20 Fabulous Christmas Nail Art Tutorials That Are Simply Genius!

Written by Shalini Roy, MA (English Literature)
Last Updated on

Just hear those sleigh bells jinglin’, ring ting tinglin’! Behold! Christmas is just around the corner, and it’s time to bring those Christmas decorations out. A whole lot of being in the ‘Christmas spirit’ is about the way you show it. A lot of people bring out those ugly sweaters. Yeah, you know what I’m talking about! Ugly sweaters are all a part of the Christmas spirit. But if you want to do something a little more creative this year, why not prettify your nails? A nice way to get into the jolly spirit is fun Christmas nails. Don’t worry if you’re not the best at nail art, we’ve got something in store for everyone! Wear the spirit on your nails, I say!

Top 20 DIY Christmas Nail Art Designs

These Twenty Christmas Nail Designs Will Make Everyone Say ‘Ho Ho Ho’!

1. Christmas Sparkle


  • Maroon nail polish
  • Golden glitter nail polish
  • Makeup sponge
  • White nail polish
  • Nail art brush

Christmas Sparkle Nail Art Tutorial

  1. Apply maroon nail polish to all your nails, except the nail on the ring finger. Make your nail art look exceptional by applying golden glitter nail polish on that nail. The golden nail polish will add more pizzazz to your nail art.
  2. Give your mani some holiday glitz by applying the golden glitter nail polish on the tips of your nails to create an ombre effect. Apply this glitter on your middle finger and thumb. You can also use a makeup sponge to apply the glitter so that it doesn’t look overdone.
  3. For the index and little fingers, take a thin nail striper, dip it in white nail paint, and draw two horizontal lines just below the tips of your nails.
  4. Apply a clear top coat to seal the design.

2. Red And White Christmas Nail Art


  • Red nail polish
  • White nail polish
  • Nail striper
  • Dotting tool

How To Apply Red And White Christmas Nail Art?

  1. Apply red nail polish to all of the nails.
  2. Use a dotting tool to create dots. Leave some space on the index and ring finger as shown.
  3. With a nail striper, create a snowflake pattern.
  4. Finish it with a top coat and you’re done!

3. Santa Nail Art


  • Beige nail polish
  • Red nail polish
  • White nail polish
  • Black nail polish
  • Medium sized dotting tool

Santa Nail Art Tutorial

  1. Paint your entire nails with the beige polish.
  2. Apply red polish near the cuticle.
  3. Using a dotting tool, dot the area where the red meets the beige.
  4. As in a French manicure, apply white polish to the tips.
  5. Then, using the black and pink polish, make the eyes and nose with a dotting tool.
  6. Finish with a top coat.

Source: onenailtorulethemall.co.uk

4. Icy Trees Nail Design

You Will Need

  • Pale blue nail polish
  • Blue nail polish
  • Sponge
  • Micro glitter top coat
  • White nail polish
  • A fine brush for creating the trees

Icy Trees Nail Art Tutorial

Icy-Trees1 pinit button

  1. Use the pale blue shade to paint the entire nail.
  2. Apply some of the darker blue polish on the sponge and dab it onto the top half of the nail to create an ombre effect.
  3. Now, apply the glitter top coat to make it look like it is snowing!
  4. Use tiny strokes with a fine brush to create the snowy trees as shown.
  5. Finish with a top coat and you’re done!

Source: onenailtorulethemall.co.uk

5. Mistletoed Up!

You Will Need

  • Green nail polish
  • Red nail polish
  • White nail polish
  • Fine brush
  • Dotting tool

Mistletoed Up Nail Art Tutorial

Mistletoed-Up2 pinit button

  1. On clean nails, create the mistletoe as shown with a fine brush. Draw three leaves joining at the bottom.
  2. Make sure to leave some space for the bow. Draw a bow with white polish, then go over it with the red. Doing so will make the red seem brighter.
  3. Place tiny dots on the leaves of the mistletoe.
  4. Create a pattern of red and white dots towards the edge of the nail and seal it with a top coat.

Source: onenailtorulethemall.co.uk

6. Wreath Nail Art

You Will Need

  • Beige nail polish
  • Green nail polish
  • Light green nail polish
  • Silver nail polish
  • White nail polish
  • Red nail polish
  • Fine brush
  • Dotting tool

How To Apply Wreath Nail Art? – Tutorial

  1. Paint all the nails beige except for the nail on the ring finger. Make that accent nail by painting it silver.
  2. Draw a circle with the green and use a dotting tool to create a wreath-like pattern.
  3. Using the red and light green shades, create tiny dots with a very small dotting tool. This will give the wreath more texture and detail.
  4. Create a bow with the white nail polish and go over it with red once it is dry. This will make it look brighter.
  5. Finally, create small white dots on the wreath to signify snow and seal it all up with a top coat.

Source: onenailtorulethemall.co.uk

7. A Very Plaid Christmas Nail Art

You Will Need

  • Red nail polish
  • Deep maroon nail polish
  • Gold nail polish
  • Nail striper
  • Thin strips of tape

A Very Plaid Christmas Nail Art Tutorial

  1. Paint all your nails red.
  2. Wait for it to dry before using the strips of tape. Place them vertically on the nails and paint over it with the maroon polish.
  3. Slowly remove them and place them horizontally now. Paint the maroon over it.
  4. You should have a pattern that looks like plaid. To add a little something extra, use a nail striper and apply two gold stripes, one vertical and the other horizontal.
  5. Seal it off with a top coat!

8. Black And Gold Nail Art

 You Will Need

  • Black nail polish
  • Matte nail polish


  • Black matte nail polish
  • Gold glitter nail polish
  • Nail striper

How To Apply Black And Gold Nail Design? – Tutorial

  1. Start by applying a matte black nail polish. Since matte nail polishes are a bit expensive, you can opt for a normal black nail polish. Let it dry for some time.
  2. Once the nail polish is dry, apply a matte top coat to give your nail polish a matte effect. Let the top coat dry for some time. The black matte top coat forms the base of your nail art.
  3. Now, take a golden and silver glitter nail polish and amp up your nail art with a central stripe of golden and silver glitter. Apply the stripe in a conical shape (somewhat like a skinny sparkly Christmas tree). You can do this with the help of nail striper.

9. Frosty The Snowman

You Will Need

  • Light blue polish with micro glitter
  • White nail polish
  • Black nail polish
  • Red nail polish
  • Orange nail polish
  • Nail striper
  • Dotting tool

How To Apply Frosty – The Snowman Nail Design? — Tutorial

  1. Paint all the nails with the light blue polish.
  2. Since the main focus is on the snowman in this nail art, it will be only for the accent nail.
  3. Create a big circle near the tip and a smaller circle above it.
  4. Use the nail striper to bring Frosty to life! Add the buttons, scarf, eyes, nose, and hat!
  5. Finish off the look by using a dotting tool to create dots on the rest of the nails with white polish to make it look like snow!

10. Santa’s Waistcoat Nail Art

You Will Need

  • Red nail polish
  • White nail polish
  • Black nail polish
  • Gold nail polish
  • Nail striper
  • Dotting tool

How To Apply Santa’s Waistcoat Nail Art? – Tutorial

  1. Apply a base coat of red nail color, but leave the top half of the middle nail bare. This will be Santa’s face!
  2. Paint on a vertical stripe for the fur of the jacket and a stripe of black vertically for the belt.
  3. Add in the details for the belt as shown with a fine brush or a nail striper.
  4. Then, using white and black polish and a fine brush, make the face and beard for Santa’s face.
  5. Seal it with a top coat.

11. Christmas Sweater Nail Art

You Will Need

  • Brown nail polish
  • Gold nail polish
  • White nail polish
  • Dotting tool
  • Nail striper

Christmas Sweater Nail Art Tutorial

  1. Start off by painting your nails brown, except for the ring finger and thumb. These will be the accent nails and will be painted gold.
  2. Moving on to the actual sweater design, use a dotting tool to create tiny elongated dots from the center of the index fingernail. Continue that pattern for the rest of that nail, as well as for the pinky fingernail.
  3. Next, create a criss-cross pattern for the nail of the middle finger. Create a vertical line alongside the pattern and place dots as shown.
  4. Seal it all up with a top coat and you are done!

Source: sonailicious.com

12. Christmas Lights Nail Art

You Will Need

  • White nail polish
  • Black nail polish
  • Red nail polish
  • Green nail polish
  • Yellow nail polish
  • Nail striper
  • Dotting tool

Christmas Lights Nail Art Tutorial

  1. Paint all the nails white.
  2. Using a nail striper and black nail polish, create the wires for the Christmas lights.
  3. Then, create the tiny red, green, and yellow bulbs.
  4. Add tiny flecks of white inside the bulbs in order to make them look like they’re glowing.
  5. Finish with a top coat.

Source: onenailtorulethemall.co.uk

13. Sparkly Pine Trees

You Will Need

  • Gray-white nail polish
  • Green nail polish
  • Green glitter nail polish
  • Tiny gold stars

Sparkly Pine Trees Nail Art Tutorial

  1. Paint your nails with the gray-white nail polish.
  2. Use thin strips of tape to create a tree-like shape as shown in the image. Paint that area with the green polish.
  3.  Using a nail striper, go over the tree area with glitter nail polish.
  4. Place the gold star at the top of the tree design and seal with a top coat.

Source: alldaychic.com

14. Scarlet Snowflake Nail Art

You Will Need

  • Red nail polish
  • Glitter top coat
  • Nail striper
  • White nail polish

How To Apply Scarlet Snowflake Nail Design? – Tutorial

  1. Use the red nail polish as a base for all the nails.
  2. Paint the glitter top coat over it so that it gives the red a sparkly effect.
  3. Using the nail striper, create a snowflake design as shown.
  4. Finish it off with a top coat.

15. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer pinit button

You Will Need

  • Off-white glitter nail polish
  • Light brown nail polish
  • Dark brown polish
  • White nail polish
  • Red nail polish
  • Red glitter nail polish
  • Nail striper

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Nail Art Tutorial

  1. Paint all your nails with the off white as a base coat.
  2. Use the nail striper to create the face of the reindeer with the brown polish on the nail of the ring finger.
  3. Use the darker brown shade to outline the face as shown.
  4. Continue to use the nail striper to add in the details for the eyes and nose.
  5. Finish it off with a top coat.

Source:  thenailasaurus.com

16. Peppermint Party Nail Art

You Will Need

  • White nail polish
  • Red shiny nail polish
  • Strips of tape.

How To Apply Peppermint Party Nail Art? – Tutorial

  1. Use the shiny red nail polish as the base for all nails except the ring fingernail. Paint that nail white.
  2. Cut up uneven strips of tape and place them horizontally on the nail.
  3. Paint over it with the red polish.
  4. Slowly remove it, and you will uncover what looks like peppermint!
  5. Seal it with a layer of top coat and voila!

17. Silver And Snowflakes Nail Art

You Will Need

  • Blue nail polish
  • White nail polish
  • Silver glitter nail polish
  • Nail striper

How To Apply Silver And Snowflakes Nail Design? – Tutorial

  1. Paint the middle, ring and thumb fingernails with the blue nail polish.
  2. Now, paint the pinky and index finger with the silver glitter polish.
  3. Using a nail striper, create snowflakes on the nails painted blue as shown in the image.
  4. Finish it off with a top coat.

18. The Colors Of Christmas Nail Art

You Will Need

  • White nail polish
  • Gold nail polish
  • Red nail polish
  • Gold glitter nail polish
  • Green nail polish
  • Nail striper
  • Dotting Tool

The Colors Of Christmas Nail Art Tutorial

  1. Paint the nails of the middle and pinky finger white, the thumb and ring finger red, and the index finger gold.
  2. Now use the gold glitter polish over the existing gold in order to make it pop.
  3. Use the nail striper to create diagonal stripes on the red nail with the green and gold colors.
  4. Create a cute Christmas tree on the middle finger. Seal it with a top coat.

Source: sonailicious.com

19. Of Glitter And Stripes!

Of Glitter And Stripes! pinit button

You Will Need

  • White nail polish
  • Red glitter nail polish
  • Nail striper

Of Glitter And Stripes Nail Art Tutorial

Of Glitter And Stripes Nail Art Tutorial pinit button

  1. Start by applying a coat of white nail polish on all the fingernails. Apply a double coat so that it is opaque.
  2. Now, once the base coat is ready, take a red glitter nail polish and start drawing diagonal lines with a nail striper. Make sure that you maintain an equal gap between the stripes on all five fingernails.
  3. Apply a transparent top coat over your nails to seal the nail art .Voila, you’re done! Simple and pretty, isn’t it?

20. The Reverse Christmas Tree

Required Products

  • Transparent micro glitter nail polish
  • Blue micro glitter nail polish
  • Green micro glitter nail polish
  • Pieces of tape cut into tiny triangles.

The Reverse Christmas Tree Nail Art Tutorial

1. Paint all your nails with the transparent micro glitter as the base coat.
2. Place the edge of the tape at the bottom of the nail and the tiny triangle pieces on top of each other to create the shape of a tree.
3. Once that is done, paint over it.
4. Slowly remove the pieces of tape from the bottom.
5. Seal it with a top coat.

Source: sonailicious.com

Phew! All this nail art talk got me in the mood. Gotta have my nails looking fab for the festive season, don’t I? Off I go, attempting some Christmas nail art, and so should you. It’s such great therapy and a fantastic way to get you hyped up for the jolly days!

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Shalini Roy
Shalini RoyBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Shalini Roy has a Master's degree in English literature from Pondicherry University. She is an ambivert whose expressions have found their way in writing. She channels her passion for all things fashion and makeup to write engaging content related to beauty and lifestyle and has two years of experience.

Read full bio of Shalini Roy
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