10 Effective Home Remedies To Combat Sneezing

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All of us, at some point, have experienced episodes of non-stop sneezing. While there is nothing serious about sneezing, long bouts of frenzied sneezing could actually end you up in a hospital for lack of breath. Instead of visiting your doctor, why don’t you try a few simple home remedies for sneezing? They do work and are quite simple too. Before going to the remedies, let us know what exactly causes sneezing so that you can help yourself with the right remedy.

What Causes Sneezing?

Sneezing could be an irritation, but it is one of the best ways to expel all those unwanted bacteria and germs from your body. Various factors trigger this spontaneous reaction. Here are a few of them:

  1. Congested nose
  2. Allergy to dust, pollutants and pungent smells
  3. Exposure to the scorching sun
  4. Excessive sweating due to exercise or sun
  5. Exposure to cold weather
  6. Drugs
  7. Contact with pollen and/or mold
  8. Pregnancy

I have divided the article into two sections – preventive measures and grandmas’ remedies.

Preventive Measures To Combat Sneezing:

1. Keep Yourself Away From Allergy Triggers:

There could be a certain set of food items that could be the factor behind your sneezing bouts. Keep a vigil on such foods and avoid those as soon as you confirm your doubts. Frozen foods, refrigerated drinks, aerated drinks, pasta, gluten-rich foods, peanuts, dairy foods – these are some of the common allergy causing factors. There are persons who could be allergic to latex hand gloves or even chalk dust. Prevention is always better than cure. So, keep away from these triggers.

[ Read: Treat Dry Nose Naturally]

2. Improve Your Immunity Levels:

Pepping up your immunity levels prevents frequent recurrences of allergy-triggered sneezing episodes. Vitamin C can help you with this. Guavas, bell peppers [yellow, red, and green – with red ones leading the list], lemons, oranges, watermelon, Indian gooseberry, broccoli, and berries – all these give you this immunity-boosting vitamin. Alternative – pick up pure Vitamin C supplements from your nearest drug store. According to doctors, you need 500 mg Vitamin C daily. 100 grams of red bell pepper gives 349% of the recommended value of this vitamin.

3. Combat With Water:

Water hydrates you and prevents sneezing triggered by dried nasal passages. Drink a glass of lukewarm water. Water flushes out the toxins, cleanses the body and offers relief. You can even wash your face with water when sneezing. I really don’t know how it works, but it has quite often helped me get out of the sneezing spells.

4. Keep Your Hands Clean:

Clean your hands with soap and warm water as soon as you return home. This will prevent germs and dust from coming into contact with your nose and trigger sneezing, if you are allergic to dust or other chemicals. You can also use a chemical and fragrance free sanitizer, at regular intervals, for keeping the triggers aloof.

Home Remedies for Sneezing:

5. Ginger:

As with a congested nose, ginger does a good job in slowing down your sneezing episodes. This is a very effective home remedy for sneezing. Consume it raw or make it into a concoction along with honey and swallow it. This pale yellow-hued root does its wonders through its anti-histaminic properties. It prevents the airways from contracting and eases sneezing. You could try your hand at a cup of sizzling hot ginger tea flavored with a little honey. If you have a cold and sore throat along with sneezing, ginger is sure to kick them away too. Running short of fresh ginger? Dried ginger powder could also come to your rescue. Prepare a concoction by simmering ½ a tsp dried ginger powder with ½ tsp black pepper powder, 2 crushed cardamom seeds and a pinch of cinnamon tea. Flavor with jaggery or honey, and sip your way to ease sneezing and a runny nose.

[ Read: Benefits Of Ginger For Health ]

6. Fennel Seeds:

Ward off the sneezing triggered by your upper respiratory tract infection with fennel seeds. Crammed with antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-histaminic properties, a handful of these dry roasted seeds could be used along with ginger to stop your sneeze. Alternatively, prepare a strong brew by simmering two teaspoons crushed seeds in water, strain, sweeten with honey, and sip your way for immediate relief.

7. Eucalyptus Oil:

This will come to your rescue if the trigger is a congested nose or allergy due to dust. Add a few drops of pure eucalyptus oil on your handkerchief and sniff it to clear the nasal passage while easing out the sneezing. One of the best home remedies for sneezing and cold.

[ Read: Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil For Health ]

8. Petroleum Jelly:

This is yet another time tested remedy which is effective equally on adults and kids. Apply a little petroleum jelly with clean hands inside the nasal passages. It will moisturize the dried passages, preventing sneezing.

9. Fenugreek Seeds:

These tiny, golden brown seeds have innate antihistaminic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, helping you tide through these irritating spells triggered by sinusitis. Prepare tea by infusing one teaspoon of roasted fenugreek seeds in water. Simmer for about 10 minutes, strain and drink your way to get rid of swollen sinuses. You can add a little honey as plain fenugreek tea tastes bitter.

10. Tamarind:

This is not quite popular, but comes with amazing benefits, especially when used along with black pepper powder. Prepare a tamarind-black pepper soup and drink your way to ease your cold and frighten away your sneezing. Soak a small gooseberry-sized tamarind piece in warm water for half an hour. Extract the liquid and add 2 cups of water, 10 to 12 curry leaves, 1 tbsp black pepper powder, rock salt and ½ tsp turmeric powder. Allow the mixture to come to a boil, lower the flame, and simmer for about 15 minutes or until the tamarind loses its raw flavor. You can drink this concoction as such or have it along with rice. The spicier the soup is, the faster the results will be.

[ Read: Health Benefits of Tamarind ]

Sneezing, if it is seasonal, can be prevented by taking necessary precautions. Identify the trigger behind these involuntary reactions and then choose the remedy. Trial and error plus preventive measures – that is what works best for sneezing.

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Nithya Shrikant
A simple, amiable, down to earth woman! A mother to two adorable daughters! A good wife! A nice person in short! :-).

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