Forget The Pie And Make These Yummy Snowman Oreo Balls This Christmas

Written by , BA Shirin Mehdi BA Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on

Christmas is just around the corner, and its likely you may have already started jotting down different menu options, here is the perfect indulgence to replace that scrumptious pie. While the pie might be traditional and extremely delicious, it might be a good idea to try something new for a change and funk up your Christmas a bit. Even if you don’t want to let go of the age-old Christmas pie, you should try this out too. I assure you everyone – young or old – is going to love it.

This recipe is amazingly simple, almost a child’s play. The best thing is, you can have so many variations, decorate it however you like, and express your joy amidst the festivities.

Who doesn’t love Oreo? Twist, lick, and dunk – it is always such a treat. In a long list of desserts, one is most likely to pick an Oreo delight if it is on the menu. And just like the crowd of people who are crazy about Oreo, I love it too. Here, I have taken a box of mini Oreo. I usually separate the cookies from the cream before I crush them, but if you have an extra sweet tooth, you could retain the cream.

The next step is pretty simple. Load up the cookies and crush them together. You could leave it slightly chunky if you enjoy a little bite, or crush it down to a fine powder if you are the OCD kind. It works either way.

the OCD kind
Image: Credits

It’s funny how cream cheese has become such an integral part of desserts. I personally love the taut flavor it adds while making the dessert smooth and creamy. Now comes the fun part – whisk the cream cheese so that it becomes smooth, and add the Oreo crumbs to it. Mix well so it becomes a soft, chocolaty cookie dough.

chocolaty cookie dough
Image: Credits

Now place a butter paper on a baking tray and make even-sized balls out of that delicious cookie dough. The toughest part here is going to be to control yourself and not finish up that yummy dough. I had to remake a batch because I ate up most of the dough. It is going to get quite embarrassing if nothing is left for your guests. But then, hey! Its Christmas, you ought to treat yourself too! And, this is bliss! Once the balls are ready, you can just slide the tray into the freezer for a couple of hours until the cookie balls are set.

cookie balls are set
Image: Credits

The recipe only gets better. Once the cookie balls are firm, you need to melt that irresistible white chocolate. If you are a meticulous cook, you could do it using the double boiler method. But if you want it quick and easy, simply chuck the chunks in a bowl and microwave. Just make sure you keep checking because you don’t want to burn the chocolate.

burn the chocolate
Image: Credits

Now just like you dunk those yummy Oreos in milk, you need to dunk the cookie balls in silky smooth white chocolate, and make sure they are coated evenly. You can then place the balls on a wire rack to allow the excess chocolate to drip.

chocolate to drip
Image: Credits

You could use sprinkles or any other form of garnish (whatever you like) and spunk up these balls. The popular choice remains the snowman. I do it all the time; the kid in me loves it. But you could do whatever suits your liking. Once you have successfully dressed up the balls, you can toss them into the fridge until you are ready to serve. The best thing about these balls is that you can serve them at room temperature. So, you will never have to worry about a melting snowman.

garnish these balls
Image: Credits

Here’s a quick recipe for these fun, stress-free dessert balls.

Prep Time: 110 Minutes

Cook Time: 2 Minutes

Makes: 40 Balls


  • 1 8 oz. brick of cream cheese
  • 72 mini oreos (crushed)
  • 3 packets of 4 oz. white chocolate, melted (baking)
  • A packet of sprinkles or chocolate chips for garnishing


  1. Mix the crushed cookies and cream cheese until they form a nice, smooth dough.
  1. Shape the dough into one-inch balls, and place it on some parchment paper on a baking tray.
  1. Toss the tray into the freezer, and allow the balls to set for a minimum of 20 minutes.
  1. Dip the set balls in melted white chocolate and coat well. Place them on a wire rack so that the extra chocolate drips.
  1. Decorate the Oreo snowballs however you like, and then refrigerate them for an hour.

That’s one hell of a yummy treat for sure, and it screams out – It’s Christmas!!!

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Shirin Mehdi
Shirin MehdiHealth & Wellness Writer
Shirin is a health and wellness writer with three years of experience and specializes in writing articles on yoga and has extensive knowledge about the postures of the asanas. Prior to joining Stylecraze, she interned with an advertising firm as a copywriter and as an editorial intern for a luxury fashion magazine.

Read full bio of Shirin Mehdi
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