10 Pictures Of Katy Perry Without Makeup

Written by MomJunction
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In 2008, a very intriguing single hit radio stations across the world. This single was named ‘I kissed a girl’ and was intriguing because the vocals were by a girl. The catchy beat and unconventional lyrics is what brought the singer into the lime light. Katy Perry was not just a one hit wonder, and her following songs proved to be as energetic as her debut song. This energy is a reflection of her personality which is fun loving and lively. Katy Perry is an extremely beautiful singer who looks great both on and off stage.

Katy Perry Without Makeup

Here are a few pics of Katy Perry without makeup.

1. Katy Perry Before Makeup:

katy perry without makeup

Katy Perry was photographed before her makeup artists did their job during a photo shoot. She looked completely natural and extremely beautiful in this picture. She wore a red candy costume and her hair was tied in a bun.

2. Completely Natural

katy perry natural

Katy Perry is a fantastic musician. She is also a fantastic human being. A person who is beautiful from inside can never be short of being gorgeous from outside. Katy is a living example of this. She looks friendly and approachable even without makeup.

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3. John Mayer and Mud

katy perry john mayer

John Mayer is one of the greatest musicians ever. When such a gifted musician began dating an equally gifted singer, the music world was left in awe. A recent picture of them revealed the couple trekking. While many would not dare to step in the midst of mud, Katy and John decided to enjoy the outdoors and were dressed for the occasion suitably. Katy had a fresh look especially because she was sans any makeup.

4. The Studio

katy perry in the studio

For musicians, the recording studio is their sanctuary. Katy was too busy recording to bother about makeup, despite which she looked her gorgeous friendly self. She looked lively and energetic and had a very natural beauty about it.

[ Read: Celebrities Without Makeup Photos ]

5. Teenage Dream Indeed

katy perry teenage dream

Katy Perry has released a series of hits, most of them being chart toppers straight away. Among her chart topping singles are ‘ I kissed a girl’, ‘waking up in Vegas’, ‘hot and cold’ and of course ‘teenage dream’. She definitely is a role model to all the teenagers not only because of her music but also because she promotes a natural and make up free look.

6. Casual Look

katy perry casual look

Katy perry has wide eyes and jet black hair. Her sea green eyes absolutely light up when she decides leave her eyes sans any makeup. She is young and has youthful skin on her side, thus she has no reason to cover her face with tons of makeup.

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7. In the Beach

katy perry in the beach

When going to a party, makeup is an absolute must. But when going to the beach, make up is totally unnecessary. The beach is supposed to be a place for fun and frolic and having to bother about makeup, spoils the merriment.

8. Surprised Look

katy perry surprised look

Katy Perry does not only have unconventional lyrics but an unconventional dressing sense as well. Her wardrobe is energetic, different and very bold indeed. She is in fact a very bold celebrity who very rightly realizes that she does not need to hide behind makeup to appear pretty.

9. Night Cam

katy perry night cam

A picture of a much disheveled Katy Perry revealed that her charm does not need to be accompanied by makeup.

10. Layers are Fun

katy perry hair layers

The more layers one adds to their attire, the more complicated it looks. Katy Perry was photographed in one such complicated outfit which was teemed with a black beanie and a pair of brown spectacles. The outfit was simply stunning. She was not wearing any makeup, despite which she looked stunning.

So whats the verdict ladies? Do you agree with us when we say that Katy Perry without make up is quite stunning too? Leave us a comment.

Image source: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6

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