10 Sweet Tips On How To Make Your Wife Feel Special

Written by Gopika Jairam • 

It is always good to put a little extra effort in keeping things going good in a healthy marriage. It could be random and not anniversary related. It could be inside the bedroom or something completely improvised, because variety is the spice of life. Here are some nice ideas to keep your wife happy, for all the times she has put up with you, been there for you and loved you like no one else!

1. Get Some Bling!

Diamonds aren’t every girl’s best friend, yes, because that is a generalization. But a little jewellery never did anyone any harm. You could get her a bracelet or a necklace, add some bling she can pick up from the dresser, and trust me, you are golden to her.

2. Getaway Surprise!

Tips On How To Make Your Wife Feel Special - Take Her On Getaway Surprise!
Image: Shutterstock

Plan a surprise getaway. Call in an emergency and ask her to get home where you are waiting with a getaway car to whisk her away to an adventure. Little surprises like these can keep your relationship fresh and going.

3. Date-Night Paradigm

Tips On How To Make Your Wife Feel Special - Date-Night Paradigm
Image: Shutterstock

Keep a date-night system with your wife (weekly and monthly) depending on how busy your careers keep you. Spending time exclusively with your partner reinforces the fact that she means the world to you. You could meet each other as complete strangers, role play in your date-night, and crank it up a notch!

4. Give A Massage!

Tips On How To Make Your Wife Feel Special - Give A Massage!
Image: Shutterstock

Just give her a relaxing massage after a long day, with some nice candles, light some fragrant incense, dim the lights and play soothing tracks. There is no better way to pamper a wife who goes to work and also can take care of you and kids, and can do both at the same time very well!

5. Flowers

Tips On How To Make Your Wife Feel Special - Flowers For A Flower
Image: Shutterstock

Nothing beats the classic way to woo a woman, unless she is allergic. Yes, I am talking about flowers or a bouquet, if you will. You can cheer her up by sending some roses to where she works, or pluck some from the garden and tie them together with a lace ribbon.

[Read More: Ways You Can Handle Love ]

6. Be Adventurous

Tips On How To Make Your Wife Feel Special - Be Adventurous
Image: Shutterstock

Go on an adventure together and experience the adrenaline rush together. Go on a road trip, or go rock-climbing, or just go to the amusement park and behave like kids. Remember to have random fun from time to time, and keep the fun in marriage!

7. Hand-Made Gifts

Tips On How To Make Your Wife Feel Special - Hand-Made Gifts
Image: Shutterstock

There is nothing more cute or charming than little hand-made gifts and cards. Surprise your wife with a funny or sweet hand-made card with maybe a poem scribbled inside it. If you can sketch or sing, make her a sketch or write her a song. Just make something to make your better half, a happy half!

8. Click More Pics And Selfies!

Tips On How To Make Your Wife Feel Special - One More For The Memories!
Image: Shutterstock

Capture more moments. Take a selfie during a walk in the park or of her dress try-outs in the mall! In your busy days, it is important to make sure you record the times of fun you have had with her. Don’t get lost in taking pictures, but do keep some for memories.

9. Listen To Her And All That She Has To Say

Tips On How To Make Your Wife Feel Special - Listen To Her
Image: Shutterstock

Sometimes, all a woman needs is for someone to listen to her about that long shitty day that she had, with patience. Give her some tea, and rub her shoulders while she gets to vent what a horrible, strenuous, or tiring but eventful day she has had at work, or when she went shopping. It could be other projects she may have in her mind. Pay attention. Be supportive.

10. Tell Her She’s Special

Tips On How To Make Your Wife Feel Special - Tell Her She’s Special
Image: Shutterstock

Most of all, just let her know from time to time how much she matters to you. It could be just a hug, or a kiss, or just a cup of coffee, or foot massage. Tell your wife that she’s special.

These are just some pointers. Come up with your creative ideas too, and just tell your wife, your life partner, that you love her.

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