8 Effective Yoga Asanas To Keep Your Bones Healthy

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Did you know that a few simple yoga asanas can help you strengthen your bones? As incredible as it may sound, it is quite true! Yoga can help cure many ailments,  and promotes and stimulates many important physiological processes. Yoga also helps calm the mind.

However, what we wish to dwell on here is how yoga can help you get stronger bones and what asanas promote better bone health.

So, would you like to know more? Go ahead with your read!

Bone Decline:

Bone is the living tissue that is constantly broken down and built up, which is what affects its density. While sometimes the balance is optimal, in some instances the deterioration is more than the amelioration, and osteoporosis becomes inevitable.

Bone loss is as inevitable as aging. Men and women acquire the maximum bone mass by the age of 30. Once you are 30, your bone density declines. Noted Yoga Instructor Sara Meeks says, “Osteoporosis is the disease of denial”. She adds that most people don’t want to admit it, but they are afflicted with osteoporosis as they reach their mid-40s (1).

Yoga For Bone Health:

Now that you know how bone density withers and how you contract osteoporosis, let’s move on to the main point. What kind of yoga poses help you get stronger bones? Well, listed here are some inspired asanas designed to do just that. Check them out!

1. Extended Triangle Pose (Trikonasana):

This pose is one of the easiest to perform and has many benefits. This asana also helps enhance spine flexibility and relieves gastritis as well. The Trikonasana helps stretch the entire body gently, while helping strengthen the lower body and the bones (2).

2. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana):

Bridge Pose
Image: Shutterstock

This is another asana that is therapeutic for osteoporosis and helps stretch the back, chest and neck. For best results, remain in the same pose for at least one minute to stretch the chest and spine. If you need more support, consider placing a block under your back.

[ Read: Yoga Poses To Stay Fit ]

3. Seated Twisting Pose (Ardha Matsyendrāsana):

Seated Twisting Pose
Image: Shutterstock

This is one of the best poses in yoga for healthy bones. This pose puts pressure on the spine. It helps stimulate bone production and is exceptionally efficient in helping relax the back and neck, while helping promote bone health. The milder twists help stretch the back and put little pressure to the vertebrae (3).

4. Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana):

Revolved Triangle Pose
Image: Shutterstock

This is another good pose for you if you want stronger bones. The twisting poses help stimulate bone production and help avoid fractures. The stretching movement helps build the bones.

5. Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana):

Image: Shutterstock

This is another good yoga pose to help you strengthen the bones. This pose stretches your sides while helping you get stronger bones. You can practice the utthita parsvakonasana either by keeping your hand on the floor or keeping your forearm on your knee (4).

6. Locust Pose (Salabhasana):

Image: Shutterstock

The grasshopper or the locust pose is a great exercise for the back and the legs. It also helps strengthen your bones. To perform this pose, begin by raising your legs and the upper torso. Hold this pose for 10 seconds and repeat it thrice. The locust pose also helps relieve you of back pain (5).

[ Read: Yoga Asanas To Improve Your Flexibility and Immunity ]

7. Tree Pose (Vriksasana):

Image: Shutterstock

This is one of the most iconic yoga poses for strong bones. It is insanely popular, beaten only by the Padmasana as the flag bearer for yoga illustrations. Holding this pose for 1 minute can help you get stronger bones, while also stretching the important muscle groups and calming your mind (6).

8. Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana):

Image: Shutterstock

Finally, the last asana on our list, but certainly not the least effective in any aspect; this pose helps tone the legs, abdomen, spine and glutes. It also helps cure osteoporotic pain and helps strengthen the bones. You can use a block for any variations to the normal pose (7).

Have you ever tried Yoga for bone health? So, the next time you begin worrying about your bones getting weak, try some of these poses. Practicing them every day can help delay the onset of bone density loss. Tell us about any other asanas that have helped you strengthen your bones. Leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you!

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Ameya C
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