How To Please Your Husband: 23 Tips That Always Work

Reviewed by Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena, PhD Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-GoyenaPhD linkedin_icon Specialty: PsychotherapyExperience: 17 years
Written by Shikha Thakur
Edited by Akshay Nair
Fact-checked by Ratika Pai
Last Updated on

Husband loves you, pampers you, makes you laugh when you are angry, and turns your fantasies into reality. You may also make him feel special whenever possible. Knowing how to please your husband can do wonders in your relationship. Relationships are awesome when both partners please each other with the same approaches. For example, you may make him smile when he is angry. Mutual respect and care are essential for healthy relationships. You may please him by simple steps such as showing affection and giving compliments. Being a good listener and expressing your feelings and opinions can also impress him. They also love the support, empathy, and encouragement from their partners. However, you may remember that pleasing does not mean that you insult or degrade yourself. Read on to know some effective ways to please your man.

23 Ways To Please Husband

1. Shower compliments

Sweet words have the power to make your husband feel extra special. He may like to listen to praises once in a while. Your encouraging words could strike the right note. You can compliment him for being a good husband, on the way he pampers you, and also on his physical attributes. Tell him something as simple as, “You have such hypnotic eyes.” Or “You look so handsome in a tux.” Or “You always satisfy me.” and watch your husband inch closer to you.

2. Be affectionate

Physical intimacy is important, but men also yearn for some affection. Try some new ways to make him feel warm. Send him a surprising love letter, hold his hands, or just say sorry when he is angry or you had a tiff. Little gestures can never go wrong. You can even get flirty and startle him with a sudden kiss, or give him a shoulder or back massage.

3. Discuss fantasies

Men may be hesitant to be open about their fantasies. You can make him share his expectations, imaginations, or fantasies by using some deep conversation starters and let him know you are all ears. Once you and your spouse know each other’s expectations, it becomes easy to make them into reality.

4. Use the power of touch

Physical touch is quite powerful (1). When words fall short, using touch may keep your husband happy

. Soft and satisfying touches can do the trick and make him feel content. Know the sensitive parts of your man, whisper in his ears, tickle him, and trigger his sexual sensations.

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Who said gifts only excite women? Buy something fancy, or something he has been longing for and surprise him. This is sure to brighten up his oh-so-ordinary day!

5. Play games

Husband and wife enjoying a game
Image: Shutterstock

Games can add spice to your special nights. Break the routine and have some fun by playing games. Blindfold, truth or dare, role play, and kissing scrabble are some of the out-of-the-box games that you can enjoy with your husband in private.

6. Be prompt in your actions

You cannot always plan and execute things methodically—it may turn dull with time. Amaze your husband by being spontaneous in your actions. Come out of your comfort zone, and do something that your partner would love. It could be going for a long drive at midnight, kissing him when he dresses up, taking a swim together, or planning a weekend getaway to his favorite location. You can even make him speechless by seducing him on a casual day.

7. Be expressive

Not all men are good at catching your hints. Let your husband know that you enjoy being in his company. You may use simple words such as ‘yes,’ ‘wow,’ ‘that’s great, or ‘I love it,’ and communicate your feelings to him. You can even talk and have open communication about what you expect from him and what you want him to do for you. Your husband may like it when you are straightforward.

8. Keep experimenting

Is your husband the one who always initiates and comes up with ideas of physical intimacy? Sometimes, even men want their partners to make them feel desired. You can rub his back or give him a massage and be the leading lady to please him. Variation in sexual fantasies can turn on your man and keep your relationship spicy. Trying new stuff and sometimes different positions with your man can please him.

9. Build excitement

Creating an atmosphere of anticipation can set the stage for satisfaction and pleasure

. You may take your own sweet time. As they say, ‘Enjoy the journey, and the destination would be your reward.’ Physical touch, gentle teasing, alluring words, and body language can help increase dopamine levels.

10. Participate in his fantasies

Your husband may want to see you in a sexy outfit or may want you to dominate him. When you are in an honest and respectable marital relationship of cooperation, you can indulge in his fantasies, and he will be glad to open up to you.

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You could also cook his favorite meal, pack it with love, and deliver it to his office for lunch. Don’t forget to add thoughtfully written love notes, which will make him miss you more.

11. Get flirty

Flirting is nothing but playing with your husband. You can do so once in a while, and not regularly. Get cute with him by sending a flirty text or a kiss emoji, giving him a slight pinch, or just staring at him dramatically. Such gestures can please him and keep your relationship and romance vibrant for many years to come.

12. Move out of the routine

Couple on a vacation
Image: IStock

To add some variety and extra pleasure in your sexual life, making love in different places could be fun. You can book a fancy hotel, go camping in a serene place, or plan a vacation to a new location. Breaking out from the usual routine can bring excitement in life.

13. Wear stylish outfits

Reinvent your look at times. Wear something attractive or seductive that your husband would like to see you in. Accessories and makeup can add value to your entire look too. Look different, try to get his attention, and please him by dressing up a little hot and sexy.

14. Enjoy roleplay

You can try some interesting role-plays and get touchy. Try some roles in which you both can act comfortably. Your lovemaking can become memorable, and your husband would be pleased with the idea.

15. Take control in bed

Sometimes, your husband may want you to take the lead. There is no rule that suggests only the husband has to dominate in bed. Take control, look sexy, talk dirty, entice him, and enjoy the intimate moments.

16. Plan a fancy date

Couple on a date
Image: IStock

You can plan a cozy date at home by creating a romantic ambiance with dim lights and subtle fragrance. Arrange or cook delicacies that he likes the most. Don’t forget to add his favorite dessert and drink on the table. After a lavish meal, kiss your husband, look at him in admiration, and enjoy some intimate time.

17. Add some mystery

You can please your husband in bed by bringing in some mystery. Hide and reveal elements of the special night in bits and pieces. Have a satisfying pillow talk, cuddle in each other’s arms, and slowly show your sexy and daring side. Make the evening enjoyable so that the night will be delightful.

18. Be adventurous

If you and your husband have a healthy and open relationship, you can discover new elements of pleasure and ignite the fire in your relationship. Your husband would be glad to see some new changes, and your relationship would grow stronger with time.

19. Stay calm

This tip works when your husband is angry. Arguing or counter-attacking may fuel the fire and make things worse. Instead, let there be peace for a while. Wait for him to settle down, and listen to him if he wants to talk.

20. Be transparent

You need not hide anything from your spouse. Keeping secrets could lead to trust issues and damage your relationship. Share your problems, fears, vulnerabilities, and desires freely.

21. Adore him

Appreciate him, say ‘I love you,’ express your feelings, show kindness to him, and adore him in ways he would like. Consistent display of affection and generosity both indoors and outdoors would please your husband and lay a strong foundation for your marriage and companionship.

22. Give space

Woman discussing with her husband
Image: Shutterstock

If your husband is angry, give him some space. Try understanding the reason behind his bad mood. It could be work pressure or financial crunch. Talk to him, but don’t force him. Let him explain the reason and try listening with patience. And whatever it is, help him, but do not judge him.

As much as giving space is important, it is equally important that you understand when he wants you to be with him. Ellen Nguyen, a wife and writer, shares how her husband feels loved when she spends time with him. She says, “From very early on in our relationship, my husband wanted to spend lots of time together. He asked to meet me frequently, and he started to call me during lunch breaks. I wasn’t used to this at first as most guys I knew were afraid of closeness. But I was receptive to him because I had good feelings about him and I enjoyed being around him. It also made me quickly realise he showed love through receiving and giving attention, and I wanted that too. Now, as husband and wife, we’re inseparable. I always make him my priority and I spend most of my free time with him (i).”

23. Make home a paradise

Home should be your husband’s heaven. The outside world can be rough on him at times. Whenever he is angry, he may want some peace and relief. Make your home a serene place where he can calm his mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I communicate with my husband to better understand his needs and desires?

Open and honest communication is important to better understand your husband’s needs and desires. So, ensure to talk to him regularly, actively listen to him, ask clear questions and try to think from his perspective.

2. How can I balance my own needs and desires with pleasing my husband?

It can be difficult, but not impossible, to balance your husband’s needs and desires with your own. So, you should first know your needs and desires, and then, be sure to talk about them with your husband. Also, you should work together to look for ways to meet each other’s needs and develop a mutually rewarding relationship. Moreover, being ready to compromise and negotiate is important in a marriage as well.

3. Are there any common mistakes that women make when trying to please their husbands that I should avoid?

Some common mistakes many women make when trying to please their husbands involve believing they know what their husband wants without asking, compromising their own needs and desires too much to please their husband, and using sex as a way of pleasing their husbands if they are uncomfortable or not interested in something.

Knowing how to please your husband helps foster your bond and promote harmony. Being affectionate, showering compliments, using the power of a touch, and discussing fantasies are some of the best ways to please your man. Expressing your emotions and trying out ways to keep the spark in the relationship, such as going on a vacation together, is needed to keep life exciting. It is also a good idea to plan a date and spend some time sharing the most precious memories from the past. On the other hand, good communication, transparency, and giving personal space can help avoid conflicts. It is also important not to go out of your way and hurt your self-respect to please your partner.

Infographic: Bonus Tips For Pleasing Your Husband

He would love it when you surprise him with thoughtful gifts or make the first move in intimate moments, but sometimes it is also the simple things you do for him daily that he adores the most. So, check out this infographic where we share easy yet compelling tips that will surely allure your husband.

tips to delight your dearest husband (infographic)

Illustration: The Bridal Box Design Team

Key Pointers

  • There are no set rules to please your spouse; follow his likes and preferences.
  • Most won’t say, but men feel pleased when showered with compliments or made feel special by having intimate conversations.
  • Use more simple yet sweet, fun, and quirky gestures shared below to please the man of your life.
how to please your husband

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Watch this amazing video to get tips on how to please your husband daily. It will help you make your husband happy during the course of your normal day.

Personal Experience: Source

Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena
Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-GoyenaPhD (Counseling Psychology)
Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena is a board licensed therapist in the USA and Puerto Rico with a specialty in couples, families, and relationships. Dr. Carlos possesses a PhD in Counseling Psychology granted at the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico.

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