Top 10 Parenting Tips To Take Care Of Your Infant

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Finally your baby has arrived after your wait of nine months. Needless to say, you are overwhelmed with your baby’s birth, and there is no bound to your happiness.

The arrival of your baby lights up your home. But when it comes to caring for your new born, you may be caught unaware, as your baby come with a “handle me with care” tag that you may not be able to fully understand.

With suggestion pouring from all directions, you may find it difficult to overcome the nervousness and anxiety of caring for your newborn.

Parenting Tips To Take Care

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Top 10 Essential Parenting Tips For Baby Care

Want to know how to take care of newborn baby? Here are the top 10 tips that will help you nurture your baby with confidence.

1. Never Hesitate To Seek Help:

Even when you are in hospital or at your own home, asking people to help you proves wonderful.

  • Initially you may not know about many important aspects of your baby.
  • Taking advice from experienced people only makes you confident to take care of your baby.
  • Tips on breastfeeding and lactation can be useful.
  • You can also hire a full time help for initial months to learn the ropes of managing your baby.

2. Practice Hygiene:

Your little one is highly vulnerable to infections.

  • Keep yourself as well as the surroundings clean.
  • Use sanitizers before touching your baby, keep the room clean, sterilize her toys, etc.
  • Make sure that she remains germ free.

3. Remember That Your Baby Is Fragile:

You should never forget that your baby is too delicate and should be handled with utmost care.

  • When you hold your baby, always support the head and neck.
  • If you are taking your baby out in a stroller or carrier make sure that baby is fully secured.
  • Avoid shaking or bouncing baby in the air.

[ Read: Baby Stroller ]

4. Initial Bonding is Everlasting:

You should try to make a deep and emotional connect with your baby in the initial days.

  • You can cradle your baby and gently stroke with affection. Your touch is very important for your baby.
  • You can also try certain doctor prescribed massage techniques on your baby to increase your bonding.
  • Always be present for all your baby’s needs.

5. Decide On Diapers Dilemma:

Some parents prefer cotton cloth diapers while some prefer disposable diapers. Both have their own pros and cons.

  • Remember that your baby will soil diapers more than 10 times a day. Maintain a proper stock.
  • Some babies may develop rash so keep the area clean with soap free wipes and use ointment suggested by doctors

6. Feeding And Burping Go Hand In Hand:

It is important to understand when your baby is hungry, so learn the signs.

  • Crying, putting fingers in mouth, making sucking noises are the cues given by your baby that she is hungry
  • It is recommended that you feed baby only when she is hungry.
  • It is also necessary to make your baby burp after every feed to avoid gas.

7. Navel Healing Is Important:

The umbilical cord of your baby and her navel will take at least 1-4 weeks to heal completely.

  • Before the umbilical cord gets stubbed out, make sure you give only a sponge bath to your baby.
  • The cord as well as the navel might change color from yellow to black, but it is normal.
  • If you find any red scars or foul odor consult your doctor.

8. Sleep Is The Most Important Activity:

You may want to interact with your baby all the time, but this should not be at the cost of sleep.

  • Sleep is the most important activity for your new born
  • This facilitates growth
  • At least 12-16 hours of sleep is a must.
  • Sing lullabies or cuddle your baby to sleep as often as you can

9. Learn Ways To Soothe Your Baby:

Crying and fussing is normal for your baby, so be prepared for it.

  • Instead of getting worried about why she is crying learn to understand the reason
  • It is your baby’s only way of communication, so learn ways to soothe her.

[ Read: Fussy Baby ]

10. Be Calm And Composed:

Raising a new born is anything but easy.

  • Don’t fret and fume when you are unable to handle your baby.
  • It is all part of growing up. Remain cheerful and enjoy all the moments of your newly attained parenthood

We hope our newborn baby care tips will prove you helpful when you bring home your bundle of joy. Do share your joyous experiences with us.

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