15 Perfect Ways To Ask A Girl Out Over Text

Ask your dream girl out without showing her your anxious face or nervous jitters.

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In this age of digital communication, one should know the art of how to ask a girl out over text. In the current times, most budding friendships or relationships start over social media with a wide range of digital apps and tools available for quick communication. However, asking a girl out requires a delicate skill; one wrong or misinterpreted word can break down the friendship and prevent it from progressing to the next level. This post will help you master the skill of asking a girl out the right way over messaging apps.

How To Ask A Girl Out Over Text: Tips To Know

1. Be positive

Start the conversation with energy, passion, and positive vibes if you want her to respond. Before she agrees to go out with you, the girl you like must trust and feel at ease with you. When you text her, make her feel as if going out with you isn’t a huge deal. Don’t show yourself as too serious, nervous, or needy when you text her.

2. Don’t wait too long

The longer you wait to text a girl, the weird it becomes. She might even lose interest in you and make up wrong assumptions about you, such as you are uncomfortable with her or you don’t like her. Therefore, you need to speak to her constantly for at least a week before she’s all set to meet you.

3. Know her interests

The best method to ask a girl out over text is to know her so well that you can figure out what she likes and tailor the date to her preferences. When you know her well enough, you can plan out a date that she would enjoy.

4. Discover something common

If you discover anything in common, make use of it. For instance, if you share similar musical tastes, invite her to a play or concert by texting, “Do you want to come with me to Billie Eilish’s next concert?” If the girl you like is a pet lover, you may offer to walk the dogs with her or send her images of your adorable pet. You could message her, “I was walking down the street the other day when I saw you with your Labrador and thought we might go for a walk together.”

5. Give her a reason

You’re not only gorgeous but also intelligent and funny. I want to spend some time with you.”

Give her a compelling reason to spend time with you. Compliment her personality to show her you value her more than her appearance.

6. Ask fewer questions

Try to initiate a conversation by asking her questions about her dreams or future. It is something that she can easily answer, and it allows her to open up. However, don’t bombard her with text messages filled with only questions. Share experiences around the questions asked to make the conversation flowing.

7. Make her smile

Being intriguing and funny through texts is a great way to attract a girl you like. “Hey, are you free later this week? I know this great place where they sell tasty, huge white lobsters!” Such messages can brighten a girl’s day, and there’s a chance she’ll want to see the white lobster.

8. Be creative

Girls enjoy a little bit of originality in addition to clarity and simplicity. For example, you can text her, “Oh, man; I just had an enormous amount of food. I ate that last shrimp. Food for thought: Gluttony doesn’t just make you fat; it’s also pretty discomforting.” You can then take the conversation to the next level by asking if she’d be interested in trying the food at the same restaurant.

9. Share something personal

Keep in mind to address her by her name. The name acts as a reminder it is a personal message, not a mass text. Inquire about something that happened in her life, relate to it, and provide a similar story from your life before inviting her to meet you. Ask her about something personal to persuade her to start relating. You can try to connect with her by relating a hilarious story from your childhood or a recent event.

10. Know her schedule

Girls despise being bombarded with monotonous text messages. So instead of the standard “What’s up?” say, “I hope you had a wonderful weekend, Mary. Mine was relaxing, exactly what I needed.” ” Let me know when your schedule for a delectable treat.” She will be tempted to respond and even go out with you.

11. Make it clear

If you are interested in a girl, make it clear, simple, and straightforward. Girls appreciate a man who takes risks not simply because courage is a desirable masculine trait but because risk-taking shows how much you value her. For example, you could text her, “Britney, I’ve enjoyed conversing with you over the previous few weeks, and if you’re interested, I’d want to meet up with you in person. What do you think about meeting for coffee at Starbucks next Saturday evening?”

12. Have a plan

Be courteous and give her plenty of choices. If possible, have a date and time ready at least three days before you ask her out. Don’t text her “What are you up to? Wanna do something.” Instead, text her, “I wish we could go meet and visit — (place). There’s taco and margarita at this place. When would you be available?” Discuss a new restaurant that has recently opened in your city. “I’d love to take you out to dinner at (name of the restaurant) on Saturday night. Let me know if you’re free.”

13. Offer to pick her up

When you ask a girl out over text, make her feel adored, pursued, and wanted. On the first date, offer to pick her up and drive her home. However, leave it up to her to accept or not. “I’d like to have supper with you. Do you want to go on a date? I can pick up at — (time) at — (place).”

14. Flirt with her

The best way to ask a girl out is to flirt and joke around. If you start the conversation with a funny opener, she will be in a pleasant mood to respond to your text. Remember, you are just having a fun conversation with someone who you find attractive. By teasing her, you’re showing that you’re a brave, bold, and confident guy who doesn’t play by the rules.

15. Be concise

Long and endless conversations don’t work. They can be tedious and kill the intrigue factor. Shorter messages get even more responses than longer ones. You can say, “I think you’re a lot of fun to hang out with,” or “I’d like to learn more about you!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it okay to ask out a girl over text?

Yes, it is okay to ask out a girl over text. However, asking them out in person or over the phone is preferable since the person can hear your tone, and there are little to no chances of your sentiments being misunderstood.

2. Can you feel chemistry over text?

Yes, feeling real chemistry over text is possible. It all boils down to what you are talking about with them. If you have meaningful conversations over text and see that they are putting equal effort into getting to know you, it means there is chemistry.

3. How to handle a negative response?

Before asking her out, you must be prepared for either outcome. It’s best to remember that no one can or should be forced to say yes against their wishes. If your feelings are unrequited, please accept them without harboring any negative feelings towards her, and respect her choice. You may wish to distance yourself, but make sure to be clear that you need space instead of disappearing without a trace and leaving her in a pool of guilt.

Since texting is the initial step in dating, sending the appropriate texts is critical to obtain the best outcomes. However, remember that a girl will be more impressed by a man who bravely overcomes his nervousness than by the person who believes he is irresistible.

Infographic: Etiquette To Follow When Out With A Girl

First impression is everlasting.” Therefore, you need to make sure that you do everything right to make a good impression. A first date forms the basis of a relationship. Build a strong foundation for a relationship by utilizing the tips shared in this infographic.

ask a girl out over text [infographic]
Illustration: MomJunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Asking a girl out over a text is no less difficult than expressing your feelings to her.
  • You need to be subtle yet clear to ensure you get a “yes.”
  • Sending her a concise, to-the-point message asking for an in-person meeting is one of the ways that could work.

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