of time, busy schedules, and long hours at work are no excuse to not exercise. If you are unable to exercise at home, do it at the office. Here, we have compiled 7 easy and non-invasive yoga asanas for you to try at your workplace. Take a look and exercise away.

Yoga At The Office

The modern age mantra is all about balancing, so why not take exercise to work? At the office, while you go about work non-stop, taking a moment and investing that time to do some simple yoga asanas like the ones mentioned below will work wonders for you.

7 Simple Office Yoga Poses

  1. Konasana (Angle Pose)
  2. Katichakrasana (Standing Spinal Twist)
  3. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
  4. Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend)
  5. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
  6. Baddhakonasana (Butterfly Pose)
  7. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)

1. Konasana (Angle Pose)

Benefits: This is an ideal pose for people with desk jobs as it greatly helps in relieving back pain. Apart from that, it helps in stretching and toning of limbs.

Procedure: This asana requires you to stand straight and place your feet hip-width apart. Place your arms above the head, with the palms coming together to form the prayer mudra. Bend sideways. Breathe out while doing so, and make sure your elbows are straight. Turn your head to see the upper hand while in the position. Hold on to the pose for 5 to 10 seconds and then get back to the original position. Repeat the same on the other side.

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2. Katichakrasana (Standing Spinal Twist Pose)

Benefits: This rotation asana gives a nice stretch at the waist and also relieves stress at the neck and shoulders. It is an ideal remedy for constipation if done regularly.

Procedure: This asana takes the least time to do and gives you maximum benefits. All you have to do is to stand straight with your feet together and get your arms up in front of your torso, with the palms facing each other. Keep shoulder length distance between the two palms. Now, keeping your foot stationary, twist to the right. Turn your head to the right, overlooking your right arm. Do the same on the left side. Repeat the routine. Keep in mind that you have to breathe out when you twist and breathe in when you come back to your original position.

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3. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Benefits: This asana is a good body balancing mechanism. It fixes your lower back and spine as well as helps increase determination.

Procedure: The Chair Pose is the most ideal to do in office. All you need to do is skip sitting on an actual chair and imagine one in its place. For this, you’ll have to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your hands in the front with the palms facing downwards. Keep your arms straight and parallel to the ground and bend down in a sitting position. Make sure that your knees don’t go way too forward. The maximum your knees can go is right behind the toes. Ensure your back is straight. Stay in the position for 30-60 seconds with a smile on your face to keep you going.

To know more about the pose, click here: Utkatasana

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4. Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Benefits: This asana stretches your back muscles and energizes your nervous system to keep you going.

Procedure: Stand straight with your arms placed alongside your body. Take a deep breath and extend your arms up. Then, bend downwards with force towards your feet. Place your palms next to your feet on both the sides and hold on to the pose for a few seconds. Make sure your legs are kept straight while doing so. Repeat it a few times.

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5. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Benefits: This pose improves balance and concentration. It rejuvenates your body and helps you be completely in sync with work.

Procedure: This pose is all about balance. Stand straight with your arms on the side. Bend your right leg at the knee and place your right foot firmly on the inner side of your left thigh. Keep your left leg straight. Now, gently move your arms over your head and get the palms together to form a Namaste. Balance yourself in this position while taking deep breaths. After holding on to the pose for a while, gently bring the right leg down and slowly bring the arms downwards. Repeat the procedure with the other leg.

To know more about the pose, click here: Vrikshasana

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6. Baddhakonasana (Butterfly Pose)

Benefits: This asana works wonders for your thighs and keeps your legs strong and fit. It keeps fatigue at bay and helps you to stay active and alert at work for longer hours.

Procedure: Find a small cozy corner in your office to practice Badhakonasana. Sit down with your legs stretched out in the front. Bring them closer to your pelvis by bending at the knee. Make sure the foot soles are touching each other. Keep your back straight and try to push your thighs and knees downward. Slowly shift to flapping them while keeping your breath steady. Then, bend down a bit, place your palms on the thighs, and push downwards while sitting in the same position till you feel a stretch. After that, bring back your legs to the initial position and relax.

To know more about the pose, click here: Baddhakonasana

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7. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)

Benefits: Vajrasana calms your mind and reduces obesity. It is the go to asana for stomach problems like digestion, gas, and constipation.

Procedure: You might continue with the Vajrasana in the same comfortable corner that you have found for the Butterfly Pose. Vajrasana is simple and fuss-free and can easily fit into the office asana routine. Sit down with your legs bent at the knee and tucked under your thighs. Your heels should touch your buttocks, and the toes should be kept together. If sitting like that gets too painful, get a small cushion or a thick folded cloth and place it under your feet. Sit in the Vajrasana for at least two minutes.

To know more about the pose, click here: Vajrasana

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Try the above office yoga asanas, and feel the calm and energy that comes with them. Now, let’s answer some common queries regarding yoga.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side effects of doing yoga?

Yoga, when done properly under the supervision of a certified yoga guru, will have no side effects and give only positive results.

Can I go to the gym and also practice yoga?

Yes, you can do that. The stress built up during the exercises in the gym session will wear off with some yoga practice. Gym workouts and yoga sessions compliment each other, so go ahead with both.

Yoga is a vast science, and it has solutions for all kinds of body ailments. Even in a restrictive space as an office, you can practice these simple asanas without disturbing anybody or cause any commotion. Start off with these best poses in yoga for office workers and feel rejuvenated.

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