30 Interesting And Fun Facts About Teeth For Kids

These engrossing facts about teeth could encourage your child to brush their teeth and maintain hygiene.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ashveeta Shetty, MDS Dr. Ashveeta Shetty Dr. Ashveeta ShettyMDS facebook_iconlinkedin_iconyoutube_icon Specialty: Pediatric and Preventive DentistryExperience: 5 years
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Parents should explain the importance of teeth for kids right from their formative years. It helps them inculcate the habit of keeping their teeth healthy and pristinely clean from a young age. You should supervise the children when they have just started brushing their teeth and keep pushing them as they could show resistance at times. That is pretty normal among toddlers and even young children. You can teach them the benefits of brushing and what happens if they don’t brush right. Sharing interesting facts and asking trivia sometimes can keep them going. Plunge into this post will help you make the task easier.

What Are The Parts Of A Tooth?

Before we get to the fun facts about teeth, let’s learn about the parts of a tooth. Every tooth has the following parts (1) (2) (3).

Teeth anatomy for kids
Image: Shutterstock
  • Crown

The whitish part of the tooth that is visible in the mouth is called the crown. The crown of the tooth helps us bite and chew our food and also enables us to pronounce words correctly. Did you know that the crown of your teeth is made up of three layers? It has the following layers.

  • Enamel: This is the outermost and strongest layer of the tooth. Its main functions are to withstand the pressure of chewing, protect the teeth from harmful bacteria, and withstand the changes in temperature from hot and cold foods.
  • Dentin: The dentin is located just below the enamel. The dentin protects the delicate and sensitive pulp.
  • Pulp: This is the innermost layer of a tooth. It consists of connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels that help nourish the tooth and keep it healthy.
  • Root

While we can see the crown of the teeth, do you know what keeps them firmly fixed in your jaw? It’s the root. Every tooth has a root that anchors it strongly in your jaw. Although we cannot see this part of the tooth, it is an integral part of its structure.

Just as the enamel protects the crown of your teeth, the root is covered by a layer called the cementum. Apart from the cementum, the soft gums also help protect the roots of your teeth.  

Types Of Teeth

Children are observant and often pose questions such as, “Why is this tooth different from the other one?” or “Why are my front teeth different from my back teeth?” So, it is vital to teach children that we have different types of teeth, and each type plays an important role in our mouth (2) (3) (4).

  • Incisors

These are your front teeth, and you have four of these teeth on the top and four on the bottom. Incisors are flat and thin and enable you to cut your food into smaller pieces for easy chewing.

  • Canines

Have you seen two pointy teeth, one on each side of your incisors? These are your canines, also called cuspids, and we have four of them in our mouth. These teeth look sharp and help us tear food, especially meat, into smaller pieces.

  • Molars

The last teeth in each jaw are your grinders or molars, and they do precisely as their name suggests–they grind food to make it easy for us to swallow! They are the last teeth to erupt in our mouth, and we have eight or 12 molars in our mouths.

  • Premolars

Right next to your pointy teeth are your premolars, which look like your canines and also have a chewing surface like your molars. We have four premolars in our upper jaw and four in the lower. Premolars are absent in milk teeth.

30 Interesting Facts About Teeth For Children

Here are some fun and interesting teeth facts for kids (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16).

  1. We all have two sets of teeth–the milk teeth or baby teeth and permanent or adult teeth.
  1. Did you know that just like your fingerprints, your tooth prints or bite marks are unique too? Even though twins may look alike, their teeth prints or bite records are not identical.
  1. Your adult teeth form underneath your milk teeth, and some begin forming even before you are born.
  1. It is believed that onlythree-fourth of the child population brush their teeth twice a day! Brushing your teeth twice a day helps prevent tooth decay.
  1. A new set of molars appear when a person is 17 to 23 years of age. These are the third molars commonly referred to as the ‘Wisdom tooth.’
  1. All baby teeth appear by the time a child turns three years old.
  1. Your tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body. It is even harder than your bones!
  1. Throughout your lifetime, your mouth produces saliva that is enough to fill two big swimming pools. Saliva protects the teeth against cavities.
  1. Did you know that as a child, you have only 20 baby teeth? But, when your adult teeth emerge, you have a total of 32 teeth!
  1. You will be surprised to know that around one-third of your tooth is inside the gums.
  1. Humans have been taking care of their teeth since olden times. The first toothbrushes were medicated twigs and have been in existence since 3,000 BC.
  1. A fractured bone can be repaired, and it heals. However, damaged enamel cannot be regrown or repaired naturally.
  1. Did you know your mouth is full of bacteria? Some are good for your mouth, and the others turn harmful when they find excess sugar and starch in your mouth. This is what leads to cavities!
  1. The pulp inside baby teeth that you have are excellent sources of stem cells. Thus, you could preserve them.
  1. When you brush your teeth, you must clean your tongue too! Not cleaning your tongue causes bacteria to accumulate, leading to more cavities.
  1. Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood illness.
  1. Before it was discovered that tooth decay is caused by the bacteria in the mouth, people believed that it was caused by tiny, wriggly worms.
  1. Did you know that tooth decay was not as common in the previous generations? This is because the diet in the olden days was not as laden with sugars as it is today.
  1. Toothpaste is not new. Ancient Egyptians prepared their toothpaste using powdered oxen hoove’s ashes, myrrh, pumice, and burnt eggshells.
  1. More than 700 different species of bacteria can be found in your mouth. Milk, cheese, and curd are some dairy products that are healthy for your teeth as they are rich in calcium.
  1. Did you know your teeth shape, size, appearance, and arrangement in the mouth are genetic? You inherit these genes from your parents.
  1. The shape of animal teeth is directly related to their diet. Since a plant-based diet is hard to digest, herbivores have large grinders that help them grind and chew their food. Carnivores need sharp, pointed teeth to tear into the flesh of their prey, and so, their teeth are pointy and sharp.
  1. Some mammals, such as kangaroos and elephants, have more than two sets of teeth during their lifetime.
  1. Did you know rabbits shed their baby teeth before or immediately after birth?
  1. Sharks grow many sets of teeth during their lifetime.
  1. Did you know that your first tooth erupts at around six months of age?
  1. Although rare, some babies are born with teeth. But, these teeth are not fully developed and tend to have weak roots.
  1. If you brush your teeth as recommended by your dentist, that is, twice a day for at least two minutes each time, you will spend 38.5 days of your life brushing!
  1. Have you ever noticed a white, sticky layer on your teeth? This is plaque which contains bacteria and is the prime cause of tooth decay. Brushing and flossing can help you get rid of this layer.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why are teeth important?

Teeth are important because they help us chew food, talk clearly, and give our face proper shape (17).

2. Why do teeth become yellow?

Your teeth may turn yellow as a natural part of aging or due to inadequate oral hygiene, certain medications, illnesses, and food stains (18).

3. Which teeth do children lose first?

Children usually lose their central incisors first–the two lower incisors (bottom front teeth) followed by two upper central incisors (top front teeth) (19).

Dental oral health is as important as general health. Hence, knowing more about their teeth may encourage children to practice good dental hygiene. You could offer simple and factual answers to your child’s queries about teeth to enhance their knowledge. For example, you could explain the number and type of teeth, why their milk teeth are falling, and how to clean their teeth. You could also teach them to identify their teeth. However, make these sessions interesting rather than forcing them to learn some facts about teeth.

Key Pointers

  • The types of teeth include incisors, canines, molars, and premolars.
  • We have two sets of teeth, namely milk or baby teeth, and permanent or adult teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth” are a set of molars that emerge between 17 and 23 years.
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time will take 38.5 days of your life.


1. Tooth; Mouth Healthy – American Dental Association
2. Anatomy and Development of the Mouth and Teeth; Stanford Children’s Health
3. Mouth and Teeth; The Nemours Foundation
4. The Five Types of Human Teeth & Their Function; ACI Medical & Dental School
5. Your Teeth Are Amazing! 5 Fascinating Facts; Mouth Healthy American Dental Association
6. 11 fascinating kid’s dental health facts you really need to know; Oral Health Foundation
7. The hardest substance in the human body?; Dental Health Services (DHS) – Western Australia
8. Is it Possible to Restore Tooth Enamel?; Penn Dental
9. The Tooth Decay Process: How to Reverse It and Avoid a Cavity; National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
10. Should you clean your tongue every day?; Egton Medical Information Systems
11. Baby Teeth; Mouth Healthy – American Dental Association
12. Natal Teeth; Stanford Children’s Health
13. How to keep your teeth clean; National Health Services
14. Who invented the toothbrush and when was it invented?; Library of Congress
15. Irina Kerkis and Arnold I. Caplan; Stem Cells in Dental Pulp of Deciduous Teeth; Tissue Engineering. Part B, Reviews (2011).
16. 4 Fascinating Things Scientists Know About the Billions of Bacteria in Your Mouth; Johnson & Johnson Services
17. The importance of a healthy smile; Oral Health foundation
18. Why Are My Teeth Yellow? Risks, Prevention, Causes, and Solutions; Dentaly.org
19. Anatomy and development of the mouth and teeth; Children’s Wisconsin
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Dr. Ashveeta Shetty is an assistant professor at DY Patil School of Dentistry and also runs her own dental clinic in Mumbai. Having done her Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) in Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry from Terna Dental College, she is currently pursuing her PhD.

Read full bio of Dr. Ashveeta Shetty
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