5 Factors To Consider Before Choosing Baby Laundry Wash

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An adorable little angel has joined your family. You are happy and excited, but also stressed. There are certain lifestyle changes you are expected to make in order to provide a comfortable and nurturing environment for your little one. It can be anything and everything; from baby-proofing the house and eating healthy to even changing your laundry detergent.

Surprised? Changing your laundry wash is as important as getting sharp objects out-of-sight and out-of-reach. Babies have extremely sensitive skin that is prone to a varied kind of infections. To avoid them it is best to take precaution from the very first step of the laundry cycle. That would be choosing the right laundry wash to clean your precious’ clothes.

How do you know which one to choose among the aisles of branded laundry wash? We have handpicked for you five factors that will help you pick out the perfect laundry wash for your precious one.

Made Of Natural Ingredients

Made Of Natural Ingredients

Pick out a baby wash that is made of natural ingredients. For example, Himalaya’s Gentle Baby Laundry Wash. It is formulated from cleansing agents and herbs such as neem, geranium, and lemon peel, which have anti-microbial properties. Himalaya’s Gentle Baby Laundry Wash also contains soapnut that helps in cleansing the fabric effectively.

Free From Harmful Chemicals

The laundry wash you pick out for your little one’s clothes must be free from harmful chemicals which may cause rashes on sensitive skin. Make sure that your chosen laundry wash, like, Himalaya’s Gentle Baby Laundry Wash, is free from phosphorus, parabens, phthalates, silicates, fluorescent, synthetic color, and bleach.

Choose A Liquid Laundry Wash

Choose A Liquid Laundry Wash
Image: Shutterstock

Opt for a laundry wash that is liquid rather than powder. Since liquid dissolves faster, it doesn’t leave any residue on your baby’s clothes. Skin rashes and allergen contact dermatitis are a few of the common problems that can happen due to detergent residue on baby’s clothes. Avoid such issues by picking out Himalaya’s Gentle Baby Laundry Wash which leaves zero-residue while sustaining the soft texture of baby clothes.


Image: Shutterstock

Make sure that the chosen laundry wash is biodegradable like Himalaya’s Gentle Baby Laundry Wash. This is a vital criterion as biodegradable detergents are effectively decomposed by the microorganisms in water. This also ensures that your clean baby clothes are free of any detergent residue.

Tough On Stains

Tough On Stains
Image: Shutterstock

The most important factor while selecting a laundry wash should be that it cleans your baby-wear effectively. It should be tough on stains despite being free of dyes, bleach, and harsh chemicals. Stains on baby-wear are generally protein-based and greasy, which could attract the most harmful kind of bacteria. It could be spit up (milk or cereal), leaking nose or oil stains from a pre-bath healthy oil massage.

Pre-soak laundry before washing. For hard stains that do not get affected by scraping, clean the affected areas with your laundry wash before pre-soaking the clothes. With natural anti-microbial agents, Himalaya’s Gentle Baby Laundry Wash could be a perfect fit for tough stains on baby-wear.

Don’t be surprised if your laundry cycles get more frequent than it used to be. Babies are a blessing, but they are also very messy. Yet, that shouldn’t stop you from donning them into those cute little onesies or dresses. You have the perfect solution to those greasy stains – Himalaya’s Gentle Baby Laundry Wash – tough on germs, tough on stains, but gentle on your little one’s skin.

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