31 Fascinating Facts About Machu Picchu For Kids

These exciting facts will give kids new information and inspire them to travel more.

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Machu Picchu, a great ancient wonder, is settled in the Peru mountain range. The fascinating facts about Machu Picchu for kids will let them know the history of the Inca civilization and one of the marvelous architectural achievements. It was hidden and only made known to the western world at the beginning of the 20th century. If you are curious to know by whom and when it was discovered, read on as we have put together a list of interesting Machu Picchu facts.

Location and Foundation

  1. Machu Picchu lies on a mountainous location, within a section of the Andes mountain range that lies in the Cusco region of Peru’s Urubamba province. The site of Machu Picchu is located 2,430m (7,970ft) above sea level.
  1. The name Machu Picchu comes from the Quechua language spoken by the indigenous Quechua people of Peru. ‘Machu’ means ‘old’ and ‘Picchu’ means ‘mountain.’ Hence the name of Machu Picchu translates to ‘Old Mountain’ or ‘Old Peak.’
  1. The Inca civilization built Machu Picchu in the year 1450. It was the Inca emperor Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui who ordered the construction of this structural marvel.
  1. The precise purpose (Royal estate or observatory or both?) of Machu Picchu is unknown. Most historians state that emperor Pachacuti wanted the place as a royal estate for himself. Some scholars believe that along with being a royal estate, the place was also a ceremonial center and an astronomical observatory.
Location and foundation facts about Machu Picchu for kids
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  1. The presence of Inca temples around Machu Picchu has researchers speculating that the place could have religious significance. Machu Picchu may have marked the end of a pilgrimage that the Incas started from the city of Cusco.
  1. Historians believe that a successful military campaign is likely to have prompted emperor Pachacuti to order the construction of Machu Picchu.


  1. Inca engineers carved out Machu Picchu’s flat land that we see today, from a notch that lied between two mountain peaks.
  1. Machu Picchu was constructed entirely out of stones without the use of mortar. Each block of stone is precisely cut to fit into one another. This technique of masonry is called ashlar, where blocks of stone are cut such that they can lock with one another without the use of a binding agent (like mortar).
Construction facts about Machu Picchu for kids
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  1. Stones on Machu Picchu are so closely fit together that you cannot even stick a credit card between them.
  1. Peru lies close to a tectonic plate fault line, which makes Machu Picchu vulnerable to earthquakes. Surprisingly, the Inca engineers seemed to have been aware of it. For this reason, they laid a stone foundation, filled the empty spaces with crushed rock, and then covered it up with soil. 60% of Machu Picchu’s construction is underground. No wonder Machu Picchu has survived so long!
  1. The stones in the walls of Machu Picchu dance and vibrate during earthquakes but never fall from their place. It is a testimony to brilliant construction techniques.
  1. The Incas constructed Machu Picchu without the use of wheels, iron tools or animals to pull the heavy rocks. There are two theories of how Incas managed with the big stones. The laborers either carried the stones to the hill or they mined rocks out of the mountain to use it on-site.

Buildings and Landscapes

Buildings and landscapes, facts about Machu Picchu for kids
Image: Shutterstock
  1. There are temples, houses, farms, and even a cemetery in Machu Picchu. It is said that no more than 800 people lived at Machu Picchu and most of them served the ruler since the place was the king’s estate.
  1. Farmers practiced step farming where the surface of the mountain was cut into steps and crops grown on the flat land of each step. Corn (maize) was a prominent crop. A lot of food for people at Machu Picchu was imported from other parts of the Inca kingdom.
  1. Machu Picchu receives a lot of rain and may have witnessed many landslides during its construction. Step farming helped bring down the risk of landslides although they were still a threat during heavy rains.

Discovery and Restoration

  1. The Incas lived for less than 100 years at Machu Picchu and left during the Spanish invasion, which began in 1530.
  1. The Spanish destroyed several Inca sites during their conquests. However, they never found Machu Picchu. The Spanish conquistadors (conquerors) knew of an Inca establishment up in the hills. But Machu Picchu was so perfectly hidden that they could never reach it.
  1. The German businessman Augusto Berns, who traded in Peru’s woods, is said to be the first westerner to discover the place in 1867. He systematically raided the place, taking substantial relics and artifacts back to Europe where he sold it to museums and private antique collectors. It was only in 2008 that Peru’s historians found out about Augusto Berns’ discovery.
Discovery and restoration facts about Machu Picchu for kids
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  1. In 1911, the American explorer Hiram Bingham III discovered Machu Picchu during his search for another Inca city called Vilcabamba. A local innkeeper shared the information about some Inca ruins on a mountain, and that is how Bingham learned about Machu Picchu. Bingham was not the first to find Machu Picchu but is widely regarded as the first to bring attention to Machu Picchu.
  1. Machu Picchu was not entirely abandoned. When Bingham reached the mountain, he found three resident farmer families. It is said that one of the farmer’s son led Bingham to the ruins of Machu Picchu.
  1. Bingham was a professor at the Yale University and took back several relics from Machu Picchu to the university. Bingham had claimed to have taken the relics with the permission of the Peruvian government. However, later the government and local historians accused Bingham of stealing. Yale University eventually returned all the artifacts to Peru in the year 2012. The artifacts are now on display at Museo Machu Picchu (Machu Picchu Museum) near Cusco in Peru.
  1. Hiram Bingham III always believed Machu Picchu to be Vilcabamba, the city that the Incas fled to after the Spanish conquest. It was only after Bingham’s death that archaeologists discovered the real Vilcabamba – the lost Inca city.
  1. Machu Picchu was cleared of the thick vegetation that had overgrown over its structures. A lot of remains, including the skeletal ones, were shifted to the museum. It was subsequently opened to the public. Archaeological studies continue to happen even today, and researchers visit the place each year to study and understand the place better.


Tourism facts about Machu Picchu for kids
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  1. UNESCO declared Machu Picchu a World Heritage Site in 1983. In 2007, it was announced as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
  1. The Peruvian government made Machu Picchu a ‘no flying zone’ and banned flying of planes and helicopters over the area in 2006. It helps maintain serenity and prevents untoward damage in the case of an accident.
  1. To reach the ruins of Machu Picchu, you will have to reach Cusco, which is the closest major city. From Cusco, you can either take a train, minivan or even trek to the ruins. There are paid trekking packages that include the cost of entry ticket and food.

Several trails lead to Machu Picchu, including a breathtaking one that follows the same route taken by Bingham in 1911. You can also ride on horseback and use porter service for your luggage. Some trails allow you to pass through several Peruvian villages and camp en route to Machu Picchu.

  1. Professional adventurers and polished explorers continue to find new trails covered by the lush forest fauna. Many of the trails have led to Inca relics that were never found before. However, tourists should avoid trails less taken since you never know what you may encounter in the forest.
Encounter in the forest, facts about Machu Picchu for kids
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  1. Llamas belong to the Camel family and are a common sight at Machu Picchu. Llamas are native to Peru and were used by the Incas for fur and meat. You can see llamas grazing at Machu Picchu, and it is your best chance of getting a photo of this animal in its natural setting.
  1. There are no signs or labels for tourist information at Machu Picchu. To address your curiosity, visit the Museo de Sitio Manuel Chavez Ballon – a museum that lies a few miles away from Machu Picchu. The museum provides all the information about the various buildings of Machu Picchu and also contains artifacts as well.
  1. Did you know that you can climb the Huayna Picchu, the pointy mountain that lies in the background of every picture of the ruins? The summit on top of the mountain provides a picturesque view of Machu Picchu. Do not miss out on climbing because only 400 people are allowed daily on top of the Huayna Picchu.
  1. Get your passport stamped with a special Machu Picchu insignia at the entrance office of the site. It makes an excellent memory and also a souvenir to boast to your friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can children go on a Machu Picchu hike?

Yes, Machu Picchu is a kid-friendly hike. If your child is used to challenging hikes, they can try Machu Picchu Mountain and Huayna Picchu. Otherwise, you can visit the popular Citadel ruins. It is considered manageable for most children of all age groups. However, carry enough snacks and water to make the journey easier.

2. Why is Machu Picchu so important?

Machu Picchu is an architectural and engineering marvel. It is home to various ecosystems and has a deep-rooted cultural heritage. Further, it is an important part of indigenous cultural heritage.

Sharing fascinating facts about people, places, animals, and birds help children have a better understanding of the world they live in. This article lists interesting facts about Machu Picchu for kids to introduce them to this historical monument that has stood up for over 500 years. Knowing about the beautiful place will also allow them to learn more about the Inca civilization. So, discuss the location, construction, landscape, and tourism of Machu Picchu with your children and marvel at the beauty that this wonderful place symbolizes. Also, it might be possible that Machu Picchu inspires you so much that you plan a trip to this place soon. Walking down the Inca trail and witnessing the beauty of this magnificent monument is a matchless experience.

Key Pointers

  • The temples around the areas of Machu Picchu indicate that it was a place of religious importance.
  • Binding agents were not used for the construction of Machu Picchu.
  • You need to get your adventure mode on to visit the ruins of Machu Picchu.

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