How To Wake Up Early In The Morning

Written by , MSc Shaheen Naser MSc Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on

In a world dominated by early birds, you make a wish every night – to be able to wake up early the next morning. But no matter how much some of us try, it is next to impossible, and getting out of bed is an eternal struggle. Are you among those late risers who just can’t seem to get up early despite trying every trick in the book? Then, you are in luck because we have some hacks up our sleeve that might help. This article provides some of the best tips to help you wake up early every day. Keep reading!

Tips To Help You Wake Up Early

  1. Avoid Eating Before Bedtime
  2. Go To Bed Early
  3. Sleep With The Curtains Slightly Open
  4. Prepare Yourself Mentally
  5. Get Excited About The Upcoming Day
  6. Keep Your Alarm Across The Room
  7. Wake Up At The Same Time Every Day
  8. Avoid Intake Of Caffeine Late In The Day
  9. Switch Off All Electronic Devices An Hour Before Bedtime
  10. Wake Up A Few Minutes Earlier Every Day

Best Ways To Wake Up Early In The Morning

1. Avoid Eating Before Bedtime

Though it is tempting, avoid snacking before your bedtime as it not only impairs your sleep but also leads to weight gain as the food is stored instead of being burnt off. Also, when you eat before bedtime, your digestive system ends up processing the food when it should actually be relaxing, leading to bloating and a feeling of heaviness.

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2. Go To Bed Early

Wake Up Early - Go To Bed Early
Image: Shutterstock

We have grown up listening to our parents tell us to go early to bed to rise early for school. And this is indeed true. You can wake up earlier than usual if you go to bed at a reasonable time as it makes sure that your body is getting enough time to rest and recuperate.

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3. Sleep With The Curtains Slightly Open

Wake Up Early - Sleep With The Curtains Slightly Open
Image: Shutterstock

Sleeping with the curtains slightly open helps you wake up naturally the next morning when the sun’s rays hit your face. This is one of the most pleasant ways to wake up without having to set the alarm. However, if you aim to wake up even before the sun rises, say 6 or 7 a.m., you may try the following tips.

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4. Prepare Yourself Mentally

Wake Up Early - Prepare Yourself Mentally
Image: Shutterstock

Listen to audio clips or watch videos that highlight the importance of rising early in the morning. This can indirectly prepare you to wake up early.

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5. Get Excited About The Upcoming Day

Wake Up Early - Get Excited About The Upcoming Day
Image: Shutterstock

Be it your morning workout session, a delicious breakfast, or any upcoming event – get excited about something you are really looking forward to. This excitement will undoubtedly trigger you to wake up earlier than usual.

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6. Keep Your Alarm Across The Room

Wake Up Early - Keep Your Alarm Across The Room
Image: Shutterstock

This is an age-old trick, but many people vouch for its efficacy in helping you wake up early. An alarm disrupts your sleep, and all you want to do is stop it as soon as it goes off. Keeping it away from the bed will make you get up and stride across the room to turn it off. And if you are sharing your room with your better half, switching the alarm off becomes even more important as you don’t want to disturb their sleep nor face their morning crankiness.

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7. Wake Up At The Same Time Every Day

Wake Up Early - Wake Up At The Same Time Every Day
Image: Shutterstock

Waking up at the same time every day can make your brain accustomed to a particular sleeping pattern. After a certain period, you will notice that you are waking up at the same time even before your alarm goes off as you have been subconsciously training your brain to do so.

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8. Avoid Intake Of Caffeine Late In The Day

Wake Up Early - Avoid Intake Of Caffeine Late In The Day
Image: Shutterstock

As you are already aware, the intake of caffeine late in the day can disrupt your sleep. Hence, you must avoid consuming any caffeine-based drinks at least 6 to 7 hours before bedtime. This not only helps you get a good night’s sleep but also increases your chances of waking up early.

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9. Switch Off All Electronic Devices An Hour Before Bedtime

Wake Up Early - Switch Off All Electronic Devices An Hour Before Bedtime
Image: Shutterstock

The blue light emitted by the screens of mobiles, laptops, and televisions is detrimental to your health and messes up your sleep cycle. It wrongly tricks the brain into thinking that it’s daytime, even though it’s not, and stimulates it into releasing cortisol (the stress hormone), which can prevent you from sleeping. So, switch off all electronic devices an hour before you go to sleep. Read a book or listen to music to relax and drift off to sleep.

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10. Wake Up A Few Minutes Earlier Every Day

Wake Up Early - Wake Up A Few Minutes Earlier Every Day
Image: Shutterstock

One of the best and easiest tricks is to try and wake up a few minutes earlier every day. If you usually wake up at 7 a.m. but want to wake up at 5.30 a.m., it cannot happen overnight. Set your alarm 5 minutes earlier every day until you reach your target wake up time.

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Remember, you cannot radically transform your lifestyle overnight. It is important to make these tips a part of your daily routine and follow them consistently to notice changes in your sleeping pattern. And once they become habits, you will automatically hop out of bed as soon as the sun rises or the birds chirp. Which of the above tricks worked out for you? Share with us in the comments section below.

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Shaheen Naser
Shaheen NaserHealth & Wellness Writer
Shaheen holds a postgraduate degree in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology from Bharathiar University. She is a Geneticist with proficiency in Biotechnology, Immunology, Medical Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Genetic Counseling.

Read full bio of Shaheen Naser
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