Eczema In Teens – Causes, Symptoms And Remedies

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Ever wondered why your teen develops itchy rashes over and over again? Are you worried about how to deal with her problem? If you can relate to the problem or you know someone who can, read our post.

Your teen may have eczema. What is eczema? How do you spot it? Here we look at eczema and how it affects teens.

What Is Eczema Or Dermatitis?

The skin is a protective external sensory organ. Eczema is a skin condition in which patches of the skin turn rough, or have blisters that cause itching and bleeding. Dermatitis is the medical term that describes eczema.

Symptoms Of Eczema In Teens:

The symptoms of eczema vary with different conditions. For instance, the rashes may range from a simple looking one like a mosquito’s bite to a bump. Some of the common signs of teen eczema include:

  • Colour of skin turns as red as a ripe tomato.
  • Swelling around the affected area.
  • Itching sensation due to the red rashes.
  • Scarring and oozing.
  • The affected skin looks completely different from the normal dermis or external layer of other parts of the body.
  • The occurrence of eczema over the genital areas is very rare and can lead to intense symptoms. (The symptoms are not permanent).
  • The skin looks dry in case of atopic dermatitis.
  • Bumps and blisters appear in the acute condition of dermatitis herpetiform. The bumps do not occur over the hairline or inside the mouth as eczema constricts to external layers of skin.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis includes signs of greasy scaling and pimples along the hairline.

[ Read: Common Teenage Skin Problems ]

Causes Of Eczema In Teens:

The causes of eczema can be of two types: environmental and genetic.

  • Environmental causes occur due to an unhygienic living place. Theories state that the incidence of bacteria on the skin is more in such unclean surroundings.
  • There are also theories that presume eczema occurs due to the secretion of house dust mites.
  • Eczema is seen more frequently among relatives.

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Diagnosing Eczema In Teens:

Doctors usually diagnose eczema through physical examination, as the condition is external. If your doctor is unsure, he may advise your teen to undergo a skin biopsy. Diagnosing Eczema is challenging as it often resembles other allergies.

Treating Eczema In Teens:

After a thorough diagnosis, the dermatologist may prescribe medications, which include soothing lotions or pills to ease the redness and irritation.

  • In severe cases, dermatologists may prefer ultraviolet ray treatments. UV ray treatments need to be controlled as UV rays are carcinogenic.
  • If symptoms don’t respond well to lotions, doctors may ask her to consume steroids.
  • Corticosteroids are the most effective cures for eczema.

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Preventing Eczema In Teenagers:

Let’s look at some common preventive measures for eczema:

  1. According to health experts, using probiotics during infancy may reduce the risk of eczema later in life.
  1. Don’t vaccinate your teen for smallpox, if she has eczema.
  1. Avoid using soaps and shampoos that irritate her skin.
  1. Ensure that she maintains her standards of hygiene.
  1. Moisturize her skin whenever she exhibits signs of dehydration.
  1. Sudden changes in body temperature and mental stress levels can also lead to eczema. So, ask your teen to remain calm and show her how to play it cool.

[ Read: Chicken Pox in Teens ]

  1. Ask her to use mild cosmetics and lukewarm water for bathing.
  1. Avoid using hard detergents and makes sure she clips her nails to avoid scratches.

Hope our post eased your worries about teenage eczema and how it affects. Did your teen suffer from Eczema? What did you do about it? Tell us your story here.

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