10 Topic Ideas For Republic Day Speech For Kids

Help your child in preparing a patriotic speech for their Republic Day program.

Written by Harshita Makvana Experience: 7 years
Last Updated on

Republic Day is celebrated on January 26 every year to mark the date the Constitution of India came into effect. If you are looking for a Republic Day speech for kids, you are at the right place. Schools and colleges celebrate the day by organizing various competitions for their children. The speech should incorporate the significance of the day and issues to be addressed to develop this great nation. This post will help you prepare a Republic Day speech in English for your kid. Besides helping prepare the speech, we also bring tips for your child to deliver the speech well. Read on.

10 Tips For Preparing A Republic Day Speech For Kids

1. Find new facts

As Republic Day has a great significance for Indians, most people are already aware of what it is and how it is celebrated. So, the challenge for you, as a parent, is to find new and little-known facts about the special day and include them in the speech. Doing basic research on the internet should do the trick. If your child knows how to use a computer, then let them collect information for the speech while you supervise.

2. Set a time limit

While preparing a Republic Day speech in English for students, make sure that you ask the school about the time given to each student. Remember, if the speech is too short, the listeners might be left craving for more. In contrast, if the speech is too long, they might get bored. So, it has to be concise and completed within the stipulated time.

3. Hook the audience

When preparing the speech, make sure that it hooks the audience. For that, add an interesting fact or a question in the introductory part of the speech. Remember, if the audience doesn’t seem interested, it might affect the confidence level of your child.

4. Follow a format

Generally, when a school asks for a Republic Day speech, they provide a format. If not, you can stick to this basic format. Start the speech by greeting everyone—the principal, teachers, guests, and parents. Then, thank everyone for letting you (the kid) speak. Next, talk about the main topic, and conclude it with powerful words and the famous slogan Jai Hind.

5. Let the kid write it

When a school asks for a Republic Day speech from students, the intention is to make the child more confident and expressive. As a parent, you might want to write the best speech for your kid, but this is often not the right way to go. Let the child write the speech while you help them correct it. When the speech is in the kid’s handwriting, and they have prepared it with hard work, they will be more confident in delivering it.

6. Make it a story

Most kids love stories and can’t get enough of them. So, if you want your child to remember the speech, try to make it sound like a story, and tell them the background behind the topic of the speech in a story format. For instance, if the speech is about the importance of Republic Day, tell them about when and how the constitution was written and implemented, to make it sound more like a story. When kids know what they are talking about, they’ll be more confident in delivering it.

7. Demonstrate

Some kids talk too fast, and some talk too slow. So, when your child is preparing the speech, tell them when to take a break, the tone to use, and the emotions to add to the words. You could demonstrate it and let your kid learn from your example.

8. Focus on body posture

The Republic Day speech should be delivered confidently. For that, you must ensure that your child presents themselves well. You can tell them to stand straight when making an entry on the stage, maintaining eye contact with the audience, and not slouching. When your kid has a confident body posture, people will be more interested in what they are saying.

9. Use the stage

Usually, a stage for children to deliver the Republic Day will be big. So, you should ask your child to make the most of the space by moving around. When a child moves while talking to the audience, they can connect better with everyone in the audience, even the ones at the back.

10. Practice

Make your child practice multiple times. Let them make mistakes and then gently correct them. Do not shout or get angry, as it will make the child nervous, and they might back out at the last minute.

List Of Topics For A Republic Day Speech

If you are not sure about the topic for the Republic Say speech for kids, then here are a few suggestions that might help:

  • History of India
  • The story behind Republic Day
  • Importance of Republic Day
  • 1-minute speech on child labor
  • Indian social issues
  • Eradication of poverty
  • Benefits of having a constitution
  • The story behind the Indian constitution
  • The man behind the Indian constitution
  • Why India needs a constitution
  • The relevance of the Indian constitution

Sample speech

If you need some ideas on what a speech should look like, then here is a sample we prepared. It’s just a rough sketch on how to go about writing a Republic Day speech for kids.

Good Morning respected principal, teachers, special guests, parents, and my fellow students. My name is (your child’s name), and I am a student of (their class). Thank you for allowing me to share my ideas with you. As we all know, we are gathered here to celebrate one of the proud moments of India, the Republic Day. So, I would like to remind you all about why we celebrate this special day with such enthusiasm.

The Republic Day is celebrated each year on January 26 to commemorate the birth of the Indian constitution. Although India got independence on August 15, 1947, it took a while for the leaders to draft and adopt the precious constitution that helps run the country even today.

What does being a republic mean? It means that in our country, we give supreme power to the people. In our country, the public has the right to choose their leaders/representatives so that these leaders can lead the country in the right direction. The country is run by the president, the prime minister, and the ministers of the central and state governments.

I am sure you know that India was ruled by the Britishers until a few decades ago. It got its independence only when the freedom fighters and peace-friendly leaders like Mahatma Gandhi led the struggle for freedom. So, today, I would like to thank all those freedom fighters due to whose efforts we are free.

With changing times, we all have to change, and our constitution is the prime example of it. It has evolved with time and is amended to keep up with the changing dynamics of society. These changes are essential to ensure that we, as a nation, keep moving forward.

I am sure you want to do something special on Republic Day and demonstrate your feelings towards the nation. Let us all take a pledge to be responsible citizens who follow the path of truth and righteousness and help improve our society. Your little efforts can make a big difference one day. Thank you for being such amazing listeners. Jai Hind!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do we do on Republic Day?

Republic Day is observed by flag hoisting ceremonies and parades by armed forces. During this day in school, children undertake various activities, such as public speaking, marching, and cultural programs to commemorate this day.

2. Who Started Republic Day in India?

The first Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January 1950, when a statement presenting the fundamental principles of the constitution came into effect. The constitution of India was adopted on 26th November 1949 and had Dr.B.R. Ambedkar as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

Writing a Republic Day speech for children might be a simple task if you know the format and content to write. You can prepare your child’s speech and support them in practicing so that they can speak confidently on stage by following the advice stated above, such as sticking to the basic format and allowing your child to write under your supervision. You may tell your child to include the story and historical facts about Republic Day, the formation of the constitution, and some national heroes in their writing. Encourage them to acquire confidence and help them overcome stage fear once they have completed writing.

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Harshita is a graduate in commerce and holds a PG Diploma in Patent and Copyrights Law from NALSAR University. She has also pursued CA and has more than three years of internship experience in auditing. Her love for travelling has taken her to various parts of the world, and writing the travelogues was what brought out her love for content writing.

Read full bio of Harshita Makvana
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