5 Eat-Healthy Resolutions You Should Consider Taking This New Year

Written by , BA Shirin Mehdi BA Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on

The New Year is around the corner, and it’s that time of the year when you are all pumped up, jotting down a list of resolutions you want to carry through the next year. It’s quite possible that the enthusiasm might die down midway, but sometimes, a start is all you need to make that difference. Surveys indicate that the most popular resolves involve diets, weight loss, etc. In keeping with that theme, this list gives a different perspective to living healthy and losing weight. It is definitely more doable and manageable. Take a look at the five easy food resolutions for a healthy New Year.

The First Resolution – Keep A Check On Your Sugar Cravings

The solution is simple. If you must really satisfy your sweet tooth, make sure you indulge in sweet treats that have a lot less sugar than usual. The average American consumes about 22 teaspoons of sugar every day. That amounts to 355 calories, which is quite higher than the permitted level. However, you needn’t quit sugar completely. Cutting down is a great start to good health.

The Second Resolution – Increase Your Fiber Intake

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There are numerous natural foods that are rich in fiber, an essential nutrient. It minimizes the risk of a good number of cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and type 2 diabetes. Adding fiber to your diet can also help in subtracting a few inches off your waist. The recommended daily intake of fiber is about 21 to 38 grams. Surveys say that, on an average, people consume only about 14 grams of fiber. Whole grains are packed with fiber. You could start including whole-wheat products in your diet for starters.

The Third Resolution – Load Up On The Veggies

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The daily recommended diet suggests you have about three portions of vegetables every day, which obviously very few do. There aren’t many people who like vegetables, but they are rich in fiber and essential nutrients. Roasting vegetables leads to caramelizing the sugars present in them, and this enhances their taste, making them extremely healthy, and very delicious. Cooking vegetables for dinner is so easy. You just need to chop them up, add them to a pan, and pop them in the oven. They will roast beautifully by the time you finish the rest of your cooking.

The Fourth Resolution – Take To Omega–3s

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The most natural way to load up on omega-3 fatty acids is seafood. But there are many more natural, vegetarian sources as well as supplements available in the market. You could opt for nuts, avocados, and flax if you are not a salmon, tuna, or sardine lover. Or you could also buy some over-the-counter supplements. These fatty acids help to reduce your blood pressure. Studies have found that people who consume omega-3s regularly are at a lower risk of hypertension. It is said that these nutrients also help in enhancing and improving your mood. And, who doesn’t like to be happy?

The Fifth Resolution – Eat Less Meat

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This is probably the hardest resolution, and the solution is to like tofu more. Yes, you will save the planet if you reduce your meat intake. Eating less meat will also help your heart. You will consume lesser saturated fat, which, according to research, increases your LDL. Tofu is a great, healthy replacement. It might be a bland product by itself, but it soaks up flavor like a piece of sponge, making it a great stir-fry or an accompaniment to a marinade.

Don’t they sound easy? They really are! These resolutions will truly help you make the next year healthier and happier. So stop thinking, take up the challenge, and have a healthy New Year!

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Shirin Mehdi
Shirin MehdiHealth & Wellness Writer
Shirin is a health and wellness writer with three years of experience and specializes in writing articles on yoga and has extensive knowledge about the postures of the asanas. Prior to joining Stylecraze, she interned with an advertising firm as a copywriter and as an editorial intern for a luxury fashion magazine.

Read full bio of Shirin Mehdi
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