How to Get Your Life In Order: 35 Insightful Tips To Use

Reinvent your life with these helpful tips when you feel stuck with hurdles.

Reviewed by Ashley Cairns, MSc Ashley Cairns Ashley CairnsMSc facebook_icontwitter_iconyoutube_iconinsta_iconinsta_icon Specialty: Mental Health Counseling, Mental Health Promotion, and MindfulnessExperience: 15 years
Written by Ratika Pai Ratika Pai
Last Updated on

Are you wondering, ’why is life so hard?’ You might be feeling that your life is spinning out of control and you are failing at things miserably. You could be overwhelmed with emotions of anger, fear, hopelessness, and even sadness. Nonetheless, when you keep your spirits high, even your worst situation can turn bright. You can regain control of your life and get it back on track. So, how would you do it? You could begin with trying some methods to get your life in order and then ensure it is consistent in the long run. Dive into this post for some effective ways to help you overcome the challenges that life throws at you.

How To Get Your Life Together- 35 Effective Ways

The approaches listed below have been carefully selected to put you in control of your life. Use them to make the necessary changes and live your ideal life.

1. Avoid whining and complaining

Constant complaining is a colossal waste of time and energy. If you keep focussing on the negative aspects of your life, you will get stuck rather than moving forward. It’s good to talk to your loved ones and reduce your emotional burden, but it doesn’t’ help complainabout how difficult life is. It will simply drain you and affect your mental health. Instead of playing the victim, focus on resolving your problems and focus on your goals and work for them one step at a time.

2. Figure out where to begin

If you want to put your life in order, you first need to figure out where to start. The starting point depends on what you want to achieve or change in your life. Based on these changes, plan the necessary steps required to reach that point. For instance, if you’re going to quit your job and start a business, research how to go about it. Find out how you can improve your public speaking skills If that is your problem area. Spend some time each day working on your goals. If many aspects of your life are in disarray, determine your top priority and begin working on it.

3. Stop procrastinating

People procrastinate because they are afraid of failing the task at hand or because it looks unpleasant. However, this way, things would keep accumulating and might become overwhelming and tough to manage. As a result, precious time and opportunities may be lost.

Therefore, avoid procrastination and be more proactive in your tasks. If the work seems too much, divide it into smaller steps and set a step-by-step deadline to make it seem more manageable. Find out the excuses you use to avoid the task at hand and eliminate them one by one. For instance, turn off your phone notifications if this will distract you from the task at hand.

4. Practice gratitude

Obsessing over the things you don’t have in your life will make you unhappy. Instead of being unhappy about what you lack, be grateful for what you have. Every day, write down three things that you are grateful for, even if your life is in shambles at the time. This will allow you to focus on the positive aspects of your life. You will appreciate your life more if you practice gratitude regularly.

5. Maintain your health

It is critical to take care of your health to live a happy life. Conversely, health problems can have an impact on your quality of life. For example, if you allow your mental and physical health to suffer due to obsessively working on your goals, you will be burned out and unable to cherish those goals even if you achieve them. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each day, drink plenty of water, and eat well-balanced meals. Limit your intake of sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods. They can adversely affect your body. Therefore, exercise is essential to relieve stress and improve your overall health.

6. Organize your life by establishing a routine

If your life is currently a mess, decluttering and creating a schedule can assist you in getting your life in order. It will provide you with clarity and help you to reduce the chaos. Make a to-do list of your daily activities. How much time do you work, how much time do you spend on your goals when doing chores such as cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc., and leisure time spent watching TV, browsing on your phone, playing games, and so on. Determine whether you are effectively using the hours in the day and managing time efficiently. Spend less time spent on frivolous activities and more time on essential tasks. A routine is a great way to build a healthy habit. Start small and build up until you see the bigger changes you’ve created by taking each small step.

7. Conquer your fears

Certain fears can take over your life and prevent you from achieving your goals.  They may impact your self-esteem and decision-making abilities. For instance, fear of failure or fear of being judged may prevent you from taking risks. It is critical to overcoming your fears and anxieties to get your life back on track. You must understand and control any irrational fears to keep your life in order.

8. Avoid the company of people who hamper your progress

Some negative people may harm your morale. Being around them can have an impact on your personal growth and well-being. It is best to avoid toxic people in your life. Stay away from people who make you feel incompetent and negative whenever you meet them. Instead, surround yourself with people who add value to your life and encourage you in your endeavors. Choose to spend time with people who bring positivity to your life. They will motivate you to succeed.

9. Get actionable feedback

Receiving feedback from influential people in your professional and personal life helps you understand your problem areas. While you may know your shortcomings, an outside perspective can help you identify issues you may have overlooked. Ask your friends, partners, and parents for actionable feedback and work on it to improve your relationships. Take feedback from your superiors, colleagues, and juniors to become more professional.

10. Rejoice every victory you secure

Life is a series of wins. Every victory, no matter how small, should be celebrated. Celebrate if you completed a task on time, avoided negative thoughts for a day, succeeded despite complications, or worked hard to overcome anxiety or fear. Be grateful to yourself. However, make sure that the celebration is proportionate to the size of the victory and that you do not overspend. A celebration will give you the positive boost you need to keep going in life.

11. Find out what you truly want

Many people are unsure of what they truly want in life. So they go through the motions. It is critical to understand what you want in life to live your best life. Perhaps you aspire to be a best-selling author, travel the world, or become a billionaire. Imagine how you want your life to be. Knowing your dream is the first step to making it a reality.

12. Set goals

Setting goals can help you focus and have a sense of purpose in your life. You may have a few dreams, but goals are specific and measurable; they are something you can do. Goals can be long-term, mid-term, and short-term. You may first decide the long-term goal and then plan out the short-term and mid-term milestones required to reach the final goal. Set goals that are meaningful to you and will motivate you. They must be detailed and well-defined. For instance, if you want to lose weight, how much weight do you want to lose? Set neither too simple nor too difficult goals. Goals need to be achievable. Once you’ve decided on your goals, write them down and make a timeline for them.

13. Figure out your high and low points

Think about the past year of your life and make a list of the highlights. Take note of the good things that have happened to you. For example, maybe you got a good raise/ did well academically. Pat yourself on the back for all the good things you did last year, and then resolve to do better this year; set slightly higher goals. Then, make a list of the mistakes you made and work to correct them. Evaluating both positive and negative aspects of your life and working on them can help you improve your life.

14. Start saving

Start saving instead of living by paycheck to paycheck. Saving will help you remain financially independent if things get tough for whatever reason. Financial security provides much more than a roof over your head. It’s Maslow’s first level on his hierarchy of needs. When we don’t have to worry about money, we free our minds to focus on the future- not your next meal or financial hiccup. For example, if you decide to change careers or start a new venture, you’ll have some money to keep you afloat for a few days. Decide the amount of money you will save every month (ideally, it should be 20percent). Then, adjust your monthly budget accordingly. Get rid of or cut back on the extraneous or unnecessary purchases you make.

15. Keep an eye on your progress

Setting goals is not enough,you must monitor your progress. It will assist you in determining whether you are on the right track or whether you are doing something incorrectly. In addition, tracking your progress allows you to identify slowdowns and take appropriate measures to keep moving forward. Maintain a progress report of tasks to be completed, as well as their deadlines. Make a note of the status of each task and mark the ones that have been completed.

16. Postpone gratification

Only a few people today understand the value of sacrifice. Everyone is focused on immediately fulfilling their desires without thinking about the future. For the sake of the greater good, avoid giving in to every temptation.  Sacrifice small pleasures to build your future. If you have critical assignments to complete with long-term ramifications, resist the temptation to watch Netflix or hang out with friends. If you need the money for your future goals, avoid splurging on a larger car. Keep your goals in mind at all times, and don’t give in to the short-term desires that could cost you your dreams.

17. Stop seeking perfection everywhere

It takes a lot of time to get your life in order. You can’t go from 0 to 100 in a day. Seeking perfection in everything can put you under undue pressure to meet your impossible standards. Instead, aim to improve your life one step at a time.Every day, eat a little healthier, start appreciating your loved ones more, and strive to do better at work.  This way, you can continue your progress, and,eventually,you will be able to turn your life around.

18. Don’t stress over small things

If minor events easily influence you, you may become overly stressed for longer periods. As a result, you may miss out on life’s small pleasures. If minor inconveniences make you unhappy, you will be unprepared to deal with major setbacks. Slow drivers, rude comments on social media, and harmless teasing by friends should not bother you.

19. Take out time to pursue things that make you happy

You might enjoy reading novels, traveling, singing, or hiking. However, because of your hectic schedule, you may be neglecting your hobbies. Pursuing your passions,on the other, makes you happy and rejuvenates you. It is an excellent way to unwind after a long day. Passions can sometimes turn into full-time careers. So, make time for things you enjoy.

20. Don’t get bogged down by obstacles

You will face numerous obstacles and setbacks as you work to put your life together. It is critical not to become bogged down by them. They might be upsetting, but they are is not the end of the world. These are minor issues that should not derail your life. You’ll be to get past them. So keep your cool and your motivation high. Learn from these setbacks and harden your resolve.

21. Take responsibility for your actions

While pursuing your life goals, you will make many good decisions as well as some wrong ones. Your reaction to those mistakes will determine your future path. For example, you fall a lot while learning to ride a bike, but you eventually know how to do it correctly. Similarly,you can learn from your mistakes. Don’t hold others responsible for your actions. Instead, accept responsibility and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

22. Learn to say no

If you want to live a happier life, you must learn to say no. If you have difficultysaying no, you may find yourself doing things you don’t want to do. People may take advantage of you or interfere excessively in your life. Begin living your life on your terms. Prioritize your needs and mental health. While you should help those in need, don’t forget about yourself.

23. Love who you are

To live a happy and fulfilled life, you must learn to love and accept yourself. Spend some time alone with yourself,doing some soul searching. Examine your beliefs and thoughts about yourself. You may have flaws, but they are not the only thing that definesyou. You may have done some wrong things in your life, but you can make amends. Allow yourself the opportunity to do better.

 24. Work on your relationships

Healthy relationships are essential for enriching your life. Any disruption in your relationships can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. Strengthen your relationships if you want to transform your life. If you have disagreements with your parents or friends,make peace sort out the differences.

25. Seek support and guidance when required

Navigating your life’schallenges can be overwhelming. Get help from your friends and family if you feel like you’re drowning or confused. Having additional support may provide much-needed assurance and assist you in getting your life back on track. If you are feeling depressed, you should seek therapy or join a support group.

 26. Give your best

Give your 100 percent to whatever task you undertake. Plancarefully and diligently to complete the tasks successfully. Then, if you need to put in some extra hours or make some sacrifices, go ahead and do it. You need to push yourself a little more if you want to change your life. Hard work always pays off, and when you succeed, all your extra efforts will be rewarding. Even if something goes wrong, you’ll be content knowing you did everything you could.

27. Enhance your decision-making skills

A single decision can alter the course of your life. A wrong decision can derail your entire life. Think twice before making any major life decisions. Consider all possible outcomes, weigh the benefits and drawbacks, and then make a decision. Avoid making hasty decisions. While it is acceptable to consider the advice and opinion of others, do not act on them without careful consideration. Enhancing your decision-making abilities will be critical in getting your life back on track.

28. Stop negative self-talk

Negative self-talk can make you doubt your abilities,preventing you from reaching your true potential. Saying things such as “I am not strong enough to do that” or “This looks so tough” may lead you to accept defeat even before attempting the tasks at hand. Don’t underestimate your worth. Remove any negative statements about yourself and begin speaking in positive terms. It can motivate you to be a better version of yourself.

29. Keep learning

You can do a lot of research on a subject, but there will always be something you don’t know. Accept this and remain open to new experiences. Read as many books as you can find. Find someone who shares your goals and learn from them. Their experiences can assist you in meeting your objectives. You can be inspired by the journeys of successful people and follow in their footsteps.

30. Get the basic things right

Before you can move on to complex equations, you must first learn the fundamental rules of mathematics, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For example, to learn how to ride a bike, you must first learn how to balance.

31. Get an early start

Many of us stay up late at night, snooze the alarm in the morning, and then rush through the day to complete our tasks. Develop the good habit of waking up early every day. You can begin your day early and complete many tasks without interruptions. With extra time on your hands in the morning, you can complete your daily routine at your leisure, reducing morning stress.

32. Get away from the drama

Even if you want to live a peaceful life, there will always be people around you who cause conflict and drama. Drama is a waste of precious energy and can cause unnecessary distraction from your problems. As a result, it is best to avoid drama. Stay away from malicious gossip and avoid getting involved in other people’s problems. Even if someone is looking forward to picking up a fight with you, remain calm and take a step back.

33. Savor different experiences

Life is too short to pass up exhilarating experiences just because you are afraid. New experiences add color to your life and provide you with beautiful memories to treasure. You end up learning a lot of new things, broadening your horizons, and meeting new people. Experiment with something new. Sit on that roller coaster that terrifies you or sing the song you’ve always wanted to sing at karaoke. Get out of your comfort zone and enjoy the beautiful experiences that life has to offer.

34. Avoid comparing yourself to other people

There will always be people around you who are living better lives than you. Comparing yourself to others can make you feel less confident in yourself. You may grow resentful of the person. This could have a negative impact on your life. Instead of wasting your valuable time comparing your life to others, concentrate on yourself. The only competition you should have is with yourself. So make an effort to become a better version of yourself.

35. Restore balance in your life

Balance is essential for living a fulfilled life. Living an imbalanced life can have a negative impact on your overall well-being. Restore your life’s balance. Work hard, but do not let it take over your life. Overwork can lead to burnout and negatively affect your work’s quality. Make time for your loved ones, hobbies, and recreation. While the laptop screen and phone may be an essential part of your day, take some time away from them.

If you have been struggling with how to get your life together, you must understand that it requires consistent work. It is not something that can be worked on overnight, and expect the best results as the next thing. The most reliable skill is self-discipline and determination to work towards building a better life. Using the right approaches toward making these improvements will help you set goals according to your potential. You can gain maximum benefit depending on your capability. So wear on your positive attitude and make your life smoother.

Key Pointers

  • To get your life together, begin with small steps such as caring for your health and refraining from complaining.
  • Stick to a doable routine and avoid procrastination.
  • Be open to feedback and avoid people or things that hinder your progress.

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Ashley Cairns
Ashley CairnsMSc, PMNZAC
Ashley Cairns is the CEO of A Change for Better (ACFB) and a mental health counsellor working in New Zealand. Originally from New York, Ashley has worked professionally in the US, Canada, and New Zealand, helping those suffering from anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

Read full bio of Ashley Cairns
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