How To Show A Girl You Love Her – 31 Best Ways To Try

Reviewed by Sarah Kenville, MA (Marriage and Family Therapy) Sarah Kenville Sarah KenvilleMA (Marriage and Family Therapy) facebook_iconinsta_icon
Written by Sneha Tete
Edited by Asmita De
Fact-checked by Gracia Odile
Last Updated on

Do not take the girl of your dreams for granted! Make every effort to be the best man for her. How do you show a girl you love her? Don’t worry! We have got you covered.

Since it is the thought that matters, most girls appreciate the smallest gesture of kindness. Consider surprising her with a unique gift or activities every now and then to show how much you cherish spending quality time with her, appreciate her, and make her happy. Here are 31 unique and romantic ways to show your girlfriend your commitment and tell her that you love her deeply. Check them out!

31 Ways To Show Her You Love Her

1. Give Her Your Time And Attention

Make your girlfriend feel that she is an essential part of your life.

You can show her you love her by simply giving her the time she deserves. If you cannot be with her physically, make sure you are available on calls.

2. Listen To Her

As you talk to her, focus on what she is saying. Remember that your body language can give you away if you try to be there only physically and not mentally. If she is going through a challenging time, show her you love her by being there for her.

3.  Be Respectful

You may be extremely close and intimate, but every relationship has its boundaries. Crossing these limits may give your girlfriend the impression that you are taking her for granted. Make sure you are respectful when you talk to her.

4. Ask For Her Opinion

Whether you are making a simple decision to buy a shirt or thinking about switching your job, ask her opinion.

She will feel more involved in your life. However, it is not only about asking but also considering her suggestions.

5. Look After Her

If she is unwell, be there for her. Take care of her and nurse her back to good health. If you are in a long-distance relationship, video-call her and give her company while she is healing. She will feel much better with you around.

6. Forget And Forgive

When you are in a relationship, fights are bound to happen. You are two different individuals with different sets of ideologies and opinions. However, the relationship can be harmonious only when you can choose to move beyond such moments. Forget the little fights before they turn into grudges.

7. Have Her Back

If she struggles with something in her personal or professional life, give her your support to show her you love her. Knowing that you are by her side will give her the mental strength to overcome any situation.

8. Look Into Her Eyes

Happy couple looking into each other's eyes displaying love for each other
Image: IStock

When you are having a conversation with her, look into her eyes. It indicates that you are focusing on her and are listening to her. If you are constantly looking away, she will feel you are uninterested in her.

9. Do Not Get Annoyed

Do not get annoyed If you are busy and she asks you for something, do not get annoyed.

Keep your cool and tell her that you will get back to her after attending to your work. Getting worked up at the moment is easy but can make you regret your words or actions later.

10. Compliment Her

Compliment not only her looks but appreciate her little acts of kindness. Tell her how much you love it when she asks you if you had had lunch. Words have the power to move mountains. The right words can create magic in your relationship.

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You can also send love notes, bouquets, or customized gifts to her if complimenting physically in real-time is not feasible.

11. Help Her

Always extend a helping hand even if she doesn’t actively ask for help. She may have had a hectic day and your little act of kindness could give her the comfort she needs.

12. Support Her

Try to be the wind beneath her wings and give her the help and support she needs to pursue her dreams. Never demean her or ridicule her dreams. Help her achieve her goals.

13. Do Not Get Defensive When She Gives Feedback

If she tells you about a habit that she does not like or how your words hurt her, do not jump to conclusions. Instead of defending yourself, listen to her. Tell her you will think about it and try to work on it. This is one of the best ways to show you love her.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Note all the bad habits she points out so that you can correct them in a systematic manner.

14. Send Her Texts

In the middle of the day, drop her texts and tell her how much you miss her. It is one of the sweetest ways to show you love her.

15. Tell Her If You Are Going To Be Late For A Date

When you plan to go out on a date, she will put effort into dressing up and planning her day to make it fun and memorable. If you will be late or cannot make it, let her know in advance. Nobody wants to be stood up. It is important to respect her time.

16. Show Your Affection

A man holding his partner's hand and showing affection to her
Image: Shutterstock

Whether you are alone at home or in public, show her your affection with appropriate gestures. For instance, rub her feet when you are at home watching TV, or hold her hands when you are out.

17. Do Not Compare Her To Others

Never compare your wife or girlfriend with anyone else. In all situations, she should be your number one. Comparisons can hurt her self-image. You must always focus on uplifting her.

18. Cook For Her

Husband cooks for wife to show his love while the wife hugs him from behind
Image: IStock

Whoever said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach was so wrong. Cook for your girl, and you will know. Surprise her with her favorite dish when she is back home after a long day. She will appreciate your efforts.

19. Tell Her Your Secrets And Fears

The best way to connect and bond with someone you love is by expressing feelings and sharing your secrets. Tell them about your past incidents or fears that still worry you. This can bring you both closer.

20. Tell Her That You Love Her

Sometimes, it is as easy as that. When the relationship gets old, you may forget to tell your partner how much you love her. These three magical words will assure her that everything is in place.

21. Appreciate Her In Public

When you are in a social setting, acknowledge what she does for you. She would love her friends to know how crazy you are for her. Light physical touches, holding hands, and giving hugs are a great way to show love.

22. Do Things Together

Husband goes on a hiking trip with wife to show his love to her
Image: Shutterstock

Make plans, go for hikes, cook a lavish spread or do anything that you both enjoy. It will break the monotony of always meeting at restaurants.

23. Accompany Her To Events

If she is going to meet her friends and asks you to join her, try to give her company. Being beside her can mean a lot to her – especially when you make the effort to go with her to a place you probably hadn’t visited before.

24. Leave Her Notes

Leave her cute and romantic notes on the refrigerator, car, or on her bathroom mirror. Handwritten notes have an old-world charm and will instantly bring a smile to her face.

25. Pamper Her

Although your girlfriend may be doing very well professionally, she will always crave love and attention. You do not need to splurge to pamper her. Instead, you can make her coffee in the morning, drop her off at work when her car is in the garage, or rub her feet after a hectic day.

26. Introduce Her To Your Friends And Family

She is your girlfriend and would want to be a part of your world. It will help her know you better and will also bring you closer. Make plans to introduce her to your friends and when the time is right, introduce her to your family.

27. Give Her The Priority She Deserves

Prioritize her in your life and do not make big decisions without considering her opinion or understanding how it will affect her. She would love it to know that she is your priority.

28. Let Her Help You

Men sometimes do not share their problems with the women in their lives. They want to manage their issues independently. However, your wife or girlfriend may just have the right solution for you. All you need is to ask.

29. Celebrate Her Achievements

When she cracks a new deal at work or gets promoted, make it a point to celebrate her victories. Tell her how proud you are of her and open a bottle of wine in appreciation.

30. Surprise Her

Girls like to be surprised. Instead of taking her along to buy gifts for her, do your own homework. You can also surprise her with an unexpected delivery of flowers or a love letter.

Alex, a YouTuber, documents an impromptu getaway with his partner, Anna. He says, “I’ma surprise her with this little getaway. I feel like me and Anna need some time alone to get our minds clear like not worry about anything, be stress-free at least for a day so (i).”

31. Do Not Wait For Her To Ask For Love

In the end, do all of the above proactively. Do not wait for your wife or girlfriend to ask you to love her. She will appreciate every little effort or big romantic gestures that you make on your own.

Infographic: 9 Ways To Express Your Love To Her

Remember, the key to expressing love is to be sincere, genuine, and consistent. If you are confused about how to woo her and let her know how you feel for her, do not worry. We have compiled a list of things you can try to express your feelings to her. Check out the infographic below to learn how you can make her feel special.

9 ways to express your love to her (infographic)

Illustration: The Bridal Box Design Team

It is the attention to the little details that matter in a relationship. Girls appreciate it when you are expressive, respectful, honest, and present. In addition, it will help not to overlook your girl’s dislikes to avoid rubbing her the wrong way. It would be great to pamper her every once in a while.

All in all, it doesn’t take a lot to keep a girl content. We believe this post on how to show a girl you love her will provide you with many inspiring ideas to make your girl happy. Start trying them today and make her smile!

Frequently Asked Questions

What does 224 mean in texting?

224 means “today, tomorrow, forever”.

What does 1437 mean?

1437 means “i love you forever”.

What are some thoughtful gifts or surprises that can make a girl feel loved and appreciated?

Buy her a personalized gift, jewelry, photo frame, or card, or surprise her with a date night, bouquet of flowers or chocolates, or a small weekend getaway.

Are there any romantic dates or experiences that can create lasting memories and demonstrate your love?

Go on adventures together, such as hiking, scuba diving, paragliding, bungee jumping, or camping, have a picnic at a park, watch the sunset, go boating, explore your or her hometown, and participate in pottery classes.

How can I communicate my love and feelings clearly and respectfully to avoid misunderstandings or miscommunication?

Understand your and her feelings, and discuss your differences patiently. Be open-minded, share your boundaries and hesitations, and do not pressurize her to share her problems. Let her know that you are there for her no matter what.

What are some ways to build trust and honesty in a relationship to show your love and respect for the girl?

Communicate openly and honestly, do not hide things from each other, resolve past issues, fulfill your promises, and support each other in new endeavors.

Key Takeaways

  • Forget the little fights before they turn into grudges.
  • Look into her eyes while having a conversation. It indicates that you are focusing on her and listening to her.
  • When she cracks a new deal at work or gets promoted, make it a point to celebrate her victories.

Illustration: How To Show A Girl You Love Her - 31 Best Ways To Try

how to show a girl you love her

Image: Stable Diffusion/The Bridal Box Design Team

Discover 50 heartwarming ways to express your love and care for her. From romantic gestures to thoughtful surprises, watch this video to find inspiration and make her feel cherished every day.

Personal Experience: Source

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Sarah Kenville
Sarah KenvilleMA (Marriage and Family Therapy)
Sarah Kenville has a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and a law degree. She has 8 years of experience and offers premarital counseling and relationship coaching to dating, engaged, newlywed, and same-sex couples.

Read full bio of Sarah Kenville
Sneha has a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relationships and lifestyle.Sneha began her career as an instructional designer, shifted to freelance technical and research writing, and self-published a novella on the theme of adolescent mental health.

Read full bio of Sneha Tete
Asmita De is an associate editor with over three years of experience. She graduated in English Literature from the University of Calcutta. She has collaborated with several digital companies and reputed publishing houses as an editor.

Read full bio of Asmita De
Gracia Odile is a teacher-turned-beauty and lifestyle writer with three years of professional experience. She has a bachelor's degree in English from St. Stephen's College, a master's in Anthropology from the University of Madras, and a degree in education from GGSIPU.

Read full bio of Gracia Odile
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