Dr. Elizabeth Roberts

PhD, MSc, BSc, SRD


Dr. Elizabeth Roberts, a registered dietitian based in Somerset, UK, with 22 years of experience. She was raised mostly abroad and lived her early life in Norway, Greece and Germany. It was experiencing different eating cultures and behaviors that sparked her interest in food and nutrition. She graduated with an Honours Degree in Dietetics from Harokopio University, Athens, Greece, before returning to the UK, where she earned her MSc and PhD.Elizabeth works both in the UK national health service and independently. She currently works with children and adolescents with eating disorders, disordered eating and selective eating. She is fascinated by human appetite, how we learn to eat and what can go wrong along the way. Elizabeth has authored a book aimed at parents of picky eaters called "Help! My Toddler Is Not Eating: A 30-Day Plan To Get Your Picky Eater To Enjoy New Food."In her spare time, Elizabeth enjoys eating well (although as a non-taster struggles to cook without a recipe) and looking after her three pet alpacas, one of whom is a fussy eater who needs to see new foods many times before he tries any and becomes quite anxious when presented with new food.

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