Important How-To-Shave Tips For Girls

Knowing the correct way will help you achieve smooth skin without irritation or cuts.

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A girl experiences many changes in her teenage life; one of the visible changes is hair growth. It may be quite irritating to witness those dark follicles beginning to appear on a previously smooth surface, making them look for some shave tips for girls.

It is important to comprehend and follow a suitable and constant shaving routine to remove unwanted hair from the underarms, legs, and bikini lines. This may help prevent unwanted discomforts, such as skin itchiness, soreness, and razor cuts, which result from following an inappropriate method of shaving hair.

Read on as we discuss some important aspects of shaving hair in teen girls and tips to avoid undesirable consequences of shaving in the wrong way.

Shaving For Girls – Helpful Tips

Here are some basic shaving tips that every teen girl should remain aware of (1) (2):

  • Dampen and soften the skin before using the razor. It is crucial to wet the skin so that it becomes soft and moisturized and avoids nicks and cuts. Shaving on dry skin can sometimes clog the razor with dead skin, and your teen can be at a higher risk of razor burns.
  • Your teen can avoid razor burn by following a two-step approach. She first needs to apply a small amount of baby oil to soften the skin and then use shaving cream. As the oil sticks to the skin surface, it will help your teen to get the smoothest legs.
  • Other than shaving cream, your teen can also safely use olive oils for shaving legs. A hair conditioner is another effective moisturizing agent. But it is advisable to avoid shampoo as it makes the skin drier.
  • Teen girls should use multi-featured razors that come with pivoting heads, lubricated strips, and spring-mounted multiple blades.
  • It is advisable to change cartridges and razors on a regular basis. A dull blade can often lead to nicks.
  • Experts recommend exfoliating the leg’s skin before shaving. It is one of the preferable methods to get rid of dead skin cells, which could otherwise clog the pores. There are multiple ways of skin exfoliation like applying scrubbers or using a dry brush before a shower.
  • Proper technique of shaving is pivotal, as it becomes simpler to remove the unwanted hairs with minimal effort. Since the leg hair grows downwards, start at the ankles and then shave up. For underarms, your teen can shave in every possible direction as the hair grows in different angles.
  • After shaving, ask your teen to apply an oil or moisturizer on her legs.
  • Restrict your teen from shaving if she has sunburned, irritated or broken skin.

Best Way To Shave Bikini Area /Pubic

Follow the step-by-step guide to shaving your pubic hairs gently (3):

  • Moisten the pubic hair for about two to three minutes by pouring water.
  • Then apply a branded quality shaving gel. It is important to apply a thick shaving gel, as the hair in the bikini area is denser, thicker, and curlier.
  • Handle the skin around the bikini region gently as it is tender, delicate, and thin.
  • It is advisable to shave horizontally and drag the razor from the outside to the inside of the groin area and upper thigh. Use even and smooth strokes.
  • Teens should shave the pubic hairs on a frequent basis so that it reduces ingrowths of hairs and makes the skin irritation-free.

Best Way To Remove Leg Hair For Teenagers

Your teen can follow the below-mentioned procedure to shave her legs (4):

  • Moisten the skin with plain water for two to three minutes, and apply a shaving gel. Water aids in plumping the hair and makes it easier to cut. On the other hand, shaving gels help the skin to retain moisture.
  • One needs to use long and even strokes of the razor, without exerting excessive pressure. It is important to shave the bony areas of the leg gently like knees, ankles, and shins.
  • For shaving the skin on the knee surface, your teen needs to bend it slightly so that the skin surface gets stretched and it becomes simpler to pull the razor.
  • One should avoid unwanted body movements as it can make the razor hurt the delicate skin surface of the legs.
  • Wire-wrapped blades are suited for leg-shaving as they help overcome careless nicks and cuts.
  • It is important for your teen to shave in the appropriate direction, and run the razor in the direction of hair growth.

How To Shave Underarms For Girls

To shave the delicate hairs of the underarms, your teen can follow these steps (4):

  • Moisten the skin of the underarm by splashing water gently.
  • Apply a thick shaving gel evenly on the hairy region of the underarms.
  • Lift up the arms so that it keeps the skin tighter and makes it easier to shave.
  • Pull the razor from the bottom to up, so that it allows the razor to glide over the skin.
  • Since the underarms’ skin is highly delicate, one must avoid shaving the same area more than once, as it could cause skin irritation.
  • Your teen can use wire-wrapped blades as it helps to avoid unwanted nicks and cuts.
  • Avoid usage of deodorants or antiperspirants after a shaving regime. As it can often cause severe skin irritation and stinging. It is better to shave underarms at night so that your teen can use the deodorant the next day.

How To Avoid Cuts While Shaving

  • Use lukewarm water for shaving.
  • Dampen the skin for about two to three minutes, so that it gets moisturized.
  • Always shave in the direction of hair growth.
  • Use the razor gently and slowly.
  • Change razors frequently, as the dull blade can cause skin infections and irritation.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. At what age do girls start shaving?

Often girls express their interest in shaving their legs and armpits by the time they reach middle school (11-13 years). However, it is a personal preference and has no medical reason to do so (1).

2. What is the right age to shave pubic hair?

Pubic hairs usually grow out in the teenage years (5), so most teen girls may want to shave their pubic hairs. However, at this age, you should inform your teen that shaving is a personal choice; some women shave their pubic hairs, while others do not.

3. How do I shave on my period?

You can safely shave your armpits and legs’ hairs during periods. However, avoid shaving your pubic hair during periods as your skin is sensitive at this time (6). Use a new, clean, and sharp razor and shaving cream or soap to ensure easy shaving at once without friction or cut. You can also use electric razors, specifically designed for women.

Being aware of essential shaving tips for girls could help your teenage daughter remove excess body hair effortlessly. Using the right kind of products and techniques and maintaining a proper routine are significant factors that aid in making this process smooth and effective. Also, educate your girl about the appropriate methods, critical dos and don’ts while shaving, and some valuable tips to avoid cuts and adverse skin reactions due to inappropriate shaving products and methods. Furthermore, you may consult a dermatologist to choose the right products suitable for your daughter’s skin.


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