8 Important Benefits Of Edamame

Written by , Certified Sports Nutritionist & Qualified Yoga Instructor Amita Mishra Certified Sports Nutritionist & Qualified Yoga Instructor Experience: 6 years
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Edamame is another name for green soybeans. They are traditionally Asian vegetables, with their roots dating back to 200 BC. They have a sweet, nutty flavor and are a complete protein source with all the essential amino acids.

Edamame can be a highly nutritious and inexpensive addition to local diets (1).It is an excellent source of protein, iron, and calcium and isgluten-free. These soybeans (and soy in general) have been embroiled incontroversies. There is some concern that soy may interfere with thyroid function (2).

In this post, we will discuss the health benefits of edamame and its possible adverse effects.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Edamame?

1. May Aid Weight Loss

Edamame is high in protein and may lead to weight loss. Studies show that intake of soy protein can have beneficial effects on obesity (3). It can promote satiety and help reduce excess body fat.

Another study shows how a high protein diet, in general, induces sustained reductions in appetite, caloric intake, and body weight (4).

2. May Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease

Eating edamame has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease (5). Soybeans were found to have the ability to lower bad cholesterol levels, thereby preventing heart disease (6). They also contain soluble fiber that can help in this regard.

3. Can Help Relieve Symptoms Of Menopause

Soy and its products are known to reduce symptoms of menopause due to the presence of isoflavones. The isoflavones in soy foods have phytoestrogenic effects and could be considered safe alternatives to conventional hormone therapy (7).

In another study, isoflavones were found to improve menopausal symptoms only in women with an ability to produce equol (an estrogen in soy)(8).

4. May Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Studies show that soy protein has a better effect on lowering cholesterol levels than animal protein. Soy protein may help lower levels of total and bad cholesterol. It also lowers triglycerides and possibly increases the concentrations of good cholesterol.

Intake of 47 grams of soy protein every day can have a considerable effect on cholesterol reduction (9).

5. May Prevent Hormone-Related Cancers

Consumption of edamame (soy) has shown to reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancers. The presence of isoflavones helps lower the risk. One study shows that early intake of soy may have protective effects against breast cancer (10). Genistein, a type of isoflavone, may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Consumption of soy was also found to reduce the risk of prostate cancer (11).

6. May Help Relieve Constipation

Edamame is rich in fiber (12). This nutrient can help improve stool frequency and treat constipation. The conclusion was arrived at after searching through 1322 potentially relevant articles (13).

Edamame also serves as a tasty fiber source for kids (14).

7. May Promote Fertility

Soy, in general, was found to exert beneficial effects on women undergoing treatment for infertility (15).

Other studies also suggest that taking soy products can promote live birth in women (16).

8. May Aid Diabetes Treatment

Soy (edamame)has a low glycemic index. It also is low in carbohydratesand doesn’t lead to blood sugar spikes. Studies suggest that most soy foods have a low glycemic index and can be an appropriate way to improve blood glucose and insulin levels (17).

These are the different ways edamame can benefit you. In the following section, we will look at the different nutrients present in these beans.

What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Edamame?

Edamame is very rich in protein and other micronutrients, including vitamin K, folate, manganese, and phosphorus (12).

The following table contains nutrients in every cup of edamame (155 grams).

NutrientUnitValues per cup [55 grams]
Dietary fiberg8.1
Carbohydrateg13.81 [including 3.38g of sugar]
Vitamin Cmg9.5
Vitamin Kmcg41.4

The nutritional profile shows how powerful edamame can be. We are sure you have decided to start consuming edamame on a regular basis. But how do you eat it?

How To Eat Edamame?

Edamame can be prepared in ways similar to other beans. But unlike most beans, edamame is more often used in salads or as a snack (instead of making a curry out of it).

You can consume it as a snack by boiling it for approximately 3-5 minutes and sprinkling salt over it. You can use it in dips, soups, and even wraps. You can cook edamame in different ways, including boiling, steaming, microwaving, and pan-frying.

Simple, isn’t it? You can start having edamame today. But before you do that, you may want to know the possible adverse effects it may cause.

What Are The Potential Side Effects Of Edamame?

There is one major concern with edamame –it contains phytoestrogens (like isoflavones). These compounds, in high concentrations, may act like estrogen in the body and cause certain adverse effects. However, most of these studies have been performed on animals. More research is warranted on humans before concluding this fact (18).


Edamame is low in calories and makes for a good snack or meal option. But its possible adverse effects are yet to be studied. A part of the research included in this article focuses on soy in general and not edamame in particular (as research pertaining to edamame is still scarce).

However, edamame can offer potential benefits. Make sure to check with your doctor on the side effects.

Do you have edamame regularly? How do you like it? Do let us know by leaving a comment in the box below.

Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions

How is edamame different from soybean?

The basic difference between edamame and soybean is the maturity level at the time of harvesting. During the time of harvesting, while edamame pods are softer and greener, soybeans aremature and light cream.

Is edamame keto?

Edamame is rich in protein and fiber and low in carbohydrates. It can be a part of a keto diet.

What are the substitutes for edamame?

You can substitute edamame with green peas, fresh lima beans, or fresh fava beans. These are the other vegetarian protein sources that could be as good as edamame (19)

What happens if you eat the edamame pod?

Edamame pod itself is not edible. They are non-toxic, but the shells are hard to chew and digest.

19 sources

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Amita Mishra
Amita MishraCertified Sports Nutritionist and Qualified Yoga Instructor
Amita is a qualified yoga instructor, a Certified Sports Nutritionist, and a Zumba lover. She has completed her master's in Food Science and Nutrition from Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University and has 6 years of experience.

Read full bio of Amita Mishra
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