Risky Behaviour In Teenagers You Should Be Aware Of

Written by MomJunction
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Are you having nightmares that your teen might fall prey to peer pressure and develop wrong habits? Are you ready to hit the panic button every time your child gets into an argument with friends? Are you suspecting your child’s friends for egging him on to experiment with drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol?

It is natural for you to be worried about your adolescent and his changing behavior and habit. Read on below to know how to watch out for warning signs of risky behavior in teens. Learn what you can do to tackle it tactfully.

What Is Risky Behaviour In Teenagers?

Risky behavior is any kind of behavior that can have an adverse effect on your teen’s physical, mental and emotional well-being and development. Risky behavior in teenagers life could manifest in the form of his frequent brawls, drug or substance abuse, unsafe physical intimacy and such.

[ Read: Self Esteem Activities For Teens ]

Why Do Teens Experiment With Teens Risky Behavior?

One of the most common reasons for your teen behaving in a risky way is peer pressure. The teen years are a period of evolution from being a child to turning into an adult. Therefore, your teen will try to become independent and assert his will. The easiest way for your teen to break out of the child mode and feel like a grown up is by displaying behavior that is risky.

What Are The Most Common Teenage Risky Behaviors?

Friends and peers can easily influence your teenager, and he may display one or more of the following traits of risky behavior:

1. Aggression:

Your child is going through a very difficult and confusing stage during the teen years. He is undergoing many changes physically, mentally and even emotionally. Your teenager’s struggle to cope with the drastic changes makes it difficult for him to express himself. Therefore, your teen may display aggressive behavior as it is the easiest way for him to vent his emotions.

[ Read: Aggression In Adolescence ]

2. Dangerous Driving:

Rash driving is one of the most common risky behavior traits your teenager may display. While driving may not be legal until a certain age, your teen may start sneaking out for a drive on the sly. It could spell doom if your teen mixes driving with drinking.

3. Substance Abuse:

Substance abuse is one of the dangerous signs of risky behaviors in teenagers. It is usually a result of peer pressure and a desire to look cool and grown-up. Substance abuse and experimenting with drugs or smoking can cause long-term damage to your teen’s health. Drinking and drug abuse not only take a toll on your teen’s health but can also prove fatal. The worst part is, these habits are extremely addictive and can mar your teen’s life forever. Often, in the absence of other drugs, your teen may abuse OTC or prescription drugs right under your nose.

[ Read: Reasons For Teen Drug Abuse ]

4. Unhealthy Eating Habits And Disorders:

As your teen grows up, he becomes increasingly conscious about his looks and body image. Your teen may develop unhealthy eating habits and follow crash diets to ensure his drastic makeover from flab to fab! Your teen may oscillate between binge eating and purging. It can severely affect your child’s health.

[ Read: Good Nutrition For Teens ]

5. Unsafe Physical Intimacy:

Your teen is at a stage when his tumultuous hormones may play mischief. He may suddenly develop an interest in all things physical, including intimacy with others. Teens are vulnerable to fall prey to various sexually transmitted diseases when they recklessly explore and experiment with sex.
In order to tackle your teen, you need to switch gears as a parent. Handling a teen is a test of both patience and tact. You need to evolve from a strict and disciplinarian parent to a more approachable and friendly mentor. Remember keeping the communication channel open with your teenager is critical. The rational approach would be to sit with your teen and have some mature one-on-one discussions.

[ Read: Normal Teenage Behavior Problems ]

Your teen is likely to pick up bits of information from peers and be curious about topics like sex and drugs. It is best that you talk to your teen about these important issues and provide the right information. Guide him to develop the discretion so that he can himself distinguish between right and wrong and not succumb to peer pressure.

If you have handled teens risky behavior at home, share how you tackled issues like sex education and drug abuse with them. We look forward to your tips and advice.

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