10 Simple And Easy Cooking Recipes For Kids

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If you always find yourself at a dilemma while deciding what to cook, you sure are parenting a kid.

Kids can be very picky and choosy when it comes to their meals. This leaves most moms at a loss on deciding a dish that is both nutritious and tasty enough for their kid. But have you ever considered taking an accomplice in your daily chore of cooking… and by accomplice, we mean your darling child!

10 Benefits Of Cooking With Your Kid:

Many parents encourage cooking with their kids. There are various benefits of cooking along with your kid.

  1. The first one being the obvious fact that you get to spend much more quality time with your kid.
  2. Cooking with kids can help build a great parent-child bond.
  3. It will help your kid gain basics of cooking and food combining, which is always an asset (as eventually, your child may need to sustain himself alone!)
  4. It can teach your kid more about portions and other mathematical calculations like measurements.
  5. Your kid learns to follow instructions while cooking from a cookbook. They also learn to share responsibilities and offer help.
  6. You can introduce your kid to a whole new vocabulary related to cooking.
  7. All the processes like cutting, chopping, whipping, blending and kneading, among others, help develop your kid’s motor skills.
  8. They learn to value food and understand the concept of healthy food right from an early age.
  9. When your kid cooks a dish all by himself or with your help, it boosts his self confidence.
  10. Above all, cooking with your kid is cool and you sure will have a lot of fun. Treat this as a great stress buster.

10 Easy And Very Simple Recipes For Kids:

So now that you are convinced about why cooking with your kid is important, here are the top 10 simple cooking recipes for kids that you must try out.

1. Chocolate Banana Milkshake:

chocolate banana milkshake
Image: Shutterstock

Kids love cold milkshakes. Try making this healthy and yummy milkshake with your kid.


  • 1 banana, preferably frozen and chopped.
  • 1 cup milk (use full fat milk for your kid).
  • 4-5 tablespoons of chocolate-flavored milk powder.
  • 1-2 cups of vanilla ice cream.


  1. Put all the ingredients together in a mixer jar.
  2. Blend it all well until your see a smooth milkshake ready.
  3. Serve chilled.

[ Read: Summer Food For Kids ]

2. Hot Dog Sandwich With Banana:

hot dog sandwich with banana
Image: Shutterstock

Try this hot dog sandwich with a fruity twist to it.


  • 1-2 pieces of hot dog buns.
  • 3-4 tablespoons of peanut butter.
  • 1 banana.


  1. First of all, toast the bun well.
  2. Now spread peanut butter on buns generously.
  3. Place half banana on each bun.
  4. Roll and enjoy your banana hot dog sandwich.

3. Fruity Sandwich:

fruity sandwich
Image: Shutterstock

Try this sandwich with a fruity touch to it. Your kid will sure love, both cooking and eating it.


  • 2-3 slices of slightly toasted breads.
  • Chopped apples, apricot, pears and oranges.
  • Pineapple pieces crushed in its juice.
  • Whipped cream cheese.


  1. Take a mixing bowl.
  2. Mix all fruits, cream cheese and crushed juice together well, ensuring it all binds together.
  3. Now take each toast and place the mixture on it and enjoy.

[ Read: Calcium Rich Food For Kids ]

4. Fruit Salad With Yogurt:

fruit salad with yogurt
Image: Shutterstock

We all know salads are healthy, let us give it a fruity twist to it.


  • 3-4 cups yogurt (preferably vanilla flavored).
  • 5-6 cups of fruits like banana, oranges, strawberries, apples and melons.


  1. Wash and cut all fruits likewise.
  2. Take a mixing bowl and add all fruits and yogurt together.
  3. Mix up well.
  4. Let the salad refrigerate for some time and enjoy it chilled.

[ Read: Yogurt For Kids ]

5. Veg Toast Sandwich:

veg toast sandwich
Image: Shutterstock

Enjoy preparing this easiest simple cooking recipe for kids. This vegetable open sandwich will definitely excite your little one.


  • Toasted breads (ideally multigrain).
  • Sliced vegetables like cucumber, tomato, boiled potato.
  • Cheese spread and tomato ketchup.
  • Freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste.


  1. Toast slices of bread and put some cheese spread on it.
  2. Now put a layer of all vegetables.
  3. Put some ketchup and sprinkle some black pepper powder.
  4. Cover it with another toasted slice of bread and your sandwich is ready to be eaten.

[ Read: Pizza Recipe For Kids ]

6. Burger:

Image: Shutterstock

Your kid will totally love it if you cook one of his favourite dishes with him.


  • Burger buns.
  • Cheese slices.
  • Onion rings, coriander leaves and vegetable/chicken patty.
  • Black pepper, salt to taste, ketchup and few sauces of your kid’s choice.


  1. Slice the bun from three sides and place cheese slice on it.
  2. Spread some ketchup on cheese slice and sprinkle salt.
  3. Press the patty flat and place it inside the leaf.
  4. Now add onions rings and coriander leaves.
  5. Sprinkle black pepper on top and close the bun, securing using a tooth pick.

[ Read: Bread Recipes For Kids ]

7. Apple Toast:

apple toast
Image: Shutterstock

This toast makes for a great snack option for kids are fussy eaters.


  • Slices of bread (make it wholegrain for added healthiness!).
  • Butter
  • Cinnamon powder.
  • 1 cored and thinly sliced apple.


  1. First of all, set your oven to broil.
  2. Apply butter on one side of bread.
  3. Place apple slice on the same side.
  4. Now sprinkle cinnamon powder on top.
  5. Carefully place all bread slices on a baking sheet and let it toast for about 2-3 minutes in a preheated oven.

[ Read: Baking Recipes For Kids ]

8. Bugs On a Log:

bugs on a log
Image: Shutterstock

Here is an uncommon dish to enjoy the goodness of celery stalks with chocolate chips.


  • Chocolate chips.
  • Celery stalks.
  • Peanut butter.


  1. Take celery stalks and wash thoroughly.
  2. Now take peanut butter and fill up the center with it.
  3. Now simply place chocolate chips on top of every stalk and enjoy.

[ Read: Pasta Recipes For Kids ]

9. Fruit Popsicles:

fruit popsicles
Image: Shutterstock

Kids love popsicles (and so do grown-ups!).


  • 2 cups of any fruit juice.
  • 2 cups of boiling water.
  • 1 box of fruit flavored jell-O.


  1. First dissolve the entire gelatin in 2 cups of boiling water.
  2. Then add the fruit juice (your favourite flavor).
  3. Now finally pour this liquid into your popsicle moulds.
  4. Freeze and enjoy it later!

10. Toadstools:

Image: Shutterstock

Here is a fun way of enjoying crackers and Hershey’s bar.


  • Marshmallows
  • Peanut butter.
  • Hershey’s bars.
  • Saltine cracker.


  1. First, spread some peanut butter on the saltine cracker.
  2. Now simply top it up with a piece of Hershey’s bar.
  3. Now put marshmallow on top.
  4. Finally microwave it for just about 20 minutes and your yum dish is ready to enjoy.

We are sure you will try these simple and easy recipes for kids real soon. So go ahead and try any of these. Do tell us how your kid enjoyed the cooking time spent with you.

Reference : 1 , 2 , 3

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