5 Simple Ways To Choose The Right Color For Your Tattoo

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Getting a tattoo is a very personal experience and you might have to live with this choice for the lifetime. It means that when you make that big decision to get a tattoo, you should give it a serious thought. Going for the tattoo, you might put in a lot of thought into the tattoo design and the part of the body on which you want it be done. But, it is also equally important to pay attention to the colors if you are planning to have a colored tattoo. It is all the more important because once inked, the colors have to stay there for life long. And it means that you have to be absolutely sure about the colors. From dragons to fairies, you can choose the most bright and splendid colors that will give life to the pattern you wish to ink.

Choosing The Right Colors For Your Tattoo:

Now that you have decided the pattern and where you will let the artist etch a tattoo, it is time to pick the right palette of colors. There are many simple ways to gauge a good color choice:

1. Tattoo Design:

Does the color scheme you have in mind, go and look good with the tattoo design you have finalized. Just because you have a fancy promotional offer to avail or a choice of two free colors, does not mean you cash on it. This can possibly ruin a good simple design with colors that do not complement it. Stay real and pay attention to the design before you chose to color it up.

2. Own Body Color:

Your own body color or tone is another most important factor to consider when picking colors for the tattoo design you want to get inked. What is important here is to understand that some colors might not look good on a certain skin tone or would look as if the design is smudged. So focusing on the skin color as well as the color you plan to get incorporated into design are both important considerations that cannot be and should not be overlooked.

3. Care And Effort:

Colored tattoos need a lot of effort and care, which makes them more expensive. Colored tattoos need touch ups to keep them looking good unlike the black tattoos. If you are always on the move or is not ready for the after tattoo care, it is advisable to avoid choosing any fancy color for the tattoo design.

4. Mix And Match:

If the mind is made up for a colored tattoo and you are willing to take extra care and caution to keep the tattoo looking good, it is important to ensure that the colors you pick look good together and the color combination makes the design noticeable and exquisite. The colors should not just be incorporated because the thought of colored tattoo is interesting, but with a thought that makes the tattoo design stand out and look amazing.

5. Talk To The Tattoo Artist:

It goes without saying that once you choose a tattoo design, you are bound to do a lot of research and homework before going to get inked. While you do so, also remember to choose a good artist and consult them on the choice of colors.

As tempted as you may be to get a tattoo done at a cheap outlet, steer clear from any shady joints. Walk into a prominent tattoo salon that has trained professionals to do the job. They are the experts as they work day in and day out, and would be the best people to guide one on how the final color combination would look or how it would turn out. They can also probably help you test a few colors on one’s skin at a hidden spot to get a clear idea of how the color would look. Getting to test a particular color or colors is also a safe practice to rule out any possibility of allergic reactions to the colors of tattoo.

While these are simple things, they can make a lot of difference to how the final version of the colored tattoo would look.

Getting inked can be addictive. But before you modify your body, think about it. Don’t make hasty choices to regret later!

Do you have a tattoo or two? How did you decide on the design and color? Share your experience with us in the comments section.

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Maanasi Radhakrishnan
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