Sharon Gilchrest O’Neill

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

Marriage & Family Therapy
Seton Hall University, University of New Haven
30 years

Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Family Business Consultant with over 30 years of experience. She holds degrees in Marriage & Family Therapy, Organizational Psychology, and Developmental Psychology. An early, inspiring career experience as part of the group of professionals who founded the first freestanding hospice in the United States paved the way for her uncanny ability to listen, brainstorm, and inspire hope in others. Sharon has been a graduate instructor/advisor, an organizational learning consultant, and hospice volunteer. She received a Practice Award from the American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy for her workbook: To Enhance Creative Thinking is to Liberate a Couple/Family and has published articles on the importance of Getting to Know our Children. She was an invited facilitator in Moscow, training Russian psychiatrists in the skills of marriage and family therapy. She is the author of How To Meet Someone (Not Online), A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage, and its Gay Edition, A Short Guide to a Happy Divorce, Sheltering Thoughts About Loss and Grief, and Lur’ning: 147 Inspiring Thoughts for Learning on the Job.

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