Preity Zinta’s Makeup, Beauty And Fitness Secrets Revealed

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 Preity Zinta Shares her Secrets!

Have you always drooled at Miss Zinta’s luscious good looks and wondered what it is that lies behind that fabulous dimple and gorgeous, creamy skin? Well, now you will know. Preity Zinta has enthralled thousands of Twitter followers with weekly updates on her health, fitness and beauty regimen. She believes in the mantra ‘less is more’ and thus, avoids excesses of any kind. The result: good looks that can make men from Australian fast bowlers to Indian business tycoons, swoon.

Preity Zinta Makeup And Beauty Tips:

1. Apparently the innocuous carrot is a great favorite of this lady. She swears by Carrot halwa, and says that she prepares it as often as possible. While the benefits of carrot for the skin and eyes have long been known, its popularity among Bollywood stars is something that is less heard of. Instead of complicated parlor processes and expensive treatments, Preity chooses to keep it simple.

Carrots are full of Vitamins A and C, and their carotene content is also high. All of this combines into fantastic skin and great eyesight. Coupled with the kind of dedication and discipline that Preity maintains, this translates into fabulous good looks.

2. Zinta knows the goodness of water. She drinks loads of it and it is a reason behind her youthful and glowing skin. No one can guess for a moment that she is actually on the other side of thirty. This is because this bubbly lady ensures that her system is kept fresh and rehydrated after a long day’s work.

[ Read: Beauty Secrets ]

3. Preity also swears by fruit juice and loads of sleep. The secret behind her glow can only be due to adequate rest. No amount of blush-on or trips to the parlor can produce a glow as natural as that. Though she loves parties, Preity makes sure that she hits the sack at a suitable hour, since at the end of the day, she belongs to a profession that needs her to look like a million bucks day in and day out.

Preity Zinta Fitness Secrets:

1. As can be guessed from her hourglass shape, Zinta is not in favor of crash diets. She believes in the healing power of yoga which not only tones the body and gives it much-needed flexibility, but also helps calm the mind and improve concentration.

2. Dancing is not just a Bollywood thing that has to be done for the sake of it. Most actresses, Preity included, take their dancing sessions very seriously. They believe that rigorous training and practice sessions help them not only to lose weight and tone their body, but also increase muscle flexibility and toning.

3. Preity Zinta lives up to her tomboy image too by going bungee jumping in New Zealand, quite often. She says the thrill that it gives her, combined with the adrenaline rush, is something that she savors. Her great fitness is a result of being into sports from a very young age and actively pursuing adventure sports despite a busy schedule till date.

Sans Makeup:

Preity Zinta is known for her natural look. She avoids makeup but is fond of her kajal and blush-on as well as pastel lip glosses. She believes that these should be the staple of every woman’s makeup kit.

[ Read: Queen Raina’s Beauty Secrets ]

It is all in the mind:

Zinta also believes in the power of motivation, both external and from within. She keeps asking herself questions regarding her career and life, and goads herself into performing better with each role. This kind of pushing oneself on without developing a sense of complacency is something that very few actors at the pinnacle of stardom, have failed to achieve. However, it’s something that she has managed to do.

[ Read: Tamanna’s Makeup, Beauty And Fitness Secrets ]

So ladies, what do you have to say about this post? Want to follow Preity Zinta beauty, fitness and makeup mantra? Do leave us your comments below.

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