15 Awesome Sleepover Party Games For Tweens

Written by MomJunction
Last Updated on

So your tween is hosting her first sleepover. You have already sent the invites and are expecting a bunch of guests to arrive. But, how do you plan to keep the gaggle of kids occupied? While most tweens like to keep themselves entertained, it will be great if you could plan a few activities for them.

When planning games and activities, you have to take an innovative approach. Tweens typically wince at the thought of sleepover games, often making excuses like ‘they are too old for it’. They like ‘cooler’ things. So, in line with their ‘cooler’ taste, Momjunction has compiled a list of 15 hip games that will get the tweens moving and make the party so much fun, they’d want to come back next week. Read on to know more.

15 Fun Sleepover Party Games For Tweens

1. Truth Or Dare:

Truth Or Dare
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • A bottle

How To:

  1. Have the tweens sit in a circle with a bottle in the middle.
  1. Spin the bottle and the player on whom the bottle lands will have to select either truth or dare. If the player chooses truth, he/she has to answer a question truthfully. And if he/she chooses dare, then the player will be obliged to complete a daring, funny or embarrassing task.
  1. If your kids want to make the game more fun, they can change it to “Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Promise to repeat” For ‘promise to repeat,’ the kids have to repeat the phrase, no matter how humiliating it is, at least, 10 to 20 times.

2. Pass The Orange:

Pass The Orange
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Oranges

How To:

  1. Divide the kids into two teams. Make each team stand in a circle with hands behind their backs.
  1. Place an orange under the chin of one player. Now she has to pass the orange from one person to another, but without using the hands.
  1. If they drop the orange on the floor, they have to pick the orange without using the hands. The first team to pass the orange around the circle will win.

3. Blind Makeover Game:

Blind Makeover Game
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Makeup
  • Blindfold
  • Makeup removal wipes
  • Camera (optional)

How To:

  1. When little girls are together with their friends, makeup is always involved. So why not use it for playing games too? This game is a twist on Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Select on tween and blindfold her.
  1. Now the chosen girl has to give a makeover to a friend but blindfolded.
  1. Make sure kids have plenty of makeup removal wipes and a camera handy.

4. Telephone:

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Nothing

How To:

  1. Make the tweens stand in line. The first player on the line has to whisper a phrase or to say to the next player, who again has to pass to the next player in the line. It will continue until the phrase or saying reaches the last player in the line.
  1. The last player has to announce what she heard. Kids will have a hearty laugh hearing how the phrase changed.

5. Celebrity Head’s Game:

Celebrity Head’s Game
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Cardboard squares
  • Headbands
  • Sticky tape
  • Marker

How To:

  1. Before beginning the game, tell the players to write the names of the celebrity on a cardboard square and place in the hat.
  1. Each player has to pull out a cardboard piece from the hat and without looking at the name; he/she has to attach the cardboard to the headband using a sticky tape.
  1. Now everyone else will know the identity of the player’s celeb except the player himself.
  1. To find out about the celeb, the player has to take turns at asking questions about the celebrity, for example, “Am I tall or short’? Or “Am I a female”?
  1. To the first person to guess the identity of the celeb will be the winner.

6. MASH:

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Pen and paper for each player

How To:

  1. MASH stands for Mansion, Apartment, Shack and House. To play this game, tell the players to write MASH on top of each sheet of paper and then write the categories underneath. Example for the categories- husband, house, car, the number of kids, colors, job. There must be five options per category.
  1. As one player draws the tally, the other player will interrupt saying ‘stop, that’s your number.’
  1. The first player then has to count through the list, starting with the letters M-A-S-H and crossing off all the items along the way. The one option that is left in the category will be circled.
  1. Now the kids have to read the circled items to know their future. Kids will roll on the floor laughing while reading out the answers.

7. Name The Tune:

Name The Tune
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Nothing

How To:

  1. In this game, one tween has to think of a song and start humming the tune.
  1. The first player to guess the song correctly will be the next player to choose the song and hum.
  1. Finish the game with a karaoke.

8. Cootie Catcher:

Cootie Catcher
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Pen
  • Slips of paper

How To:

  1. Before playing the game, the tweens have to make paper fortune tellers and write colors and numbers on different flaps to make a cootie catcher.
  1. Coming to the game, select one tween to pick a number and move the catcher as many times. With colors, the player has to move the catcher the number of letters in the word.
  1. When the player opens the flap, she will get a fortune written underneath. For example, “You will make the Guinness Book of World Record having the largest collection of gaming consoles”.

9. Pass It On:

Pass It On
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Cushion
  • Music player

How To:

  1. ‘Pass it on’ is a variation of the ‘pass the parcel’ game. But the catch is that tweens have to play in the dark.
  1. Now tell the tweens to sit in a circle and play music in the background.
  1. The kids have to pass the cushion until the music stops. The person who ends with the cushion will be punished. The punishment can be something funny or embarrassing.

10. Snuggle Bug:

Snuggle Bug
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Nothing

How To:

  1. Select one participant to play the role of ‘snuggle bug’. You can also choose the person through a raffle.
  1. The ‘snuggle bug’ now has to go to a part of the house and hide.
  1. The other players have to go around the house looking for the ‘snuggle bug’ asking “are you the snuggle bug?”
  1. If the answer is yes, they have to join the ‘snuggle bug’ in the hiding. The game will end when the last person finds the ‘snuggle bug.’

11. Who Is In The Sleeping Bag?

Who Is In The Sleeping Bag
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Sleeping bags for each guest

How To:

  1. Spread the sleeping bag of each guest in the room and select one player to be the ‘it’.
  1. Everyone else has to get inside his or her sleeping bag and pull the top shut.
  1. The ‘it’ has to come back to the room and tap the sleeping bag.
  1. Now the ‘it’ has to start asking questions like ‘What is your favorite food? Or “Who is your favorite star?”
  1. The player inside the sleeping bag has to respond back in a disguised voice. The ‘it’ now has to guess who is inside the sleeping bag.

12. Beach Ball Game:

Beach Ball Game
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • A large, inflatable beach ball
  • Permanent marker

How To:

  1. Write questions all over the ball using the permanent marker.
  1. Tell the tweens to sit in a circle and throw the ball to any member. The person catching the ball has to answer the question that their right thumb touches.
  1. After answering the question, the player has to throw the ball to another person, and he has to do the same.

13. Drama In The Bag:

Drama In The Bag
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Shopping bags
  • Six different items like a hat, pen, crown, show, party favor and so on.

How To:

  1. Divide the tweens into equal groups and hand each group a bag filled with props.
  1. Now each team has to go to a different room to make up a skit using all the items in the bag.
  1. After 15 minutes, each group has to perform their skit one by one.

14. Foil Project Runway:

Foil Project Runway
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Aluminum foil for each player
  • Embellishments and fashion accessories like ribbons, plastic flowers, beads and so on

How To:

  1. Give each player an aluminum foil for their creations and set out the items for decoration on a table.
  1. Now the players have to create a dress, skirt, top, sportswear or wedding dress from the foil and use beads, embellishment, ribbons and plastic flower for decoration.

15. Spin The Nail Paint Bottle:

Spin The Nail Paint Bottle
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Bright and bold colored nail polish bottles in different colors
  • Nail polish remover
  • Dice

How To:

  1. Now tell the girls to sit in a circle and place a basket of nail polish in the center. Select one girl to start the game. The player will pick the nail polish of her choice and spin it around.
  1. When the bottle stops spinning, the girl at whom it is pointing has to paint her one finger with the same nail paint. Tweens can even roll the dice to determine how many nails they have to paint in that color. When she has done painting the nail, she has to select a color and then spin it again.
  1. You can even send the girls home with the nail paint of their choice.

We hope your kid have fun at their slumber party. Let me know if you want any other game to add to the list.

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