Top 10 Scorpion Coloring Sheets For Your Toddler

Written by MomJunction
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Arizona Bark ScorpionBlack ScorpionDeathstalker ScorpionEmperor ScorpionFat Tail ScorpionGold ScorpionLesser Brown ScorpionsScorpion InfoBlue Scorpion

Is your child scared of scorpions? Are you looking for ways to dispel his fright of scorpions? If you nodded along solemnly, you might want to try giving him our scorpion coloring sheets.

Scorpions are invertebrates belonging to the Arachnida class. They are one of the oldest creatures and are around 300 million years old. Scorpions have a bad reputation and children are quite scared of them. Who wouldn’t be scared of the venom-spitting creature? So, how do you introduce your child to and dispel his fear of scorpions? By giving him, scorpion themed coloring sheets of course. Here is our collection of scorpion coloring sheets for your kids.

1. Arizona Bark Scorpion:

The Arizona Bark Scorpion is the most dangerous scorpion in the world. It has venom comparable to deadly snakes. Arizona bark scorpions are very hard to kill given the fact that they thrive around Ground Zero with almost no adverse effects. The light color of Arizona bark scorpions helps them blend well with the desert elements.

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2. Deathstalker Scorpion:

Deathstalker Scorpion is the real name of the Israeli desert scorpion. The Deathstalker scorpions are totally deserving of their name. They are one of the most toxic scorpions in terms of venom. The color of the Deathstalker scorpions varies according the area they live. In fact, it is their goal to blend into their surroundings.

3. Fat Tail Scorpion:

The fat tail Scorpion is another dangerous species of scorpion. Some people also refer it to as the man killer. Their venom is very potent. Most people who have been stung by the fat tail have died. Fat tail Scorpions mainly reside in Africa. However, they have now spread to the Middle East as well.

4. Emperor Scorpion:

The Emperor Scorpion or the Imperial Scorpion is the largest species of scorpion. People are scared of Emperor Scorpion not just or its venom, but also because of its large size. The venom of Emperor Scorpion is not as potent as the other species of scorpions. Emperor Scorpions are also one of the timidest scorpions.

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5. Black Scorpion:

The Black Scorpion, also known as the Asian forest scorpion, belongs to the tropical Asian regions. They live in logs and other natural debris. They are not medically significant scorpions because their venom is not lethal. The Black Scorpions feed on insects for food. They also exhibit aggression towards members of their species.

6. Funny Scorpion:

Here is an amusing image of a scorpion. He is trying to knock down his tail. For this picture, have your child color the body in brown or yellow. Tell him to keep the background light in color. It will produce a beautiful picture.

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7. Blue Scorpion:

Blue Scorpions or Slender Brown scorpions are common in the United States, South America, Ecuador, and Venezuela. Blue Scorpions dwell under the stones and bark in the forest. Blue Scorpions do not exhibit any sign of cannibalistic behavior. They can also survive easily with other species of scorpions.

8. Scorpion Info:

Here is one of the educational scorpion colouring pages for your children. The coloring sheet features a small trivia of scorpions along with instructions to color the diagram. Ask your child to color the body of scorpion in light brown, tail, claws and legs in yellow. This coloring sheet will also enhance your kid’s reading skills.

9. Gold Scorpion:

Gold scorpions are noteworthy for their potent venom. You will find Gold Scorpions mainly in Northern Africa and Middle East. They prefer desert areas, but can thrive in dry forests as well. Do not confuse Gold Scorpions with yellow scorpions. They are an entirely different species.

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10. Lesser Brown Scorpions:

The Lesser Brown Scorpions belong to the Scorpionida, phylum Arthropoda genus. They are common in Hawaii. The Lesser Brown Scorpions live for just three to five years. They feed on creatures like millipedes, small rodents, and spiders. The Brown Scorpions use their venom as a defense from the predators.

These funny scorpion pictures to color will surely oust your child’s fright of scorpions. Did our scorpion coloring pages help you? Tell us below.

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