29 Interesting And Fun Insect Facts For Kids

Information on insects is as vast and exciting as their population and variety on earth.

Reviewed by Beth Sullivan, M.Ed Beth Sullivan Beth SullivanM.Ed facebook_iconyoutube_icon Specialty: Education ConsultantExperience: 10 years
Written by Harshita Makvana Experience: 7 years
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Insects are a crucial part of our environment and ecosystem. Share some interesting facts about insects for kids to feed their curiosity. We all find them everywhere. However, not everyone knows that they are an important link that keeps nature balanced. From ants to bugs and other crawling creatures, every insect is essential for our ecosystem. Hence, we bring this post with some facts about these little creatures to expand your children’s knowledge. Kids take more interest in studying animals, especially when you bring them in a fascinating form. So, let’s read on to find more about our new friends, insects.

Characteristics Of Insects

The family of insects is diverse, with up to 900,000 different kinds (1). But despite their large number, most of these insects share the following similar characteristics (2) (3) (4) (5) (6).

  • They have an exoskeleton, the hard external skeleton.
  • Insects are cold-blooded organisms, meaning they cannot produce their own body heat.
  • They have three distinct body parts, namely the head, abdomen, and thorax.
  • Insects do not have a backbone. Hence, they belong to the category of invertebrates.
  • They have six legs and a pair of antennae.
  • Insects move in different manners. Most walk, a few fly, and others jump.
  • Insects can be herbivores or carnivores.
  • Most insects hatch from eggs and undergo metamorphosis to become adult insects. The metamorphosis can be of complete or incomplete types.
  • In a few insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis, the younger ones are similar to the adult insects in structure.
Characteristics of insects, incomplete metamorphosis, insects for kids
Image: Shutterstock
  • Insects with complete metamorphosis undergo structural change in the entire body. The larvae that hatch from eggs become pupae, which in turn emerge into adult insects. The perfect example of this is the development of a caterpillar into a butterfly.
Characteristics of insects, complete metamorphosis, insects for kids
Image: Shutterstock
  • Herbivore insects feed on plant parts and structures, such as the leaves, trunk, roots, and even nectar in flowers.
  • A few insects, such as grasshoppers, are predators as they feed on other small insects.
  • A few insects such as mosquitoes and flies are parasitic.

Types Of Insects

Insects can be classified into 29 orders. The most common orders of insects include the following (7).

1. The beetle order (Coleoptera)

The beetle order, insects for kids,
Image: Shutterstock

Coleoptera is the largest insect family order with over 250,000 species. Common examples of this order include ground beetles, long-horned beetles, leaf beetles, lady beetles, and dung beetles. The prominent characteristic of this order is their hard, protective pair of front wings called elytra.

Beetles have piercing mouthparts that they use to chew plants. These insects undergo complete metamorphosis (8).

2. The mantid and cockroach order (Dictyoptera)

Mantis and cockroach order, insects for kids
Image: Shutterstock

This is a superorder that includes two orders under it, namely Blattodea, which includes cockroaches and termites, and Mantodea, which includes mantises (9). A few insects under this order have wings.

The younger ones are identical to the adult insects and undergo incomplete metamorphosis. Their mouthparts are well adapted for biting. Mantises are considered beneficial to humans due to their ability to prey on other insects. On the other hand, cockroaches and termites are common pests.

3. True fly order (Diptera)

True fly order, insects for kids
Image: Shutterstock

Flies including horse flies, hoverflies, crane flies, and mosquitoes fall under this category. These are characterized by a pair of flight wings, a pair of modified hindwings called halteres, and their large eyes.

Flies undergo complete metamorphosis. These insects have a mobile head with piercing mouthparts. A few flies, such as hoverflies, are pollinators, while mosquitoes and horse flies are parasites (10).

4. The mayfly order (Ephemeroptera)

Mayfly order, insects for kids
Image: Shutterstock

This order includes aquatic insects and is characterized by their long triangle-shaped wings and long tails and are commonly observed during the spring. Mayflies are harmless to humans.

The adult forms, also called imago, have no mouthparts. Their primary role is mating. The young mayflies, also called nymphs, thrive in freshwaters and undergo incomplete metamorphosis (11).

5. The butterfly and moth order (Lepidoptera)

Butterfly and moth order, insects for kids
Image: Shutterstock

This order, termed Lepidoptera, includes the dazzling insects, namely butterflies, silkworms, and moths. These insects consist of a pair of antennae and their characteristic colorful, large wings. While moths are nocturnal, butterflies restrict their movements to the daytime.

The insects of the order Lepidoptera undergo complete metamorphosis. Larval forms, called caterpillars, have chewing mouthparts, while adult forms have sucking mouthparts and are pollinators (12).

6. The ant, bee, and wasp order (Hymenoptera)

And, bee and wasp order, insects for kids
Image: Shutterstock

Most insects under this order have a narrow arch between the thorax and the abdomen. Wasps, bees, and a few species of ants have connected hindwings and forewings, which is one of their characteristic features (13). Insects under this order also have venomous stings.

Bees and wasps are pollinators and have sucking mouthparts, while ants have chewing mouthparts and are sometimes used in biological pest control. The young ones of insects under this order undergo complete metamorphosis.

7. The dragonfly order (Odonata)

Dragonfly order, insects for kids
Image: Shutterstock

This order includes the dragonflies and damselflies. They are characterized by their large eyes, two pairs of long wings, and strong flight. The insects under Odonata are insectivores. The legs of these insects rarely assist them in walking but help them in catching prey.

As the larval forms, called naiads or nymphs, develop underwater, the adult forms are primarily found near aquatic areas. They are beneficial to humans as they prey on smaller insects, especially mosquitoes. The insects of this order undergo incomplete metamorphosis (14) (15).

8. The grasshoppers order (Orthoptera)

Grasshopper order, insects for kids
Image: Shutterstock

Most insects under the Orthoptera order have strong back legs, which aid them in jumping. This order includes crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, wetas, and katydids. These insects have bumps either on their wings or legs.

The younger insects, called nymphs, undergo incomplete metamorphosis and resemble adults. Most of the insects under this order have chewing mouthparts (16).

9. The stick and leaf insect order (Phasmatodea)

Stick and leaf insect order, insects for kids
Image: Shutterstock

This order includes stick bugs or stick insects. They are also known as ghost insects due to their camouflaged appearance. These insects are primarily found in tropical and subtropical regions. Only the tropical adult forms may have wings.

The young ones of these insects undergo incomplete metamorphosis and are similar to adults in structure. These stick insects have chewing mouthparts (17).

29 Insect Facts For Kids

Insects are the most diverse group in the animal kingdom. Here are a few cool insect facts for you (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36).

1. Nearly 80% of the life forms on Earth are insects.

2. Periodical cicadas stay in the ground for 13 to 17 years. These cicadas can produce sounds as loud as 90dBA, which is almost equal to the sound of a motorcycle.

3. Water striders can walk on the surface of the water. This is because they have tiny hairs on their legs that repel water and trap air.

4. It is only the male crickets and not the female crickets that chirp. They chirp by rubbing their front wings together.

5. A dragonfly has a 360-degree vision. They have about 28,000 lenses per compound eye, which is the highest among all living creatures.

6. Butterflies can taste too but with their feet. They have taste sensors on their feet.

7. Only female mosquitoes drink mammal blood. The nutrients in the blood help them produce eggs.

8. You will find ants, bees, and beetles on every continent except Antarctica.

9. A few insects, such as bees, termites, and ants, live in groups. And their habitats are called colonies.

10. A cockroach can run three miles an hour, hold its breath for up to 40 minutes, and live for a week without its head.

11. Dragonflies are expert predators. They can catch prey mid-air.

12. Grasshoppers existed on the Earth even during the Jurassic period.

13. Bull ants can grow up to 40mm and are know for jumping towards their intruders.

14. Ladybugs, also called ladybird beetles, are predators as they feed on other smaller herbivorous insects, aphids. They can eat nearly 5,000 insects in their lifetime.

15. The buzzing sound made by bees is due to their intense flapping of wings. A honeybee can flap its wings up to 230 times in a second.

16. A female lovebug, although tiny, can lay up to 350 eggs.

17. Ants communicate with each other by releasing a chemical called a pheromone.

18. The water boatmen insects breathe from an air bubble held under their wings.

19. Insects battle too! The Giraffe weevil has a long neck, similar to that of a giraffe. It uses its neck to fight with the other weevils. They were discovered only in 2008.

20. A new study has proven that bees consume a few microbes that live in nectars. This classifies them as omnivores.

21. Some moths avoid their predators by mimicking other insects.

22. Some butterflies use their colorful wings to camouflage and protect themselves from predators.

23. Bed bugs can survive at a temperature as high as 120°F.

24. Stick insects or walking sticks can blend into the plant material to escape predators.

25. Ants are powerful insects. They can carry items up to fifty times their body weight.

26. Insects have lived on this earth for nearly 350 million years, meaning they have been here before humans!

27. The dust you see when you touch a butterfly is its scales. Although this is not fatal to a butterfly, it could still damage its wings when touched often.

28. Ladybugs protect themselves from predators by secreting a rancid fluid. Sometimes, they even pretend to be dead to save themselves from attacks.

29. A busy bee may fly up to 60 miles in one day while gathering food.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are insect legs called?

Typically, insect legs have six segments – coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus, and pretarsus. The tarsus is the farthest leg segment from the insect’s body and typically ends in the form of a claw or pair of claws (37).

2. Why is it important to teach children about insects?

Insects are an important part of the ecosystem. Introducing children to insects and their habitat sensitizes children to these little beings. Besides, it increases a child’s awareness of nature and the environment.

3. Why are insects so important for life on Earth?

Insect helps pollinate flowers and disperse seeds that help develop fruits and vegetables. They provide several useful products, such as honey and wax. Insects eat waste material, such as dead animals and decaying organic matter, helping in decomposition. They also act as predators and control the population of other prey insects and weeds. In several cultures, insects are eaten, and thus, they also serve as a source of food for several people.

The creepy-crawly planet of insects is a wonderland for children. You can teach your children about insects to engage their curious minds. An insect hunt activity can be a great weekend outing or hike training for your little ones. It helps them learn to co-exist with all flora and fauna. These interesting facts about insects will help your child feel excited and encouraged to learn more about insects.

Key Pointers

  • There are more than 900,000 different types of insects classified into 29 orders.
  • Water striders are insects that can walk on water.
  • A honeybee can flap its wings up to 230 times in a second.


1. Numbers of Insects (Species and Individuals);Smithsonian
2. What are insects?;Australian Museum
3. What is an Insect?;Reachout Michigan
4. Insects – physical characteristics;tThe University of Waikato
5. Insects with Complete Metamorphosis;University of Nebraska-Lincoln
6. Herbivory: eating plants;Australian Museum
7. Insect taxonomy;The University of Waikato
8. Order Coleoptera – Beetles;University of Nebraska-Lincoln
9. About Dictyoptera;Orthoptera & Allied Insects
10. Diptera;University of California Museum of Paleontology
11. Ephemeroptera;University of California Museum of Paleontology
12. Butterflies and Moths (Order Lepidoptera);The Amateur Entomologists’ Society
13. Hymenoptera;NC State University
14. Introduction to the Odonata;University of California Museum of Paleontology
15. Odonata; NC State University
16. Orthoptera;NC State University
17. Phasmatodea;NC State University
18. Cicadas Can Make as Much Noise as a Motorcycle;National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
19. Water Striders;The National Wildlife Federation
20. Amazing eyes: 17 vision champions;The Trustees of The Natural History Museum, London
21. Butterfly, Moth, and Skipper;San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
22. What is a Mosquito?;CDC
23. 10 Fascinating Cockroach Facts;National Pest Management Association
24. The Secret Life Of Dragonfly Larvae; National Parks – Singapore Government
25. Cretaceous Period: Life; University of California Museum of Paleontology
26. Bull ants;Australian Museum
27. Ladybugs;University of Kentucky
28. What’s All the Buzz—How Do Bees Fly?;Arizona State University
29. Lovebugs in Florida;University of Florida
30. Water BoatmanUniversity of Kentucky
31. Surprise: Bees Need Meat; Scientific American
32. Jadranka Rota and David L. Wagner;Predator Mimicry: Metalmark Moths Mimic Their Jumping Spider Predators; Plos One (2006).
33. Using Heat to Kill Bed Bugs;Virginia Tech
34. Walking Sticks;The National Wildlife Foundation
35. Fun Facts About Bugs;Smithsonian
36. Ladybugs; Regents of the University of California
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Beth Sullivan
Beth SullivanM.Ed in Special Education
Beth Sullivan is an education consultant and president of Deep Roots Learning Solutions, Inc. She specializes in literacy instruction and works primarily with students learning challenges, including dyslexia, ADHD and autism.

Read full bio of Beth Sullivan
Harshita is a graduate in commerce and holds a PG Diploma in Patent and Copyrights Law from NALSAR University. She has also pursued CA and has more than three years of internship experience in auditing. Her love for travelling has taken her to various parts of the world, and writing the travelogues was what brought out her love for content writing.

Read full bio of Harshita Makvana
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