Glandular Fever In Teenagers – Everything You Need To Know

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Is your teen suffering from swollen tonsils? Can you see any swollen lymph nodes on her neck? If you said yes, your teen might have glandular fever. What is glandular fever? How do you spot if she suffers from glandular fever? Read our post here and get the answers to your questions here.

What Is Glandular Fever?

Glandular fever is a viral infection that usually affects teenagers. It is also popular as ‘kissing disease’ since it is contagious and spreads through the saliva. If your teen suffers from glandular fever, you need to seek medical guidance as soon as possible to help her recover quickly and effectively.

Causes Of Glandular Fever In Teenagers:

Glandular fever primarily occurs due to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is present in the saliva of an infected individual. The fever spreads by coming in contact with infected individuals. Causes include:

  • Exposure to sneezing and coughing of the affected individuals.
  • Sharing clothes, utensils, and other belongings.
  • Through the saliva or spit of infected individuals.

[ Read: Symptoms Of Fever In Teens ]

Symptoms Of Glandular Fever In Teenagers:

Symptoms of glandular fever in teens only become apparent four to eight months after being infected with EBV. If your teen has a high fever and exhibits some of the following symptoms, get her to a doctor immediately.

  • Enlarged lymph nodes, particularly in the neck area
  • High temperature (fever)
  • Sore throat
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Fatigue
  • Pain in head
  • Night sweats
  • Pain in abdomen
  • Difficulty in breathing normally
  • Difficulty while swallowing fluids

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Diagnosing Glandular Fever In Teens:

Glandular fever is easy to diagnose, and doctors usually conduct a blood test or mono spot test that checks antibodies with EBV. If the mono spot test fails, the doctor may suggest a full blood count (FBC) check along with a white blood cell (WBC) count. If your teen has greater WBCs than normal, then it confirms glandular fever infection.

Treatment For Glandular Fever In Teenagers:

There is no specific cure for glandular fever in teens and taking the right care and following appropriate measures helps minimize the symptoms of glandular fever. If, despite good care, your teen’s body temperature of continues to soar high, seek medical assistance immediately to treat the condition and speed up her recovery.

1. Let Her Rest:

Having plenty of rest helps reduce the discomfort and symptoms of glandular fever in teens. Ask your teen to avoid performing energy consuming activities and stay at home and rest for some days. The appropriate rest will speed up her recovery.

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2. Increase Her Fluid Intake:

Encourage your teen to drink ample of water to treat the symptoms of glandular fever. An increase in fluid intake will keep hydrate her body and prevent the risk of dehydration. Mixing salt and water and gargling with it several times every day provides relief to her sore throat.

3. Medications:

Seek medical assistance to alleviate the pain resulting due to glandular fever. Consult a doctor and give her an appropriate dose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and Paracetamol to reduce the pain and temperature. (2)

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Preventing Glandular Fever In Teens:

Following certain prevention tips can help you prevent her from becoming a victim of EBV and glandular fever. Some common prevention tips include:

  • Wash your hands before eating.
  • Avoid sharing your clothes, utensils, cups, crockery, dishes, and other belongings with individuals suffering from glandular fever.
  • Avoid coming in contact with people down with the fever.
  • Avoid exposure to sneezes and coughs of EBV-infected individuals. (3)

Has your teen suffered from glandular fever? How did you treat her condition? Share your experience with fellow mommies here. Leave a comment below.

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