5 Simple Ways To Talk To Your Kids About Drugs

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Today, drug usage and abuse are becoming alarmingly common. To protect your child from the adverse effects of drugs, you need to start the ground work early.

Rather than lecturing or admonishing, your primary goal must be to give them information about drugs for kids and equip them to deal with such dangerous habits. If your kids get to know the issue of drug abuse from you, they are less likely to fall for them.

What Is A Drug?

Drug is any chemical compound that has an impact on your body’s functions. Most drugs are medicinal and are not only vital but necessary in the world we live in.

  • But when someone use such drugs excessively or inappropriately, it becomes a harmful addiction that has the power to physically and emotionally destroy the individual.
  • Some well-known drugs are alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and aspirin.

[ Read: Kids And Alcohol ]

5 Simple Ways On How To Talk To Your Kids About Drugs:

If you want to secure your child from getting into drugs, you have come to the right place. Lisa Kaplin, a psychologist and life coach, who says “The best way to approach your child is with delicacy, not drama. If you approach them with panic, anger, aggression or accusations, you can be sure your child will tell you absolutely nothing.”

So here are our tips to discuss about this sensitive subject with your children:

1. Talk To Your Child About Healthy Living:

During the pre-school years, children have a strong bonding with their family and seek parent’s approval. Hence it is right time to sensitively broach the subject and impart the right message.

  • Discuss with your child how satisfied he will be if he intakes a good nutritious food.
  • Make your child understand about the wellness of the body.
  • Make him realize how a healthy kid runs, jumps and how much enthusiastic approach is shown.

2. Be Calm With Your Child:

“This issue is too serious for subtlety,” said John Duffy, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist and author of the book The Available Parent: Radical Optimism for Raising Teens and Tweens. He suggests readers approach their kids “directly and immediately.”

  • If you seem to be calm and polite with your child, it will be easy for him to ask you questions related to substance abuse.
  • Don’t try to lecture or have a serious conversation while talking to your child about drugs.
  • If your child reveals his drug use, don’t punish. It rarely works, rather thank him for being honest and show your support.

[ Read: Raising Children ]

3. Teach Your Child About The Environment:

As children enter school they are much closer and influenced with their peers, and like to spend more time with their friends. It is better you be careful here and make him understand few healthy things.

  • Show your child the harmful effects of the acids or any other substance which are harmful and present at your home.
  • Read them out loud the warning labels on products; make them aware that some harmful products do not always come with warnings
  • Make your child understand that he should only ingest food given by a family member or caregiver.

[ Read: Healthy Habits For Kids ]

4. Make Them Aware Of What You Feel About Substance Abuse:

Drugs by themselves are not the culprit; only the person who misuses them is. Discuss with your kids how drugs usage can turn harmful.

  • Let your child know that by using these drugs, he won’t be able to concentrate on studies, play or any other activities.
  • Though media has a great effect on children, talk to your child about how drug related issues are shown by media through movies or ads.
  • Set clear rules by explaining them why you are against drugs and alcohol. Keep your discussion factual and focused.

5. Keep Your Conversation In Present Tense:

Children do not care about the future, so avoid showing them the effects that happen to be seen later on in life. Instead, show the effect it would have in their current life.

  • All pre-teen and teens are concerned about their appearance. Hence, tell your child that the drugs would impair their looks and health.
  • Due to the obsession, they would never like to spoil their looks and therefore might avoid these practices.
  • It is a good idea to get to know your child’ friends to make sure that they share the same values as you do.

[ Read: Role Of Parents In Child Development ]

If your child confesses to a drug addiction, do get the best treatment for him immediately; see a qualified therapist who specializes in working with teens.

We hope this article on helps you in dealing with your child. Don’t forget to share if you have any other views on how to talk to your kids about drugs in the comment section below. Wish you good luck!

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