5 Thanksgiving Stories For Preschoolers To Know About The Day

Teach children the importance of sharing, caring, and being thankful for what they have.

Written by MomJunction
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If you want your child to know more about the Thanksgiving tradition, we bring you Thanksgiving stories for preschoolers. These bedtime classics are suitable for reading to your little ones to help them learn while having fun. The stories are easy to read, and children love to listen to them while falling asleep. Thanksgiving is that time of year when we express our gratitude for what we have and celebrate together. And kids need to grasp that knowledge around Thanksgiving. These stories include tales about Thanksgiving and its history to help children understand better. So, explore the stories listed below to choose the right one.

Thanksgiving Stories For Preschoolers

1. A Hunter’s Tale:

Billy and John were discussing their latest turkey hunt. Billy says very emphatically, “I will never take my wife Sandy hunting with me ever again, John.”

“Oh, that’s bad!” says Billy smiling.

“Yes, Laura did nothing right and got everything wrong! She spoke just too much, kept disturbing the undergrowth, loaded the wrong gauge shot in the gun and even used the wrong luring whistles”. “That’s bad, said John. “And worst of all, bellowed Bill, “she shot more turkeys than me!

2. A Tight End:

Philadelphia Eagles, a professional NFL team finished their daily practice session when a turkey came strutting onto the field. The players stared in amazement as the turkey walked up to the head coach and asked if he could play a tight end.

Everyone stared in awe as the bird caught pass after pass and ran towards the defensive line. As the turkey returned to the sidelines, the coach shouted, “You are simply superb! You must sign up for the season. I will see to it that you get a huge bonus”.

“I don’t really care about the bonus,” said the turkey. “What I actually want to know is that does the season go past the Thanksgiving?”

3. No Turkeys, But…”

Early November, the hunting party of the turkey started heading towards Meeke in Minnesota. But surprisingly, they could not find any turkey. “Oh, that’s all right! said Peter”. “Let’s go back to the cabin and have some food. We will try after some time”. But Tommy said that he would skip breakfast and keep looking for the turkeys. Tommy had come all the way from Texas to Minnesota just for shooting.

Just as the other people from the group finished eating their eggs and bread, they headed in the direction of the shooting. As they reached the spot, Tommy said excitedly, “Get the truck here. I have got five of them”.

“Do you really think we need a truck for five turkeys?” said Peter.

“Turkey? I have got myself five sheep. I didn’t come here all the way from Texas to go empty handed”.

4. My Thanksgiving In France:

It was my first Thanksgiving after moving overseas, so I decided to treat my family to a traditional turkey. I went to the grocery store, which happened to be French store. I went directly to the area where the meats were laid out. Since I couldn’t speak French fluently, I tried to determine the poultry breasts myself.

A butcher was watching me in amusement from some time long. He said that he was ready to help me. In my broken French, I asked if he could speak English. He replied “No.” Then I asked him if he knew German. He again replied “No.”

Seeing no other way, I pointed at the poultry breasts, tucked my thumbs in the armpits, flapped my ears and squeaked “Gobble, gobble.” The butcher started laughing hysterically and replied “Oui’ (yes). Yes, I was embarrassed, but at least I got the turkey for the Thanksgiving.

5. The Angry Turkey:

A middle-aged woman, who we lovingly called Maisie, heard that fresh turkey is far more superior in terms of taste than the frozen one. So she set off to the local market and bought a plump and fine turkey from a farmer.

While taking the bird home, Maisie couldn’t help but look at it carefully. Even the turkey seemed to be watching her. Maisie felt a chill of horror down the spine as she realized that she would have to execute it in the morning.

As the next day began, Maisie realized that she could not decapitate the bird. She seized some ether from the cabinet and put the turkey to sleep. As the bird was asleep, Maisie began plucking feathers from the flesh for cooking in the oven. Just then, the turkey woke up. Seeing his state, the turkey became very irritated and angry. The last we heard is that Maisie was seen being chased around the house by a plump and stark turkey.

Thanksgiving is when people spend time with their near and dear ones and express their gratitude and love towards each other. With the help of these thanksgiving stories for preschoolers, you will be able to include your little ones in the celebration. They say about the history, its importance, and how it has been celebrated over the years. You could also include other family members in the discussion, share stories about past experiences, and have a fun time bonding.

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