How To Get Through Valentine’s Day Being Single

Written by , BSc, Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition and Health Ravi Teja Tadimalla BSc, Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition and Health Experience: 8 years
Last Updated on

There is but one difference between me and the calendar on the wall in my room – the calendar has a date this Valentine’s Day. I don’t.

No. I am not feeling sad for being single (I have my cozy bed, with whom I have been in a committed relationship for a long time now).

I just want to tell you that if you are single this Valentine’s Day, there are more reasons to feel happy about it than sad! And here are the ways you can be so.

1. Spend Time With Your Loved Ones

By loved ones, I mean your parents. Or friends. Or your sibling. Or your pet dog.

Anybody who loves you unconditionally and is there for you always. Go to the movies with them, or have dinner at a good restaurant. All said and done, love is love – so feel fortunate to have people around who always give it to you in abundance.

2. Have Chocolate

Have Chocolate
Image: Shutterstock

Whether someone gives it to you, or you give it to yourself, chocolate tastes the same – delicious. So get some chocolate and revel in its marvel.

There is another upside here! Chocolate releases endorphins (also called the feel-good hormones) that uplift your mood and make you feel better.

3. Don’t Feel Sorry For Yourself

Feel Sorry For Yourself
Image: Shutterstock

Don’t do it. Just don’t!

Because not having a boyfriend on Valentine’s day is okay. There are people in the world who are far more disadvantaged and distraught – who don’t have any love or freedom. When compared to them, you are much better off.

Also, whatever happens, happens for the best – that’s how life always works. So if you have recently broken up with your partner, well, I do understand how painful it can be, but hey, believe that things will get better. Because they will.

4. Do Something Nice For Another Person

Make this a habit if you already haven’t. Doing good to your fellowmen is not restricted to Valentine’s Day alone. It can be done anywhere, anytime, and the more you do it, the happier and more peaceful you will be.

So if the thought of being single on Valentine’s Day keeps nagging you, go ahead and lend a helping hand to someone – it will work wonders for you (and them as well).

5. Pamper Yourself

Pamper Yourself
Image: Shutterstock

Spend some money on yourself. Get new clothes or travel somewhere alone. Treat yourself to some delicious eats. Whatever it is, do it for yourself. And realize how much you love yourself.

6. Send Yourself Roses Or A Greeting Card

Yourself Roses Or A Greeting Card
Image: Shutterstock

No, this will not make you look naive. In fact, this is one good way of telling yourself that you love yourself. And when you do it with more care, that is, with a bunch of roses or a greeting card with a sweet message, things will only get better. You can even gift yourself something you like.

Trust me, doing this will make your day. For sure.

7. Stay Home

Stay Home
Image: Shutterstock

There is no rule that you must be out on Valentine’s Day. You can, instead, wallow in the cozy comfort of your home. Watch a movie. Or try out a new recipe.

Or read a book sipping steaming hot coffee. Now, what else can beat that!

8. Thank The People That Walked Away

People That Walked Away
Image: Shutterstock

Remember this – not every person you lose is a loss.

You thought you can’t live without that person, but hey, here you are – hale and hearty and happy.

Be thankful that they aren’t there in your life anymore, and understand that everything happens for a reason.

9. Don’t Compare

Image: Shutterstock

Oh please!

That must be the last thing in the world you should be doing. Just don’t compare yourself with girls who have boyfriends.

And stop overthinking. Nobody’s pointing fingers at you and laughing at your single status. Be in the moment and enjoy the day as it comes.

10. Don’t Be Ashamed Of Your Single Status

Your Single Status
Image: Shutterstock

Don’t, I’m telling you again, don’t let anybody put you down because you are single on Valentine’s Day. Summon your inner strength and tell yourself that you don’t need someone else to be awesome.

Yes, you might be single this Valentine’s Day. But that doesn’t have to be something you would brood over. Because single is sexy, ain’t it?

P.S: You aren’t alone if you are alone this Valentine’s Day.

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Ravi Teja Tadimalla
Ravi Teja TadimallaSenior Editor
Ravi Teja Tadimalla is a senior editor and a published author. He has been in the digital media field for over eight years. He graduated from SRM University, Chennai, and has a Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition & Research from Wageningen University.

Read full bio of Ravi Teja Tadimalla
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