5 Effective Yoga Poses To Tone Your Glutes

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Ever wondered how to get that perfect butt? Did you know that you can get toned butt by performing simple yoga poses for glutes?

Read this post and find out what yoga poses could help you get those toned glutes and the enviable posterior!

Yoga For Glutes:

1. The Mountain Pose Or Tadasana:

The most common pose of them all, the Mountain pose, or Tadasana, is one of the best poses for toning not just your thighs and glutes, but also your calves and feet.

How To:

  1. Stand straight on a yoga mat.
  2. Straighten your knees and keep your soles flat on the ground.
  3. Get your feet together. Your heels shouldn’t be more than one inch apart.
  4. Keep your arms loose and let them hang by your sides.
  5. Gaze straight ahead for around two minutes
  6. Rest (1).

[ Read: Yoga Poses To Tone Your Body ]

2. The Happy Child’s Pose Or Ananda Balasana:

Image: Shutterstock

The happy child pose, or Ananda Balasana, is another variation of the Balasana. It has many health benefits like easing digestion, reenergizing your body, and stimulating the nervous system.

How To:

  1. Lie down on your back on a yoga mat.
  2. Begin raising your legs above your stomach so that they are at a right angle to the floor.
  3. Extend your hands and use your index fingers to grab your toes.
  4. Holding onto your toes, bend your knees and press them towards the floor.
  5. Hold this pose for around 15-20 seconds.
  6. Get back to the starting position and repeat.

Check out how to perform the Ananda Balasana here.

3. The Cobra Pose Or Bhujangasana:

The Cobra Pose Or Bhujangasana
Image: Shutterstock

The cobra pose is an important yoga pose for glutes. This stretch not just helps to tone your glutes but also helps ease kidney stone pain and tone your lower back.

How To:

  1. Lie down on a yoga mat with your stomach on the mat.
  2. Ensure that your legs are flat on the ground.
  3. Flatten your hips so that your thighs and toes are also on the ground.
  4. Begin raising your torso, but remember to keep your lower body grounded.
  5. Arch your back towards your feet.
  6. Continue the motion until you feel a stretch.
  7. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds (2).

4. Warrior Pose Or Virabhadrasana:

Warrior Pose Or Virabhadrasana
Image: Shutterstock

The warrior pose is one of the best yoga stretches for glutes that helps in toning and loosening those tight hip flexors. If you practice this pose religiously for 3 months, you will be on your way to supremely toned glutes and buttock muscles.

How To:

  1. Stand straight on a yoga mat.
  2. Now keep your right foot ahead and bend your knee.
  3. Turn your left foot so that it is at a 90-degree angle with the right leg.
  4. Now stretch your arms out and keep them in front of you.
  5. Keep your palms facing downwards and gaze straight ahead.
  6. Hold this pose for around 75-90 seconds.
  7. Rest and repeat (3).

[ Read: Yoga Exercises To Get Toned Abs ]

5. Pigeon Pose Or Kapotasana:

Pigeon Pose Or Kapotasana
Image: Shutterstock

The Pigeon pose is a complete body workout, and this yoga for glutes also helps in improving your leg flexibility and loosening your hip flexors. Soccer players usually perform this yoga asana to tone their thighs.

How To:

  1. Stand straight on a yoga mat.
  2. Bend your knees and kneel on the ground.
  3. Now stretch your right leg out behind you.
  4. Keep extending your right leg until your left knee and left foot are next to your right hip.
  5. Keep your toes pointed.
  6. Lean forward and push your chest out.
  7. Hold this pose for around 25-30 seconds.
  8. Switch sides and repeat with the other leg (4).

So, perform these yoga poses and tone your glutes starting today. Tell us if you know any more yoga poses to tone the glutes. Leave a comment below.

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Ameya C
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