100 Amazing Lithuanian Names For Your Baby

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Lithuania – a land rich with history and culture. For a long time, this beautiful country remained hidden behind the dominating Russian culture. But with the break-up of the USSR, Lithuania is looking to make its mark in Europe and the world.
The people of Lithuania, like others around the world, are increasingly looking to embrace multiculturalism. But they also know how to honor their age-old culture.
One great way to stay connected with one’s roots is through baby names. And there is no dearth of beautiful and meaningful names in the Lithuanian language.
So, if you are looking for a name to help your child bond with Lithuanian culture, or simply looking for a nice, exotic name for your child, you’ve landed on the right page. Here is our collection of some of the best Lithuanian baby names, handpicked for you!
Check out the top lithuanian baby names:
1. Adelyte:
Gender Female
Your daughter’s birth has filled your home with laughter and joy. What better name than Adelyte, which means ‘Good cheer’ to let your little one know what she means to you!
[ Read: Lithuanian Girl Names ]
2. Agne:
Gender: Female
Agne is a popular name not just in Lithuania but in the rest of Europe too! So, if you are looking for a safe choice, go for this pretty name. It means ‘Chaste or Holy.’
3. Alexandras:
Gender: Male
Another popular name, this time for your little prince! Alexandras means ‘Defender of mankind.’
4. Algimantas:
Gender: Male
Your baby boy is your life’s treasure. Name him Algimantas, which means ‘Wealth.’ The name is a wish for your son to be rich in not just material, but emotional wealth as well.
5. Algimas:
Gender: Male
Here’s another name that means ‘Wealthy.’ Algimas is short, classy and meaningful.
6. Algis:
Gender: Male
If Algimas seems like a longish name, go for its shorter version, Algis! It too means ‘Wealthy.’
7. Anatolijus:
Gender: Male
A classy name that has stood the test of time! Anatolijus means ‘From the east.’ It is a great name for parents looking for a name that has history behind it.
[ Read: Lithuanian Boy Names ]
8. Andrius:
Gender: Male
Today, an increasing number of parents are looking to bring up their children in a gender-neutral environment. But if you are looking for a masculine name for your son, you can try Andrius. It means ‘Manly.’
9. Angelika:
Gender: Female
Some names are evergreen and never really lose their old-world charm. Angelika is the perfect example. It means ‘Angel.’
10. Annike:
Gender: Female
Another elegant name that is as popular today as it was a decade ago. Annike not just sounds pretty but is easy to pronounce too. It means ‘Grace.’
11. Antanas:
Gender: Male
The Lithuanian language is a treasure trove of beautiful names. Take Antanas, for example. It sounds powerful and has an amazing meaning too. It is worth a look, for sure. This beautiful name means ‘Inestimable.’
12. Aras:
Gender: Neutral
If you are looking for a gender-neutral name, Aras will be a good fit. It means ‘Intelligence of an eagle’ and will be perfect for a little boy as well as a girl.
13. Arturas:
Gender: Male
Another masculine name for your little son! Arturas means ‘Noble soldier.’ It sounds proud and strong. Go for it, your son will love his name for all that it means.
[ Read: Nick Names For Babies ]
14. Atei:
Gender: Neutral
Some names go beyond history and culture. They have universal appeal and can work for anybody around the world. Atei is such a name. Perfect for girls as well as boys, the beautiful name means ‘Future.’
15. Audra:
Gender: Female
The birth of your daughter has suddenly turned your life upside down! It feels like a hurricane has hit your life, doesn’t it? But a storm is also the prelude to the beautiful reemergence of life! Name your daughter Audra, which means ‘Storm.’
16. Augustinas:
Gender: Male
Here’s a royal name for the ruler of your heart and life! Augustinas means ‘Venerable.’ It is a strong and masculine name if that is what you are looking for.
17. Ausra:
Gender: Female
A beautiful, classy, and feminine name, Ausra means ‘Dawn’ in Lithuanian. If you are looking for an exotic sounding name, with a beautiful meaning, the buck stops here!
18. Azuolas:
Gender: Male
The name Azuolas sounds grand and kingly. It has a great meaning too. It means ‘Oak.’ A popular name in Lithuania, Azuolas should find a place your shortlist.
19. Bronislovas:
Gender: Male
The world today is going through tumultuous times. Do you want your son to be a follower or do you want him to be a helper? Bronislovas means ‘Glorious Protector.’
20. Daina:
Gender: Female
Some names never grow old. No matter how popular the name Daina becomes, it will always find takers. It is such a beautiful name, after all. Daina means ‘Song.’
21. Danielius:
Gender: Male
Here’s a name that is perfect for religious families. Danielius means ‘God is my judge.’
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22. Dora:
Gender: Female
We all know about Dora! She is that adorable character from ‘Dora, the Explorer’! Well, in Lithuania, Dora is a popular name, not because of a cartoon, but because it is so pretty and meaningful. Dora means ‘Honesty.’
23. Dorota:
Gender: Female
Children are a blessing. They may drive us to our wits end, but at the end of the day a simple smile can make all the sleepless nights and frustrations melt away. Dorota is a beautiful name that signifies this beautiful blessing. It means ‘Gift of God.’
24. Dovana:
Gender: Female
If you are not particularly religious but want to thank the universe for your daughter, name her Dovana. It means ‘Gift.’
25. Drasa:
Gender: Female
If there is one thing that girls need to win in this world, it is the strength of character. Drasa is an amazing name for girls of the future. It means ‘Courage.’
26. Edita:
Gender: Female
The name Edita is a winner, with its lilting sound and beautiful meaning. It means ‘Fortune and strife.’
[ Read: 5 Letter Baby Names ]
27. Elzbieta:
Gender: Female
Another name for the religious folks out there! This pretty name is popular for a reason. In fact, its Western European counterpart, Elizabeth, has always made it into the popularity charts! Elzbieta means ‘Consecrated to God.’
28. Erelis:
Gender: Neutral
Looking for a gender-neutral name? How about Erelis? It means ‘Eagle’ and is one of our personal favorites!
29. Eugenijus:
Gender: Male
Here’s another classy name from the beautiful land of Lithuania. Eugenijus means ‘Wellborn.’
30. Gabija:
Gender: Female
Women have been seen as the weaker sex for way too long now. Unfortunately, people have not yet understood the power of the feminine! Let’s change that, starting with your daughter! Name her Gabija, which means ‘Goddess of Fire.’
31. Galeti:
Gender: Male
No matter how clichéd it sounds, old is is gold! Galeti is a great name for your son and means ‘One who is able.’
32. Gamta:
Gender: Female
The world is finally waking up to the beauty and wonder of mother earth. There is divinity in nature that is beyond description. Pay your homage to this beauty with the name Gamta, which means ‘Nature.’
[ Read: Funny Baby Names ]
33. Gelynas:
Gender: Male
Not all baby boy names need to be overtly masculine! Here’s a nice name to break the stereotypes. Gelynas means ‘Flower Garden.’
34. Grazina:
Gender: Female
With its origin in Latin and Lithuanian, Grazina is a beautiful name that may be the perfect name for your little darling. It means ‘Beautiful one.’
35. Giedre:
Gender: Female
Does your little girl come across as an old soul? Some babies are calm and seem to know something more than we do. If that sounds like your little one, Giedre will fit like a glove! It means ‘Serene.’
36. Giedrius:
Gender: Male
The male version of Giedre, this name is a good bet for little boys. Giedrius means ‘Serene’ too.
37. Gintaras:
Gender: Male
It sounds interesting, has a nice meaning, and doesn’t require a dictionary to decipher. Gintaras has it all going for it! It means ‘Amber.’
38. Gintare:
Gender: Female
If you are looking for a name for a little girl and thought Gintaras looked promising, we have great news! You can
Check out Gintare! It too means ‘Amber.’
39. Jadvyga:
Gender: Female
Life is a constant battle. That is the reality of life. No matter how much you want to shelter your princess, she’ll have to fight her battles one day. So, teach her to fight the good fight, but also to lend a hand to others. Name her Jadvyga, which means ‘Refuge in battle.’
40. Jonas:
Gender: Male
Here’s another name that refuses to retire! And why should it? Jonas is earthy, popular, and meaningful. It means ‘God’s gracious gift.’
41. Julija:
Gender: Female
Say the name Julija aloud. Doesn’t it flow life a beautiful poem? And it has sweet meaning too! It means ‘Youthful.’
42. Juozas:
Gender: Male
For many parents, faith in God is of paramount importance. If that is you, consider Juozas. It means ‘God will add.’
43. Justina:
Gender: Female
Here’s a name that is trendy, sounds modern, and is not too complicated to pronounce. Justina is not just a good choice for Lithuanians but will work in any culture. It means ‘Just or Fair.’
44. Justinas:
Gender: Male
Looking for the male version of Justina for your son? Here’s just what you need! Justinas too means ‘Just or Fair.’
[ Read: Baby Names Inspired By Nature ]
45. Kotryna:
Gender: Female
If you like the name Katherine, but don’t want to use this common name for your daughter, try its Lithuanian counterpart! Kotryna means ‘Pure’ and is derived from Old Greek.
46. Konstantinas:
Gender: Male
If you don’t mind a longish name that has a philosophical meaning, Konstantinas will appeal to you. It means ‘Constant.’
47. Krystupas:
Gender: Male
Here’s a great name for devout Christians. Krystupas means ‘Follower of Christ.’ It is not just religious but is uniquely Lithuanian too.
48. Kuryba:
Gender: Neutral
Looking for a name with a difference, something that reflects the artist in you? Kuryba means ‘Creative Force’ and will work for little girls and boys alike.
49. Laima:
Gender: Female
Your daughter is no less than a goddess! She is the child of the universe and deserves to be treated like one! Laima is not just pretty but is a strong name too. It means ‘Goddess of Fortune.’
50. Laime:
Gender: Female
The purpose of life is to be happy. Isn’t that what you want for your daughter? So, pick a name that will remind her of this ultimate truth every day. Laime means ‘Happiness.’
51. Leonas:
Gender: Male
Leonas means ‘Lion’! A royal and masculine name, it will surely suit your little prince!
52. Liudvikas:
Gender: Male
It may not be the medieval age, but we still need strong warriors to fight the good fight! Liudvikas means ‘Famous Warrior.’
53. Luidvika:
Gender: Female
It doesn’t matter whether one is male or female. The world today is a battlefield. Teach your daughter how to navigate this difficult world with this tough name! Luidvika means ‘Famous Warrior’ too.
[ Read: Sanskrit Baby Names ]
54. Magdalena:
Gender: Female
Magdalena refers to Lady Magdalene and means ‘Woman of Magdala.’ It is not just a reference to the Holy Bible but also reflects strength, faith, and honesty.
55. Malone:
Gender: Male
There’s not a moment when you don’t thank the Lord for your little bundle of joy. Let this thankfulness become a part of your son’s life! Malone means ‘Grace from God.’
56. Margryta:
Gender: Female
A pretty name with an even prettier meaning! Margryta means ‘pearl.’ It is a sweet and feminine name.
57. Marijus:
Gender: Male
Marijus means ‘Male.’ It is a no-nonsense name and is popular too. More the reason for you to put it in your shortlist!
58. Morta:
Gender: Female
Being ladylike does not mean being weak! It means a good upbringing and education! Name your princess Morta, which means ‘Noble lady.’
[ Read: 6 Letter Baby Names ]
59. Motina:
Gender: Female
Motina means ‘Mother.’ The greatest role a woman can play is that of a mother. So, this name is perfect!
60. Moze:
Gender: Male
A short name, Moze means ‘Saved from the water.’ Its meaning may be a little vague, but it is an interesting name for sure.
61. Mykolas:
Gender: Male
Everybody has the spark of the divine inside them. Your son too is part of this beautiful puzzle. Mykolas means ‘Who is like God’ and aptly pays homage to our inner divinity.
62. Narsa:
Gender: Neutral
Narsa means ‘Courage.’ It is a gender-neutral name. If you have not yet given birth and don’t know your child’s gender, this name will surely prove handy!
63. Nastasha:
Gender: Female
Here’s a name that is popular not just in Lithuania, but also in Latvia and Russia. It means ‘Resurrection.’
64. Nastusche:
Gender: Female
Children born on a festival often share a love-hate relationship with their birthdates! If your child was born on Christmas, name her Nastusche, which means ‘Born on Christmas.’ But do remember to celebrate her special day the way it deserves to be celebrated!
65. Ona:
Gender: Female
Ona – what a beautiful and concise name! It not just sounds cute but has a worthy meaning too! Ona means ‘Favor or Grace’ in Lithuanian.
66. Paulinus:
Gender: Male
No matter how old your child grows, he will always remain your baby. Years after he has settled and created his family, you’ll worry about him the way you do today. Paulinus is a beautiful name that encompasses this bittersweet reality. It means ‘Little one.’
67. Paulius:
Gender: Male
If you find the name Paulinus is little too complicated but love its essence, opt for Paulius. It too means ‘Little one.’
68. Petras:
Gender: Male
A popular family name, Petras means ‘Small rock.’ It is easy to pronounce and sounds strong too.
69. Pranciskus:
Gender: Male
Pranciskus means ‘Free.’ In this world of ever increasing restrictions and limitations, your child at least can be free with his name!
70. Raimondas:
Gender: Male
Your little son will one day grow up and achieve great success. That’s your dream, isn’t it? Apart from that, let him also be the guide for the unfortunate and downtrodden. Name him Raimondas, which means ‘Wise protector.’
71. Rami:
Gender: Female
Looking for a non-fussy, uncomplicated name for your daughter? Try Rami. It means ‘Calm one.’
72. Ramunas:
Gender: Male
‘Boys will be boys’-that’s a common refrain about unruly little men. But your son can be the game changer with a name like Ramunas. It means ‘The calm one.’ You can also use the name’s shorter version, Ramus.
70: Rasa:
Gender: Female
Short and sweet, Rasa is such a beautiful choice that you cannot just ignore it! It means ‘Dew.’
73. Raulas:
Gender: Male
Raulas means ‘Crowned with laurels.’ We are sure that’s just what your son will grow up to achieve!
74. Raulo:
Gender: Male
If you like the meaning of the name Raulas, but not the name, try Raulo instead. It too means ‘Crowned with laurels.’
75. Rozalija:
Gender: Female
Does a rose by any other name smell as good? Yes, it does! Rozalija means ‘Rose’ and is perfect for your little flower of a daughter.
76. Roze:
Gender: Female
If you want to name your daughter after the rose but prefer a short name, try Roze. Pretty to hear and easy to spell, Roze too means ‘Rose’ in Lithuanian.
77. Ruta:
Gender: Female
Here’s another short name that sounds pretty! Ruta means ‘Rue, the herb.’ Rue is an ornamental herb, which is used as a medicinal plant as well as for magic!
78. Rytas:
Gender: Male
Not all baby boy names need to be masculine. The times, they are-a-changing! If you want to keep pace with changing times, try Rytas for your son. It means ‘Morning.’
79. Saule:
Gender: Female
The Sun holds a special place in cultures around the world. Lithuania is no different. Saule is a beautiful and elegant name, which means ‘Sun Goddess.’
80. Sofija:
Gender: Female
Sofija means ‘Wisdom.’ It is a popular Lithuanian name, short and pretty.
81. Stanislava:
Gender: Female
Is there a prettier sight than the night sky studded with twinkling stars? Yes, there is, and that is your little daughter’s beautiful eyes! Name your newborn Stanislava, which means ‘Star.’
82. Steponas:
Gender: Male
Are you okay with a name that may not be topping the popularity charts? Good, because Steponas is a name that is waiting for its day out in the sun. It means ‘Crown.’
83. Svajone:
Gender: Female
Holding your newborn baby felt rather surreal, didn’t it? Having a baby feels like a dream, a beautiful dream come true. Name your daughter Svajone, which means ‘Dream.’
84. Tiesa:
Gender: Female
If you are looking for a name that is simple to spell but has a great meaning, look no further than Tiesa. What a beautiful name! It means ‘Truth’ in Lithuanian.
85. Tomas:
Gender: Male
If you like classic names, Tomas will surely appeal to you. It is a historical name, and still very popular, just like its Western European counterpart, Thomas. Tomas means ‘Twin.’
86. Upe:
Gender: Neutral
Are you a fan of brevity? Then you’ll find Upe to be a great choice! This gender-neutral name means ‘River.’
87. Vadimas:
Gender: Male
Another royal name for your little prince! Vadimas means ‘Knowing one.’ It may not sound too modern but can compete with any trendy name in the block.
88. Valter:
Gender: Male
Here’s another name that’s popular not just in Lithuania, but in other parts of the world too. Valter means ‘Army general.’
89. Vanda:
Gender: Male
Vanda too means ‘Army general.’ The name may not be as popular as Valter, but is as beautiful as any name you’ll come across!
90. Vandeny:
Gender: Male
Looking for a nature-inspired name for your son? How about Vandeny? It means ‘The ocean.’
91. Vasara:
Gender: Female
Is your daughter a summer baby? Then name her Vasara, which means ‘Summer’ in Lithuanian.
92. Vatalija:
Gender: Female
Vatalija, which means ‘Life,’ is not just a beautiful sounding name. Its meaning will surely help your daughter stand out in a crowd too.
93. Viktoras:
Gender: Male
Name your son Viktoras with the hope that he’ll win over all of the life’s battles. Viktoras means ‘Conqueror.’
94. Viktorija:
Gender: Female
Set your daughter on a path of success. Name her Viktorija, which means ‘Victorious.’
95. Vilhelmas:
Gender: Male
Vilhelmas means ‘Determined guardian.’ The name may sound a bit complicated to the rest of the world, but for Lithuanians, it is part of their heritage.
96. Vincentas:
Gender: Male
Help your son become successful in life with a brilliant name like Vincentas. It means ‘Conquering.’
97. Virgilijus:
Gender: Male
Virgilijus means ‘Staff-bearer.’ Not the most popular, but it is still a name worth a consideration.
98. Vladislava:
Gender: Male
Some old-fashioned names need to retire. But Vladislava is not one of them! It is a beautiful name and means ‘Posseses Glory.’
99. Vytautas:
Gender: Male
According to statistics, 98 percent of the people are followers. It is only the remaining two percent who can change the world. We are sure that you want your son to be in that elusive two percent of the population. Name him Vytautas, which means ‘Driving the people.’
100. Zuzane:
Gender: Female
Looking for a delicate name for your little bloomer? Try Zuzane. It means ‘Lily.’
Lithuania is a treasure trove when it comes to names. Which one is your favorite? It is a tough pick, isn’t it? But then, the problem of plenty is a good problem to have.
Take your time to check lithuanian baby names list! Your baby’s name will stay with her all her life. So, don’t rush through the process.
And don’t forget to drop in your feedback in the comments section below!

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