Is It Safe To Use A Seat Belt During Pregnancy?

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As your baby bump starts growing, you are sure to have various health and safety related questions. One such query that you may have regarding safety is whether it is safe to wear a seat belt while pregnant.

Well, in short the answer is “Yes”.

Wearing A Seat Belt During Pregnancy:

  • It is must to wear a seat belt when you are travelling in a car, irrespective of the stage of pregnancy you are in.
  • This is the time when you should think of not only your safety, but also the safety of your baby developing inside you. It is the best way to protect both of you against a crash.
  • You may find it uncomfortable to wear a seat belt during pregnancy, or worry that your baby may be harmed. The fact is that seat belts, when worn properly, actually puts very little pressure on your stomach.
  • Not wearing a seat belt is an offense, until you have a written prescription from your medical practitioner. The purpose of a seat belt is to harness you in a secure position during a rollover accident or collision.
  • Smart motorist suggests that your body contains bones, muscles, amniotic fluid and organs that act as cushion for your baby. Thus, the seat belt causes no harm to your developing baby and additionally secures both you and your baby.

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Safety Rules While Wearing Seat Belt During Pregnancy:

The American Academy of Family Physicians has suggested the following measures on how to wear seat belt when pregnant, while travelling in a car:

  • You must wear your seat belt properly.
  • Place the lap belt under your belly.
  • Position the shoulder strap between your breasts and by the sides of your stomach.
  • If you are using airbags, move your seat to the back as far as possible.

The airbag in your car will protect you as well as your baby in case of an accident, so do not turn it off. Dr. Haywood Brown said “some women will disarm the airbag for fear that it will damage the baby in case of a crash, but ‘it’s not the smart thing to do because it will save your life if the airbag comes out.”

  • To add to the belly space you need to tilt the seat.
  • It is better you sit at the back if you are not driving.
  • If you have met with a car accident, you need to consult with your doctor immediately. This is a must even when you feel you are not hurt.
  • The seat belts that you use must be factory fitted and approved.
  • The roadside seat belts may be cheap but they do not meet the safety standards.

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How To Be Comfortable Wearing Seat Belt When Pregnant?

As your pregnancy progresses, it might get difficult for you to manage the seat belt.

  • Take short breaks after every 90 minutes if you feel your muscles cramping or legs and ankles swelling.
  • You can carry a cushion at the back to protect yourself from backache.

You must not forget to fasten your seat belts, even if you are travelling a short distance. You would certainly want to get back home with the little one developing inside you, unharmed. Dr. Haywood Brown stated “The bottom line is you’ve got to wear your restraint because it decreases the risk not only for your injuries but injury to your child.”

You can put to rest all your worries concerning the harm you can cause to your baby by strapping into the seat belt.

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If you have been refraining from the use of seat belts during pregnancy, it is certainly not a very good idea and we suggest you begin using it immediately. However, make sure to consult with your doctor in case you face any discomforts with the with the seat belts wrapped around you.

Mothers do tell us in the comment section below whether you traveled in pregnancy and what challenges you faced.

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